Chapter Twenty Seven

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      Gabby felt a sharp stab of guilt as the hurtful words tumbled from her mouth. The surprised look on Paola's face was a look she had never seen before. Paola had always seemed to be in control of herself....and everyone else.

      Paola opened and closed her mouth, as if she were trying to speak but couldn't. Gabby was beginning to get concerned as she watched Paola struggle to speak, " No,...No, you will not do any such thing. And Kadir is playing a trick on you,...Efe is not going to marry that woman." She spoke as if she were gasping for air.

      " Why are you doing this to me Gabby,..I'm your best friend,...I'm your family. Why would you believe such a thing. Efe and I are going to..... " She stammered, as she flopped down on the sofa. " Efe and I are going to be a family.....not Carolina....not her." She mumbled, rubbing her face with her hand.

      "Paola, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to tell you like that...but you just made me so mad." She pleaded, trying to console her. Paola jerked away from her, " I think you're lying, I think you wanted to hurt me. Well, if you think you are going to keep me from getting what I want, have another think coming." She recited, as she stood up, looking her directly in the eyes.

      Paola marched to the door, obviously fuming from the encounter. Before opening the door, she turned to look at Gabby, " Oh Gabby, don't bother with any of those dresses, nothing will make you look like you belong with Kadir Divit, certainly not those rags you call dresses." She snapped, with a satisfying look on her face.

      She slammed the door behind her, leaving Gabby standing there with her mouth open. She had never intended to tell Paola like that, to deliberately say things to hurt her. She dropped down on the sofa, realizing that she had probably lost the only person that she considered family.

      She covered her face with her hands and let the tears come. "Maybe she is right....maybe I will never be good enough for Kadir."  She thought. She scooped up the dresses from the sofa and threw them on bed, " She's right, nothing I have is good enough, so what am I doing."

      Paola sat in her car for a minute, reliving what Gabby had said. "That's what was in the garment bag when I saw them today,...her wedding dress. He isn't taking this baby seriously." She thought, her body trembling. 

      " No one is going to treat me like that and get away with it, least of all Efe Divit. He has humiliated me for the last time."  She started her car and drove toward home. " A wedding without your child being there, no..... I'm sure he wouldn't want that. I'll make sure that we are both there.....mother and baby."    She smiled, thinking how happy he would be to have his child at his wedding....

      Adam sat in the chair on the patio, his mind in a state of confusion. Where had he gone wrong, where had he failed his daughter, he wondered. She was just like her mother, a hopeless romantic. 

      Maggie would have been supportive of her, he knew that for sure. She would have loved Efe and how romantic it all seemed. A dashing sailor, sailing the seas looking for the love of his life..... And their daughter Carolina, living an amazing adventure on an island in the Mediterranean Sea, finding each other and falling hopelessly in love. " She would have loved everything about this." He scoffed, shaking his head in disgust.

      He closed his eyes, " Maggie, she's making the biggest mistake of her life....and I can't stop her." He mumbled. 

      His phone rang, making him jump. He grabbed his phone to see who was calling,...and unknown caller is all it said..  He couldn't help but think something might have happened to Carolina, so he answered. 

      " Mr. Munro, this is Efe Divit...I know it's the middle of the night there, but I hope you don't hang up...because we need to talk." Efe spoke with sincerity. There was no response from the other end of the call, but Efe continued. " I know that Carrie left you a message about our wedding earlier, and I'm sure you have a lot of reservations about that happening. But for Carrie's sake, I hope we can find a way to come together." 

      Adam was silent for a minute before answering, " Efe, I don't know if I can ever forgive Carolina for doing what she's doing. And I not sure if I can accept a person like you for my daughters husband. But what I do know is,.... I love my Carolina with all my heart and if she is happy with you.....then I will not stand in her way." He spoke, his body and heart feeling defeated.

      The words might not have seemed like a victory, but to Efe, he had just won the Nobel Peace Prize. " Mr. Munro, I know that would mean the world to Carolina, but it would mean even more if it came from you. Would you consider giving her a call and telling her that?" He asked.

      Adam Munro was not one to back down or admit he was wrong, but at that moment he felt he had no other choice. " Efe, first I want to ask something of you. I want you to tell me how you are going to take care of my daughter. Where are you going to live, you plan on getting a job?" He bombarded Efe with questions.

      Efe took a deep breath, " I would expect all these questions and I hope I have the answers you want to hear. Firstly, I am going to take care of Carolina by loving her, respecting her and putting her above everyone else. I want you to know that we will have a home wherever Carolina chooses. And lastly, I have a job, a very good job, that is waiting for me to begin right after our honeymoon." He explained, then waited for Mr. Munro's reply..

      Adam felt as if the last of his strength had vanished, he had nothing more to say. "Well you seem to have all the answers Efe. I will call my daughter and give her my blessing,... but if anyone or anything harms my daughter, I will hold you personally responsible. Do you understand?" Munro muttered, feeling as if his world was collapsing around him.

       The whole house was already in a rush as Efe came out of his room that morning. Kadir met him in the hallway, " Brother, tell me now, what do you have planned for your wedding night and your honeymoon?" He whispered loudly, not wanting the rest to hear. 

      Efe stared at him, his mind whirling. " Oh my god, nothing,...I have nothing planned Kadir. Am I an idiot....What am I going to do?" He stammered, grabbing his brother by the shoulders.

      "Just calm down brother, I think I have an idea. What,..or where is the most important place to you both?" He asked...waiting for an answer..

      Efe ran his hands through his hair, " I don't know, I don't know. Come on Kadir, don't play games with me....what did you have in mind?" He asked desperately.

      Kadir smiled, " The boat Efe,....the boat. What better place for your wedding night slash honeymoon than spending it on the boat. Then taking a few days and sailing down the coast to that deserted little beach that we used to go to with dad." 

      Efe let out a sigh of relief, " Of course. That would be perfect. Kadir, you are the best brother ever, and a genius as well. But the boat needs to be prepared. We'll need some food and water and,...and.." He stammered.

      Kadir held up his hands, " Say no more. I have already started the preparations. Your friends and I will have everything ready by the time you get Carolina to say "I Do"........

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