Chapter Ten

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      Adam woke up in much the same way that he had gone to sleep, a turmoil. It had been twelve hours since he walked through the door of their home, without his daughter. The trip home had been so trying that all he wanted to do was go to sleep and try to forget.

      First thing he did was to check his phone, missed calls, no voicemails, no messages... " I guess she has made her choice and is going to stick with it." He grumbled as he struggled to get out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

      A hot shower and clean clothes might just be the answer for now, but the only way he was going to feel better, was if his Carrie would come walking through the door.

      He had to admit, the shower and the taste of his favorite coffee, had begun to work its magic, as he looked out the back door into the huge yard. The visions of a little girl with brilliantly colored copper hair, running around playfully, was all that he could see. But he knew the yard was empty...

      The temptation to pick up his phone and call her was so strong that it was all he could do to fight it off. "No.... You can't call her. She has to be the one to come to her senses. She made the mistake, now she must fix it."   He told himself. But deep in his heart, he knew that most likely would not happen...

      Alvaro nodded a hello to Paola, and followed her inside the boutique. " So, you took an extra long lunch. I've been here for over and hour waiting for you." He snapped, feeling a bit of jealousy rearing its evil head. 

      He had heard that Efe and Kadir Divit were back home from their summer long hiatus. So the first thought was that Paola had maybe, taken the first step in rekindling that relationship. She had always made it clear to him that Efe Divit was a one of a kind man, almost perfection... as she would say. 

      Paola snatched the closed sign from the front door, " I'm sure I don't have to answer to you about how long of a lunch break I take. But.... I had an important errand to run, if you must know." She replied, prancing around to the other side of the counter.

      Alvaro rolled his eyes, " Oh I can just imagine. So what is this thing you have to talk to me about?" He asked, but he quite sure he knew the answer to that already. Paola had broke it off with him once before because of Efe Divit, and he knew all the signs..

      Paola smiled at him, " Well, I think that it's time for us to part ways... and please don't  make a scene, you knew that this, that we were only temporary. And there's no reason for anyone to know that we were....well you know you helped me through a tough time, but know one needs to know that. I will deny it if you tell anyone that we have been together." Her smile faded from her face as she stared at him. 

      Alvaro wondered how he could love a woman that he hated so much. She had used him before, but this time it hurt him much more than he expected. " Yes, I get it. I heard that Efe was back. So, you are going to run right back to the man that humiliated you." He smirked. " You two deserve each other,....oh, and don't worry, I wouldn't breathe a word about us. I don't want to look like a loser." He spit out the words in anger.

      She tried to act as if his words hadn't stung like a bee, but in fact they had. But she turned to him with a determined look on her face, " Well, well. I see what you think of me now. I was feeling bad about asking you to keep out little fling a secret....but not now." She spoke, her eyes glaring at him.

      He nodded cordially and turned to leave, " Oh, by the way, I was wondering, what do you plan to do with the beautiful redhead that came back with Efe." He said with a puzzled look on his face. " I heard she was from the states. Hmm, bad news does travel fast in this town." The sound of his laughter echoed through the shop, as he swung open the door and walked out.

      She squeezed her eyes shut tightly and clamped her hands over her ears, trying to drown out the sound. Her body was shaking with anger, " You'll see Alvaro.. you will see." She mumbled under her breath.

      Carolina had read only a few pages of Sanem's book, as she lounged in the courtyard, but the tears had already surfaced in her eyes. The love that she had written about was supernatural, phenomenal, and as she outlined on almost every page, it was an unforgettable love.

      Her throat tightened as she tried to keep her emotions under control. She was reading about the time of Sanem's deepest loneliness, when Can had left. Carolina was pulled so fully into the words of each page that she hadn't even felt those tears sliding down her cheeks, or heard Can as he walked up beside her.

      " Carolina, I hope you are okay. Efe will make sure that Paola is taken care of, if that's what had brought your tears." He spoke, gently touching her on the shoulder. 

      She jumped, and looked up at him. " Mr. Divit,, I...I was just reading Mrs. Divits book. Hope that's ok, I found it in the library." She told him, blotting the tears that were visible on her face.

      He smiled, " Yes, it's fine. Sanem would be pleased that you're reading it." He pulled the other chair over a little closer to hers and sat down, " Sanem has a great talent. One like I've never seen before. But this book, the first one she wrote, was so amazing, and heartbreakingly true." He spoke, as she noticed his eyes filling with tears.

     " This was our story,... as filled with hurt as it was, was our love story. We both lived through it and we are stronger and more in love than ever." He confessed, his face reflecting every word.

      Her heart was aching for him, but at the same time she could see the love and devotion that he had for his wife....

      She wanted that .....that kind of love....that kind of sacrifice....that compassion for another person... 

      Efe was watching Carolina and his dad as him and Kadir walked their way, " Hey you two, looks like a pretty heavy conversation. Hope you don't mind if we interrupt." He joked, leaning down to kiss her on top of the head. 

      It was then he saw the book she was holding, " Oh, you're reading mom's book. It's a good one, isn't it dad. It's all about how they met, and....well I won't spoil it for you." He said, giving her a wink.

      Can clapped his hands together, " How about some lunch. I know it's a little late, but your mother and I were taking care of some business in the office and time got away from us." He explained, as a very slight shade of red tinted his cheeks. 

      Carolina almost giggled, as she remembered the sounds that she had heard coming from their office earlier. But she wouldn't be the one to expose their secret rendezvous behind closed doors. She thought of how sweet and endearing it was for them to still have such a strong appeal for one another.

      " Sure dad, lunch sounds great. Then I will need to go back to town to pickup the paperwork from Paola. I thought I would take Kadir with me, if that's ok with you Carrie." He said. There was a look of disappointment on her face, " Babe, I just don't want to give Paola a chance to hurt you, that's all..

      She raised her eyebrows, " Thank you Efe... But I think it might a little too late for that,... don't you..... So if it's all the same to you, I would like to go along, just to show her that she can't damage us".....

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