Chapter Fifteen

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       Efe closed the door softly,  hoping that she would be able to rest. He steadied himself with one arm braced against the wall. He closed his eye, drawing in a deep and much needed breath. "A baby....a baby. A child with Paola."  That was something he had never imagined, in fact something he had never wanted.

      He knew the fault, if there was any, laid on him.  His lifestyle had been reckless and uninhibited for most of his life. He had never thought of the consequences when he saw a beautiful girl and she offered herself to him,... what would any healthy, young guy do... But he had never been disrespectful to any woman. 

      The envelope was still lying on the table when he walked back into the kitchen. Both Can and Sanem were waiting for him, " So son, I guess the results weren't what you had hoped for. Do you want to tell us about it?" His dad asked, as he reached over and turned off the burner on the stove. 

      For some reason the words just would not form in his mouth, but the tears had already began to form in his eyes. One look at his parents, the people that had always been on his side, the ones that had always told him to be himself,..... and his tension released. 

     " Son, we know you will do the right think. You always have." Sanem spoke, here words soothing him. " Now tell us what happened." 

     Efe slid the papers from the envelope, " Here, see for yourself. It's right there." He said, shoving the papers into his dads hands. " I may have ruined the best thing that has ever happened to me, and for what?.... For Paola?" He stammered, slamming his hand against the back of the chair.

      Can scanned over the report until he came to the gestation age.... 12 weeks. He swallowed hard as he read the results. " Efe, don't be so hard on yourself. And I don't think you have lost anything, certainly not Carolina." 

      Efe ran his fingers though his hair, as he paced the floor. " But you didn't see the look on her face dad. When see read that report she got physically sick dad. She went pale and weak, she even threw up." He ranted.

      Sanem grabbed him, " Efe,'s a baby. It's just a baby,...your baby. If Carolina loves you, she will love the baby too. But most of all, you have to love this child.... And don't let your mistakes keep you from that." She said sternly, forcing him to listen.

      Carolina laid there trying to relax. She could hear the muffled conversation coming from the kitchen and she knew his parents were hearing the news. " You knew this was a possibility. You knew that Paola could be telling the truth, but you were stupid enough to think it wouldn't happen." She screamed silently in her head. 

      She pushed herself up to a sitting position on the bed, " Ok, you have two choices....You stand with the man you love and accept this child, love it as if it were your own,......or, you book the next flight back to the states."  Her thoughts rambling through her head.

      She knew if she chose the latter, she would have to admit that the love she felt for Efe wasn't strong enough, and that just wouldn't be true..... She loved him with all her heart. But was she strong enough to keep Paola from ruining what they had...

      Even the thought of leaving Malaga and Efe was not possible for her. She knew she had to stay with him,...she knew that a few days ago when she chose Efe over going home to the states with her dad. Her mind was made up......" I'm not going anywhere... My place is here with the man I love..... She had made her decision. 

      She opened the door and went down the hallway to the kitchen, " Well I guess you both have heard the news." She spoke, reaching for Efe's hand " I want you both to know, I will do everything I can  to make this work. I love your son.....and I will love this baby too." 

      Efe wrapped his arms around her. Never had he had more love for her than now, " Are you sure babe. I'm so sorry, you didn't ask for this and I want you to be sure." He whispered in her ear.

      She hugged him a little tighter, " Yes, I'm sure. You didn't ask for this either, so we will do this together." She answered, with a kiss on the cheek. " But I have to call my dad. The longer I wait the harder it will be. So after dinner I'll make the call." 

      Adam Munro was deep into this whole story of Emre Divit. He was surprised at how much information he was able to dig up on this family. 

      He stretched his back as he scrolled on through the report of how Emre Divit was charged with bribery and the lengths they went too to cover it all up. " It's like this guy had nine lives, and it sounds as if he used almost all of them."  He smirked.

       And this Can Divit, the famous photographer, he just disappeared from Turkey, turned his back on his family, and the whole family business went down the tubes. What a couple of jerks, he thought. But he still hadn't found the reason for Can Divit being in Spain. 

       He was thankful for having friends in high places, without them he never would have been able to access all the information that he had about this corrupt family. Huma Ardamar would most likely have been on the 10 Most Wanted List if she lived here in the states. 

      He was still in awe of how she thought she was going to get away with fraud and falsifying medical reports. She was clearly infatuated with the power of the Divit name, and money, but what puzzled him the most was the hatred she had for Sanem Divit. That was the one thing he couldn't figure out.

      He pushed himself away from the desk and headed for the kitchen. He had drank too much vodka on an empty stomach, it was time for some food. He went over all the information he had read on Sanem Aydin Divit in his head, as he popped a frozen pizza in the oven.  

       By all the things that he had read, Sanem Aydin was probably the most normal person in this family, aside from Aziz Divit. The only thing wrong with the elder Divit was that he married the wrong person when he hooked up with this Huma. 

       He carried the pizza back to his desk and looked over his notes as he ate. "Ok, we have a man, Can Divit, who clearly had problems handling family drama...and then there is his brother, who was a jealous crook from day one.... Then we have the mother, and I use that term very loosely, who was possessed with the devil, as far as I can tell...

       But there was nothing about Can and Sanem Divit that sent out a red flag for him. Sanem Aydin was a famous writer, and gave it all up to stay in Malaga, Spain with the man she loved, to start a family......nothing earth shattering about that.

       According to the information he had on them from Spain, they were an upstanding family. They were a family that was financially well off, but never flaunted it. Can Divit was still admired for his photography there, and even did some charity work for Malaga. 

      What he found on the Divit children was even more uneventful. Both boys had been students at the top of their classes. Efe Divit had a degree in business and had been offered a position at a top management company....... 

      So, ...why was Efe Divit out sailing the ocean like a pirate.....and what did he want with my  daughter...  Adam wondered.... That was something he knew he had to find out...

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