Part 7

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???: Tonight we take Rukia.

???: Yes, Captain

(Your Pov)

Rukia has come to find us since we were gone for so long.

Rukia: Where were you guys? I've been waiting for literal hours for you to get back.

Ichigo: It's not important.

You: We were having the best time. We had this contest to see who could kill the mo-

Ichigo put his hand over your mouth to shut you up.

Rukia: What were you about to say Y/n?

Ichigo: It was nothing anyways why don't we go home?

We started walking to Ichigo's house.

You: Guys, something is coming.

A huge amount of spiratal pressure was present as you got ready.

Then two people came from the sky. One was wearing a black robe like ichigo and another was wearing a black robe with white on the back.

 One was wearing a black robe like ichigo and another was wearing a black robe with white on the back

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??: We will be taking Rukia with us now.

Rukia:?! Big brother?

Ichigo: Which one is your brother?

Rukia: The one with black hair. He is one of 13 leaders known as a Captain, named Captain kuchiki. 

You: Cool.

Ichigo: Then who is the redhead?

??: Who are you calling redhead?! My name is Renji Abadi, and we are taking back Rukia to the soul society.

Ichigo: No you are not!

Ichigo rushes in with his zanpakuto and goes after Renji. You just sit down on the ground and watch on. 

Ichigo: What do you want with Rukia?!

Renji: That is none of your business!

Ichigo: Then I'm going to have to make you tell me!

Ichigo continues to attack Renji with his zanpakuto. Renji was being pushed back and about to lose when. Captain Kuchiki went in and took the blade of Ichigo's zanpakuto off, as Rukia was in shock, and fear.  I had a smirk on my face as I was still on the floor.

Ichigo: Wh- What the hell? 

A big gash was then present on Ichigo's chest. As blood came flying out.

Ichigo: What the?

Ichigo started to fall. As I look over to Rukia seeing tears falling out.

You: ?!

Kuchiki: You even fall slow.


Kuchiki was about to deliver the final blow, but then you stepped in. Stopping the blade with your fingers

 Stopping the blade with your fingers

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Renji: How the hell? He stopped it with just his fingers

You: I think that's enough he's already defeated. There is no point in going on anymore.

Kuchiki: I suggest you back away or you'll end up like your friend over there

You: Na, I'm good. 


You: I'd rather fight you.

Renji: That's not a wise choice.

Rukia: No Y/n, just let them take me already. I don't need anyone else to get hurt.

You: Don't worry about it I got this.

Kuchiki: I assume you made your decision.

You: Yep you are not taking Rukia.

Kuchiki: So be it, Renji stay out of this fight and keep an eye on the orange haired one too okay?

Renji: Yes Captain.

Kuchiki: Are you ready then?

You: Born ready.

THE GOD MADE FROM NOTHING BOOK 2: Y/n x BleachWhere stories live. Discover now