Chapter Thirty Three

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       Carolina and Efe walked to their car hand and hand, still in a daze from the evening events. She looked at Efe as he got in behind the wheel, " So are you sure you're ok. This is quite a shock, and I know you must be disappointed." She spoke softly, as she stroked his cheek.

      He smiled just slightly, " I have to admit, this has affected me more than I thought. I feel as if I have lost a part of my family...even though I wasn't thrilled about having a child with Paola, it was still my flesh and blood, or so I thought.....

      She leaned over, giving him a kiss, " Let's just be thankful that she didn't lose the baby and now the baby will have his real father.  She said, hugging up to him. " And did I hear you say something about a honeymoon Mr.Divit...." 

      Kadir went over and over his speech in his head on his way to Gabby's apartment. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he had to make her believe him.  They weren't going to end this way, not if he could help it. 

       It seemed as if it took forever before her finally pulled up in front her door. He sat there for a second just to compose himself, " Ok, this will probably be the most important thing you will ever do in your make her listen and make her believe."  He told himself as he started to the door.

      Gabby had been home long enough to rip off her dress, kick off her shoes and let her hair down. She found her favorite pj's and pulled them on, ready to crawl into bed and die.....

      But first she needed a glass of, maybe two glasses...." Oh what the hell, just take the bottle,.... you deserve it."  She snipped, grabbing the bottle of sangria from the fridge. 

      As she started back to the bedroom, the large bouquet of lavender and purple flowers sitting on the bar caught her eye.... She stopped and took a deep breath, " I thought that you meant something, I thought he sent you to me because he cared for me..... But I was wrong." She spoke out loud to the flowers.

      She instantly ripped the flowers from the vase and threw them on the floor, taking her foot and stomping the blooms. Taking out all of her hurt on the beautiful flowers.

      With the bottle of wine tucked under her arm and a glass in her hand, she crawled in the bed,  ready to drink all of her problems away. But before she could pour the first glass, she heard a knock on the front door. 

      She leaned her head back in total exhaustion, knowing it was probably Kadir.  He knocked again, " Gabby, I know you there. I want to talk to you. Please.... Efe didn't know what he was talking about. Open the door, I need to see you." He pleaded through the closed door.

     She sat up in the bed realizing that Kadir was more concerned about what Efe had said than the fact she knew about Paola's lie and didn't tell him....

      As she started to the door he knocked again, " I'm not leaving until you see me... I'm not leaving your door....I will stay here all night." 

      She opened the door slowly, ashamed and hurt, but wanting so badly to see him. " Kadir, what do you want. I know I messed up, I should have told you from the beginning.....but," She said. 

      Kadir was so glad to see her...even though her hair was all a mess, and her face was streaked with tears and makeup.....she looked beautiful to him....

      " Gabby, it wasn't your fault. I know that's what you and Paola were fighting about. I know you didn't agree with what she was doing,....and I know you weren't going to let her go through with it"...He uttered, reaching for her and pulling her close.

      " What Efe said about me just using you,..that isn't true." He said. " Well, maybe the first time I came to the bar to talk to you that might have been true. But the second time I came, it was because I wanted to see you. And every time after was because I needed to see you, I couldn't stand not being with you." He admitted. " I'm here right now because I can't imagine not having you in my life."

      She held on tightly to him, sobbing...." I'm sorry,...I'm happy,....I'm relieved, and I can't imagine not having you in my life either." She mumbled through her tears.

      Kadir picked her up, covering her face with kisses.... When they finally parted, he saw the pile of crumbled up flowers lying in the floor.... Gabby looked away, embarrassed, " Sorry, I was a little upset."

      He smiled, " Looks like you may need a fresh bouquet of lavender and purple flowers.....

      Efe and Carolina spent the next little while explaining to Can and Sanem exactly what had happened... " So, Paola had faked the paperwork, and even coerced Alvaro into going along with her plan. But Alvaro told me he would never have gone through with it all...he is genuinely in love with Paola and wants this baby more than anything." Efe spoke, with a bit of regret...

      Can could tell that Efe was having a bit of a hard time with what had just occurred. So he took him aside, just to make sure he was ok. " Son, I know this must be hard on you. I'm not sure if you had thought about this baby as a part of you yet,...but if you had, it's best to find out the truth now than later." He acknowledged, giving him a  hug...

      With both Efe and Carolina ready to put this all behind them, they said their good nights to Can and Sanem and strolled down the beach to the dock.

      " I hear that my little brother went all out in making this boat the perfect honeymoon suite... I hope you like it my beautiful, sweet wife." He told her as they got ready to board the boat...

      Efe stepped over into the boat first, then scooped his wife up in his arms, bringing her aboard in true honeymoon fashion.....

      Carrie squealed with delight as Efe swung her over the side of the boat and into their love nest for the next few days.....

      She was in awe of what Kadin had done with the boat. He had turned it into a floating suite of pure fantasy.....

     She looked at Efe, her husband,....the man she loved more than anything in the world...

" I love it....its perfect....but anywhere that I'm with you is perfect. This is the beginning of our perfect life together.......

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