Chapter Thirty Four

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      The next day, Can, Sanem and Kadir all stood on the dock, saying there goodbyes to Efe and Carolina... 

      Kadir gave Efe a huge hug, " Be safe and take as long as you want...we stocked enough food and water for a month if you want to extend your honeymoon trip." He said, giving him a wink.

      Efe laughed, " Thanks Kadir, but I have a job waiting for me in two weeks, so we will be back before then... By the way, how did things work out with Gabby?" He asked, slapping him jokingly on the back...

      Kadir hung his head, " Well it took a little bit of talking but we are good. In fact we are better than good. I think you we will be seeing a lot more of Gabby around here"....He replied, as his face beamed with excitement...

      Can untied the ropes from the dock and tossed them in, " Take care son, are carrying precious cargo with you...come home safe and sound." He called out to them...

      Efe and Carolina waved until they were out of sight....

" Now all they had were each other... And a boat full of love"......

      Efe  and Carolina Divit  began their life together in very close proximity to where Efe had grown up... They purchased a villa not far from Divit Estates and set up their home...

      Their love for each other was as strong as the love of Can and Sanem and just as passionate...

      It wasn't long before Adam Munro had a change of heart about the whole Divit family and showed up on their door step, ready to welcome his new son-in-law into his heart.

      That was just the first of many visit to Malaga Spain and the Divit home for Adam. His heart was the happiest when he was with his daughter and her new family...

      Kadir and Gabriela spent a lot of time together getting to know each other and realizing that the lies and manipulation of Paola that had brought them together, had been the best thing that could have ever happened...

      One year later, Kadir and Gabby exchanged their vows on the beach, in much the same fashion as Efe and Carolina.....

      They too made their home along the same stretch of beach.  Happy and content to live the rest of their lives all together..

     Efe and Carolina extended their family with two beautiful girls. The oldest, Margaret( Maggie for short) had beautiful flaming red hair like her mother, and eyes as dark and expressive as her father....

      The  youngest daughter, Suraya, was the spitting image of her grandmother Sanem, and became a gifted and talented writer as well...Taking the Divit name well into future of bestsellers in the world of literature.....

      Kadir and Gabriela filled their home with four beautiful children, three boys and one very spoiled daughter... The boys, Diego, Sergio and Altan, carried on the Divit trait of sailing, learning from the best sailor they knew....their grandfather.  And Olivia, their daughter grew into a strong and intelligent woman, working as a journalist for a local magazine.

      Even Paola and Alvaro lived a life of happiness after the truth was revealed. The birth of their son was the best thing that ever happened to them, and he remained their only child. A move to Barcelona came shortly after his birth and that is where they remained for many, many years.     

      That long stretch of white sand that Can had discovered so many years ago,...where he waited for his beloved Sanem to come back to him, where they began their life together......

      This was the place where the Divit family would live and thrive for years and years to come...

It was a place where "Love Makes Everything Right"........

Thank you everyone for continuing to read and support my stories....

This will bring " The Brother Series" to a close....I hope you have enjoyed the series about Can and Sanem's sons...Efe and Kadir Divit.. 

We have followed this family through so much love and heartache to bring them to this point of contentment...  So we will leave them here, but they will never be far from our hearts....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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