Chapter Eighteen

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      The evening had been one of the best that Kadir had spent in a long time. He loved hearing her voice, he loved seeing the expression in her eyes as she talked, and after a few of those strong Sangrias Gabby was more than willing to talk...

      " You know, probably do, but I will say it anyway.....I had the biggest crush on you." She whispered loudly as she leaned across the table. " When Paola started seeing Efe,... and you would come to the bar with him sometimes,.... Yep, I thought you were the most good looking guy I had ever seen.... Well whatever, that's all water under the bridge now, as they say." Gabriela said, slurring her words and flinging her hands up in the air.

      Kadir could feel his face turn warm with embarrassment. But mostly for Gabby, because he was sure she hadn't planned on revealing her most secret thoughts about him to his face. " Oh really, I had no idea, but that's sweet." He replied, wanting desperately to change the subject.

      " Yes I did....I thought about you all the time, I even asked Paola about you, but she just laughed at me and told me I didn't have a chance, I just worshipped you from afar." She stated, making a funny face and then she giggled.

      Her words stung his heart. Why would she say that to someone that was suppose to be their friend? " Well,...she just might have been wrong you know." Kadir answered her, wanting to make her feel better. " Maybe if I had known,....well who knows, things might have been different." 

      Gabriela threw her head back and let out a huge bellowing laugh, making the few people that were still there in the cafe turn her way and look. " That's a good one Kadir. You might have noticed me if you had known.... Sure, when pigs fly." She snipped, the whole toned of her voice changing.

      She stood suddenly, " You know, I think it's time for me to go. Shit is getting a little deep here." She smirked. " Thanks for the dinner, and the conversation, but I'm taking a taxi home." She spit out her words at him with force.

     Kadir jumped up, " Gabby, come on. I will take you home.....that was the deal." He pleaded, not wanting to see her go. " If you're ready to go then I will take you. This has been a great evening,...don't spoil it by storming off in a taxi." 

      Her sudden movement had caused the whole place to start spinning, so she grabbed on to the back of the chair to steady herself.  Kadir reached over, sliding his arm around her quickly, "Whoa,...are you ok? Here, let me help you." He told her, as his arms encased her and he pulled her up against him. 

      She couldn't keep from giggling. Here she was, wrapped up in the arms of the guy that turned her on more than anything,.... and she was drunk. But she sank into his arms as if she belonged there, as if she owned him. 

      Kadir waved at the waiter, " Carlos, bring us a black coffee to go please." He said, still holding Gabby in his arms. The coffee arrived immediately, " I'm sorry Carlos, but can you put this one on my tab. I'll be back by tomorrow to settle up with you." He asked, as he guided Gabby toward the taxi waiting for them at the curb.

      He opened the door and she fell inside the taxi, and Kadir followed, sliding her over to the other side. " Hey, what are you doing? I can get home by myself.... You just take care of yourself." She blurted out, pushing his hands away.

      Kadir snickered, " Gabby, I will take you home, then come back for my bike. Don't fight me on this, because you're not going to win." He told her as he slammed the taxi's door.

      Gabriela gave the driver her address, then laid her head back against the seat, " Oh no you don't, here drink this coffee." He said, shoving the steaming cup of black coffee under her nose. 

      She breathed in the smell of the coffee, " Smells good, thanks." She replied, as she sipped in the hot brew. By the time the taxi pulled up in front of her apartment building, Gabriela began to come around. "At least the world has stopped spinning."  She thought, as she opened her eyes and looked around.

      Gabriela handed Kadir the empty coffee cup, " Thank you for seeing me home, but it was totally unnecessary." She told him as she opened the door of the taxi. " And let's consider this apology over and done with." 

      Kadir nodded cordially, " Gabriela, it was a pleasure. I had a great time,...I hope you did." He said flashing her that charming Divit smile.

      She slammed the door and turned toward the front door of her apartment. She wasn't sure if she was more upset with Kadir or herself. " Of all the times to get yourself tipsy, it had to be tonight.....the night you have been dreaming of for years..  She scolded herself, as she turned her key in the lock.

      Kadir watched her as she made her way to the front door, wondering why he was having a difficult time letting this evening go. She had been a breath of fresh air,...and bright spot in his day, so to speak.... And he already wanted to see her again.

     It was really late by the time the taxi dropped him off at his motorcycle, but the thought of going home without a solution to his brothers problem was still weighing heavy on his mind. 

      Maybe he would have to think of another way to blow Paola's claim out of the water... the thought of using Gabby to get to Paola didn't seem like the best thing to do now. 

      Kadir pulled the helmet on over his head. The thought of Gabby had brought a smile to his face, and the thought of her wearing his helmet sent a slight wave of excitement through his body..... As he fired up his bike, he remembered the feeling of her body sitting so close behind him that he could feel her heat.

      Gabby was still a little unsteady on her feet as she walked into her apartment. The small lamp in the corner was the only light in the room, but she knew she hadn't left that light on. She looked around quickly, spotting Paola curled up on the sofa, asleep. 

      Paola blinked her eyes, looking around a bit confused. " Oh Gabby,...where have you been? I've been waiting on you for hours." She mumbled, stretching her arms up over her head.

       " Why are you here Paola. Why were you waiting on me. I was having dinner with someone if you must know." She babbled, still not in complete control of her facities..

      Paola sat up, looking closely at her, " Are you tipsy?... You are. Who did you go out with.." She asked, demanding to know. " I had good news,...or at least I had some news about my little problem,...and I wanted to tell you about it. were off having fun with someone." She huffed, letting her anger show...

      Gabby closed her eyes, wishing she didn't have to deal with Paola this very minute. " It was Kadir,..I was with Kadir. He wanted to apologize to me for being rude earlier today, so he took me to dinner,..that's all." She explained, as she kicked off her shoes and plopped down on the sofa next to Paola.

      " KADIR DIVIT!! You were with Kadir Divit? Are you a total idiot. I knew you stupid,..but I had no idea you were insane as well." Paola yelled, throwing her arms up in the air.

      " What did you tell him!! You know that's the only reason he is doing this. He wants to get to me through you.... You are so stupid" She said again, her words echoing loudly...

      The tears began to well up in her eyes, " No Paola, he didn't even mention your name... What makes you think he couldn't be interested in me.?  Why is everything always about YOU!"...Gabby screamed back, releasing her own anger....     

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