Chapter Nine

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      Efe and Carolina were snuggled up tightly together in one of the beach chairs. The last couple of days had taken their toll on both of them. The arrival of Carolina's dad and the news from Paola had both of them weary.

      All Efe wanted was to have some sort of proof in his hand that this baby was in fact his. He was trying hard to recall the last time he had been intimate with Paola, but the best he could remember it had been a while before they left for their trip.

      Carolina took a deep breath, " Efe, after you find out about the baby later on today, I think I should call my dad. I hate that I just turned my back on him like that." She spoke, the look on his face as she walked away from him in the airport still vivid in her mind.

      " Ok, sure. But you know he will try and convince you to come home. Are you ready for that." Efe asked. Efe knew just how much Adam Munro resented him, so he might say or do anything to  get her home. 

      Carolina knew her dad well, and she knew there was a very good chance that he might not even want to speak to her. " You don't know my dad like I do sweetie. If someone hurts him, it's not likely he will forgive them on the first try. So, he might not even answer my call." She told him.

      Efe tightened his hold on Carolina, wishing they were back on their boat, sailing across the Mediterranean Sea. How did things go so wrong, he wondered, " What ever I find out today from the doctor reports, I want to start making our plans to get married. We won't let this get in our way..... do you agree?" He spoke as he stroked her hair gently.

      Carolina raised up, looking at him, " Efe, I don't know if that's the best thing right now. What if Paola is carrying your child,.... What are you going to do?" She stated, surprised at his proposal.

      " It doesn't make any difference Carrie. If that is the case, then we will take care of it together. Us being married won't keep me from taking care of the child,...if it is mine." He told her.

      The roar of Kadir motorcycle as he pulled in interrupted their conversation. Efe wondered where his brother had been all day, " Hey kid, where have you been. I thought maybe you already went back to work at the newspaper." He said with a laugh.

      Kadir plopped down in the other chair, wishing he had better news to tell his brother. " Hey I kind of need to talk to you." He said, glancing at Carolina. She got the hint that he wanted to talk alone, " Ok, you two talk and my going inside for some tea." She gave Efe a peck on the cheek, "We will talk about this later my dear....don't worry, I'm not saying "no".... She whispered, and then gave him a more substantial kiss in the lips.

     Efe sat up on the edge of the chair, watching her as she strolled toward the house. " Ok Kadir, what's so important that you had to run off my bride-to-be." He said sharply, glaring to his brother. 

     Kadir shook his head, " I'm trying to help you here, and you want to get an attitude with me. For your information, I have just come from seeing Gabriela, know, Paola's friend. She didn't say much because I pissed her off before I got to set up my plan." He stated, leaning in close to Efe.

      The words got Efe's attention immediately, " What, you went to see Gabby. Did she say something,....I don't think she would say anything against Paola....or did she?" Efe rambled on.

      " Well she did say one think, after we both got a little hostile with each other, she said... "I may not agree with what's she doing, but she's still my friend, and Efe hurt her a lot." ....

      He recited their conversation to Efe, " So I don't think that Gabby is too happy with Paola, if I can get her to talk,...well your problems just might be over with." He snipped, leaning back and folding his hands behind his head, obviously very pleased with himself.

      Efe smirked, " And how are you going to get her to give up her best friend? That girl only lives and breaths when Paola tells her too." He spoke with sarcasm.

      Kadir smiled, giving him a wink, " Well I might have some of that Divit charm too. It always  seemed to work for you, so I thought I might try it." He teased, holding up his hands in defense.     " I'm not very happy about having to use myself like that,...but I would do it for you brother, and Carolina." 

      Carrie turned the kettle on as she walked into the kitchen. " It's funny."  She thought with a smirk, " I have become quite a tea drinker."   She wandered into the living room, looking for Sanem, as she waited for the water to boil, but there wasn't a sigh of her. 

      She stopped at the huge bookshelf that covered most of the wall, scanning over what seemed to be a thousand books. She immediately spotted a book with a brightly colored cover of a Phoenix and an Albatross......This has to be Mrs. Divit's book.....

      She pulled it from the shelf,  eager to sit down and read it, when she heard some slightly muffled sounds of laughter coming from the closed door of the office. She listened closely for a second, but it didn't take long for her to realize that it was Mr. and Mrs. Divit. 

      She smiled,  knowing she was listening to a mid-day romp between the two. She quickly took the book and tiptoed back to the kitchen. She poured her tea and quietly slipped out the door to the courtyard, leaving the couple to their privacy. 

      But the thought of how they still made time for each other, how they still loved each other after all these years,.... Well it made her feel good. Maybe Sanem had been right about the Divit men,.... When they find the love of their lives, they hold on to it for dear life.....

      That is what she wanted with Efe, that kind of love. A love that after 30 years you can still close the door of any room of the house and make love.... A love that requires no boundaries, no exceptions, no doubts...just a love that makes you happy to live life.... Yes that's what she wanted....

      She could see that Efe and Kadir were still deep in conversation, so she opened the book and started reading....

      A few pages into the book she knew, this was going to be the best love story of all history... But she already knew how this story played out.... She smiled as she continued to read. 

      Paola tucked the report from the doctor neatly into her bag as she headed back to the boutique. Her mind still in  a frenzy of how this was going to work.. " You got this girl. Just stay calm and everything will work out."  She told herself as she turned the corner heading to the shop.

     She stopped quickly as she looked up ahead. There was Alvaro, leaned up against the door of the shop.... " What is he doing here now."  Her mind was racing with thoughts...

      She smoothed down her body hugging skirt, and flipped her long silky black hair back over her shoulders, and started for the door.....

      Alvaro watched her as she came his way. Why had he fallen for this woman...why had he let her back into his life. She was possibly the most beautiful woman in Malaga, and also the most ruthless, he knew all of this....But she made him feel like no one else could......

      " Well my love, you decided to talk to me anyway..... Good, come on in." She said, unlocking the door. " We have a lot to talk about." She said with a smile.....



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