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"What is it?" Joshua asked seriously, sensing that Kathleen had something important to tell him. "Josh, around 6 or 6:30 pm, Sara and I were at the running track and...," Kathleen seemed afraid of something. "And what? Darling, are you okay?" Joshua asked with concern. "I saw someone looking at us from behind a tree," Kathleen said with a trembling voice. Joshua's expression grew serious. "Who!?" he asked, his face devoid of all emotion. "I don't know," Kathleen replied, shaking her head. "But it was creepy. I don't want to overthink, but it was really creepy." Kathleen looked at Joshua, who appeared to be deep in thought. "Do you think it could be someone you know?" Kathleen took a deep breath. "I don't know, Josh. Also, the person's face was covered with a mask and cap, so I wasn't able to recognize them." Joshua's smile returned, and he decided to calm Kathleen down instead of worrying her more. "Maybe it was just someone watching you guys while you were running. Don't stress, everything's okay," he said in a calm voice. "Maybe," Kathleen said, still unconvinced. Joshua hugged her and said, "Everything is okay, don't worry." He patted Kathleen's head and added, "Let's go now, otherwise Sara will think we aren't giving her enough time."

It was time for bed, but Kathleen couldn't stop thinking about the person who was staring at them. It was getting late, and she couldn't sleep. She kept wondering who it could be. Suddenly she felt her eyes being heavy and head hurting.

"Darling!" Joshua chuckled. "Darling, don't you want to wake up?" he said while gently shaking Kathleen.

"What!" Kathleen replied with a long sigh, still half asleep.

"Wake up, it's 12 noon," Joshua said, looking at the sleepy Kathleen with a smile.

"What? 12 noon!" Kathleen exclaimed, getting up as fast as she could. "Oh my, I slept so much. Where's Sara? Did you have breakfast?" she asked in confusion, not expecting to sleep that long.

"Calm down, darling," Joshua replied, laughing. "Yes, you slept for a long time. Sara is in the lounge, and yes, I had breakfast. Now, calm down."

Kathleen sighed. "My head's hurting. I don't know what's happening to me."

"It's okay, darling! You must be tired, and that's why this is happening. No need to worry. Now, come on, don't you want to eat breakfast?" Joshua asked with a smile.

Kathleen was still pondering over the person she had seen yesterday when Joshua walked in with an envelope. "Kathleen this Is for you and Sara ," he said, holding out the envelope. Kathleen was confused and asked, "For us?" Joshua confirmed it and handed the envelope to her.

Sara came into the kitchen at the same time and asked, "Did you call me?" Joshua replied, "Yes, here's something for both of you," crossing his arms. Kathleen and Sara eagerly opened the envelope and discovered that it was an invitation to a tournament. "It's a tournament!" exclaimed Sara excitedly. "Can we participate in it? Is there a prize?" she asked with enthusiasm.

Joshua interrupted, "No outsiders are allowed," pouting. "That's not fair," he added. "Then you guys can't go either," he said while sitting on a chair. "But why !? It's a tournament for runners so we both will go for sure" Sara replied

Kathleen interrupted the conversation and focused on the card. "The tournament is called 'RUN TO WIN.' It's like a race - you run, take the first place, and win a prize," she read aloud. However, she sighed heavily.

Joshua expressed concern, "I can't let you guys go alone." Sara replied, annoyed, "We are not kids." "IT WILL BE FUN. LET'S PARTICIPATE IN IT, KATHLEEN. I'M SURE YOU'LL WIN," Sara exclaimed with excitement.

"Hmmm we should" Kathleen looked at Joshua who was already looking at her and wasn't looking happy "I'm sorry Josh, but Sara is excited so we both should go" Kathleen said to Joshua "Fine, do whatever you guys want" Joshua got up and left Kathleen and Sara alone, "He's just being over protective" Sara said while rolling her eyes "Nevermind, we will go right ?" Sara asked from Kathleen "Yes we will" Kathleen replied with a smile but she wasn't happy, because of her Joshua got upset

But they missed one crucial sentence written inside the envelope, "RUN TO SURVIVE."

The Darker Side Of The RunOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora