Chapter Twenty Two

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      Between the gestures and the looks being tossed back and forth between their two sons, Sanem and Can both knew there was something going on..

       " Ok you two. Do one of you want to let us in on what is going on?" Sanem asked, laying her fork down beside her plate. " Efe, ...Kadir...." She said, looking from Kadir to Efe. 

      Efe smiled, and grabbed Carolina's hand, " Sure, I tell you, and it's very good news." He replied. " Carrie and I have decided to go on with the wedding. And we want to have it here, on the beach." He announced, his face beaming. 

      Sanem clapped her hands together, " Oh I'm so glad. Efe, Carolina,... I couldn't be happier. But you know this won't be easy." She continued, grasping onto Efe hand. She shifted her eyes to  Can, along with Efe, Carolina and Kadir, waiting for what he had to say.

       The look on his son's face was all he needed to know that this was the right decision. "Good,..I'm happy for you. Your mom is right, won't be easy. But then again a true love that was meant to be, never is. And we are glad you want to do it here." He told them, feeling that lump in his throat.

      Kadir jumped up and hurried around the table, " I knew it,...I knew it. I'm so happy for you both." He gave his brother a big hug before turning to Carolina. " And I will finally have the sister I always wanted. Welcome to our family." He said, giving her a hug as well.

      Sanem immediately went into organization mode. " Now what date have you decided on. We will have a lot to do, so we need to get started." She snapped, as she started clearing the table of the breakfast dishes. 

      " Soon mom, soon." He answered. Even though they hadn't discussed it, Efe wanted it to happen now. He turned to Carrie, " What do you think? I was thinking, maybe,...Saturday." He muttered.

      She smiled, " Well then, Saturday it is. On the beach at sunset." She said, as she gazed into his eyes.

      Sanem gasped, " What,....Saturday, this in three days away Saturday." She shrieked. Her mind was already reeling with all the things that needed to be done...

      Carolina began helping her clear the table, " I don't want anything elaborate, and just us. So it shouldn't be a lot of work." She explained, hoping to calm down Sanems excitement. " Don't you think that would be best, you know, because of...." She stopped before finishing her sentence.

      Sanem stopped what she was doing and focused on Carolina. " My dear. Please don't let Paola and what she is claiming overshadow your special day. Efe wants to marry you....and that will never change." She expressed to her, as she caressed her hand in hers.

      " Now we are going to sit down and make a list of everything that needs to be done to make that day just what you want." She explained with authority. Carolina shook her head, " OK, but I still just want an intimate ceremony with just us,...that is unless Efe has some friends he might like to invite, or you and Can."  She said, thankful for how special her future mother-in-law was.

      Within minutes Sanem had sat down and started making their list of things-to-do. Carolina was shocked that Sanems ideas were much the same as her own. " Oh, I have a friend that would be more than happy to construct an arbor covered in flowers,...if that would be something you would like." She suggested.  Carolina agreed, visualizing it all as Sanem talked.

      The rest of the morning was spent making plans for the wedding of their first born son. Efe, Kadir and Can were on the beach picking out the perfect place to for the ceremony to take place. "Dad, I think this is the best place, here...right here." He said, facing out toward the water with his hands held up like a picture frame. 

      Can smiled, " So this is the place? Ok then, let's mark it with a flag." He said. Efe smiled as he peered out across the turquoise water that seemed to have no end, " Yes, this is the place. I want nothing to block this view. I want everyone to see that our love is as endless as this sea of water." He muttered, glancing at his dad.

      " Sounds like you have thought about this day a lot brother. " Kadir said, watching as his big brother described the setting. Efe had already planned the whole day in his head weeks ago, "Yes I have Kadir. I saw all of this in my mind the day we turned our boat around and headed back to  Alghero, Sardinia for Carolina.

       Carolina and Sanem called out to them as they walked the short distance down the beach, "Well, have you chose the spot?" Sanem asked, linking her arm with Can's. " Yes we have,...this spot right here." Efe answered, pulling Carolina in front of his and facing her out toward the water.

     " This is perfect Efe. This is just what I wanted." She spoke, mesmerized by the view. " Well my bride-to-be, I'm glad you agree." He replied, hugging her tightly. 

      " Ok then, we still have a list of things to make happen before Saturday. But the most important thing is shopping for a dress." She said. 

      It didn't take long for Sanem to present each one with a job. But Efe had only one thing he wanted to take care of first. " Dad, I don't have a ring. Will you and Kadir come with me to pick one out." He asked, once his mom and Carrie headed off to town to find that special dress.

      The drive into town was quiet. Can knew his son was thinking about a lot more than just his wedding. " Son, I know you are worried about Paola and what she might do when she hears of your wedding. But she can't hurt you and Carolina,...not if you are honest with each other and make the love you feel for her the most important thing in your life." Can told him.

      Efe agreed, " I know dad, and she is the most important thing to me. But Paola can and will be a problem." He added, already fearing the worst. 

      Kadir had done nothing but think about Gabby since the beginning of the day. Even with all the excitement of the upcoming wedding, his mind was still full of her. So he found all his courage and asked, " Efe, I know how you feel about Gabby, but I think you're wrong about her. And I would like to invite her to the wedding as my date. Besides, what better way to make the point to Paola that there will be nothing between you two than to have her best friend at your wedding." Kadir bantered, slapping his brother on the shoulder.

      Efe took a deep breath, " Kadir I just don't think it's a good idea. She probably wouldn't even accept the invitation." He answered, seeing the look of disappointment on his little brothers face.

      Kadir shook his head in agreement, not wanting to upset Efe or Carolina on their special day. " I understand,  if you don't want her there then I won't ask." He answered back.

       The ring selection had been a lot easier that any of them expected. The third ring the jeweler presented to them was the winner. A wide antique gold band, with a solid row of tiny diamonds running through the middle, symbolizing a love with no end. 

      " This is the one... he said. " This is it." He announced proudly, as he examined the ring.

      With the ring in hand, Efe, Kadir and Can started back home. Kadir was still clearly disappointed about Efe's decision against Gabby not being at the wedding, and Efe couldn't stand to see his brother he made a decision.

      " Kadir, if bringing Gabby to the wedding is going to make your happy, then invite her. I won't stand in your way... who knows, you just might be right about her." He said, throwing his arm around his brothers neck...

       He smiled, " Are you sure, I want you to be sure. But I think you we see, she isn't like Paola"....

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