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"N...No...NOO" Sara shouted her tears started rolling down her face, and she took some steps to go to that building but her legs stopped working and she knelt on the ground and started crying out Aloud "No! LIAM" Sara covered her face with both of her hands while Kathleen was standing beside her looking at the fire burning that building, tears rolling down her face, she was unable to speak or move "This...ca... can't be...real" Kathleen sobbed, wiped her tears, knelt beside Sara patting on her shoulder, Sara was getting red because of the frustrating and anger in her "W...why" Sara cried out more seeing the participants running from there and going the mentioned place without caring for anyone else

"Sara please, we can't just sit here, try to understand please" Kathleen cried "I hope he is safe" Kathleen mumbled to herself but Sara heard her "You were the one who hated him" Sara replied "No...I never hated him" Kathleen said while wiping her tears "You..... wh... who's there!?" Sara said while pointing behind Kathleen, Kathleen turned back and found someone wearing a blue hoodie with a mask and a cap "Is he Liam?" Kathleen asked while widening her eyes to see clearly "N...No Liam was wearing black" Sara replied while quickly wiping her tears off and standing up "Then who's that" Kathleen also stood up with a confused expression on her face, That person started taking slow steps towards Kathleen and Sara making both of them step back one by one "He's giving me strange vibes" Sara whispered in Kathleen's ear, That person's step taking speed got a little high and he started coming to them with big steps, Kathleen came in front of Sara "We should run now" as she said that a participant came running there and being chased by a person who's clothing was same as the one coming to them, Suddenly the participant running fell and the person chasing him stabbed his back with a knife which made Kathleen and Sara flinch and mouth open with shock "WHAT HE KILLED HIM!" Sara shouted and looked at the person who was coming to them pulling out a knife from his pocket "THEY ARE THE KILLERS" Kathleen shouted, took Sara's hand, and started running as fast as she could, now they were not being chased by one person but two, as they crossed that area they saw a bundle of dead bodies laying over there who were killed by gun "WHAT'S GOING ON" Sara shouted while running beside Kathleen, still getting chased by the two killers behind them "WHERE WE HAVE TO GO?" Kathleen wasn't able to speak calmly in this situation, She was shouting at the top of her lungs "I DON'T KNOW" Sara replied "WHERE ARE THE OTHER PARTICIPANTS" As Sara completed her sentence they heard a scream from a building "WE CAN'T STOP" Kathleen said while gasping for air but Still running "WE SHOULD SEPARATE PATHS" Sara suggested, "HAVE YOU GONE CRAZY?" Kathleen replied, both took a turn and went behind a building but the killers were fast enough to chase them till there "WHY THEY HECK THEY ARE SO FAST" Sara's breath getting heavier "I CAN'T" Sara was getting slower "DON'T BE A FOOL RIGHT NOW" Kathleen grabbed Sara's hand ran with more speed than before "WAIT" Sara stopped running "WHAT?" Kathleen stopped, gasping for breath "They are no more behind us" Sara said while looking at the path they came from, Kathleen turned back still breathing heavily "I guess it's the main point of round 2" and looked at Sara "But why they aren't chasing us anymore?" Sara's breath was coming to normal now "I don't know" Kathleen replied while looking here and there "Let's find the building where we are supposed to go" Kathleen said while tying up her laces tightly "The host said, that building was of another block" Sara replied with her hands on her waist looking here and there for any participant "How much time is left?" Kathleen asked and stood up after tying her shoelaces, Suddenly they heard a voice behind them both of them turned back just to see the killers who were chasing them

"Hello little ones," The killers said "Here we go again" Kathleen mumbled, grabbed Sara's hand, and ran in the opposite direction with the killers chasing them "PLEASE I CAN'T FACE THIS SH!T ANYMORE" Sara shouted on top of her lungs while running, not feeling her legs anymore "HEY LOOK OVER THERE WE ARE IN SECOND BLOCK" Kathleen said pointing at the board hanged up on a wall "I GUESS WE HAVE TO FIND OUR LOCATION HERE" Sara got her smile back with the hope of finding their destination in block 2 "LOOK OVER THERE, LIGHT IS COMING OUT OF THAT BUILDING" Kathleen pointed at a building which was different from others, In the happiness of finding their destination they forgot about the killers chasing them, Both of them Kathleen and Sara ran with more speed to reach the entering point of the building, as soon as they stepped in the entrance of the building the killers stopped chasing them and stood still where they were "They stopped" Sara turned back to look at the killers "I guess we are at right place" Sara gasped for breath "Let's go inside" Kathleen said and took Sara's hand in her and entered the building, They came Infront of a room with a banner 'Enter' on it, Sara eye's filled up with tears "What about Liam?" Sara asked while looking at the banner with tears in her eyes "I hope he's safe" Kathleen held her breath and slowly opened the door and went Inside the room just to see 2 more participants there, then she looked at the screen which showed them that 10 minutes are still left, seeing the time one last hope of Liam coming back took place in Kathleen's and Sara's heart

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