Chapter Three

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      Paola was more than pleased with herself. The look on Carolina's face was worth every minute of pain she had suffered because of Efe Divit, she thought as she waltzed into her small apartment that evening.

      Her whole life had changed the day that Efe told her he was leaving Malaga for his adventure of a lifetime, and that things were over between them. And it had changed once again when she just so happened to run into Adam Munro. 

      She flopped down in her chair and kicked off her high heel shoes, her mind reliving the past few hours. She couldn't help but smile, the chaos she had just caused would be her greatest accomplishment. 

      She grabbed her phone a dialed up her friend and also her partner in crime, " Hi honey, I'm home. Just thought you would like to know, our plan worked perfectly Gabriela. That little tramp tucked her tail and ran back home with her daddy." She spouted gleefully, followed by a laugh.

      Gabriela closed her eyes, wishing she had never agreed to help her friend. " Paola, are you sure you want to do this. Efe was always up front with you about how he felt. Do you think he deserves something this evil." She asked meekly, afraid to hear her friends response.

      Paola sat upright in her chair, " What....what do you mean. Are you turning against me too. Have you forgotten how I gave up everything for Efe, I put up with all the other women that he paraded in front of me. No,... Gabriela this is not evil....this is me, getting what I want." She shouted through the phone.

      Paola took a deep breath and exhaled loudly, " Ok, that that is out of the way, I want you to meet me in the morning and we will go talk to Alvaro." She ordered, her tone was demanding and clear. Gabriela swallowed hard, knowing that this was not going to end well. 

      " Why do I need to go with you. Alvaro will do what ever you say anyway. I have to work tomorrow, so I can't go." She answered, praying she would accept her excuse. Gabriela had a new found sense of courage as she spoke to Paola, " Alvaro has no idea that you may be pregnant with his child? And what are you going to tell him?.... That the last few months were just for fun. Paola, he will figure it out, and if Efe finds out about Alvaro,...well Efe is no dummy..

      There was a very awkward silence on the other end of the phone. " Paola...,are you there? Gabby asked cautiously. Paola cleared her throat, " Gabby, give me some credit. Ok, never mind, I will take care of Alvaro myself and Efe will never find out about him. But I need you to help me, please." She begged in her most pathetic voice.

      Gabriela had never been one to turn away from her friend. They had been inseparable since that first day of high school. Paola was the popular, beautiful and seductive girl in school, while Gabriela was none of that. But Paola had taken an instant liking to her, probably because there was no way she would be any competition. 

      Paola took Gabby under her wing, making her just as popular as she was. And Gabby followed along in the shadow of her friend Paola. She never thought twice about doing whatever her friend had asked of her,...and this was no exception.

      A strange feeling was churning around in Gabby's stomach as she asked, " Ok Paola, what do you need me to do? I hope you don't want me to go to the Divits and make some sort of statement, because I just won't do it. Mr. Divit gives me the chills just to look at him." She stuttered, her body filling with goosebumps. 

     Paola laughed, " Oh Gabby, you are so funny. No, I don't need you for any of that. I can take care of the Divits.. I just need you to tell everyone how devastated I have been since Efe went away." She explained, with a little whine to her voice.

     Gabby rolled her eyes, " Like, to who. Who do you want me to tell? She asked defensively. That had actually been about as far from the truth as you could get. Paola had been anything but devastated, she ran to Alvaro the minute that Efe broke it off with her. Paola always had another man waiting in the wings for her..

      " Oh my god Gabby,.... Kadir. Kadir will be coming around asking questions.." She yelled at her. " You know that he takes care of his brother, so he will be the one prying around. You just make sure he knows how badly I felt. He can't know anything about Alvaro." Her voice was shrill and high pitched.

      Gabriela had forgotten all about Kadir. She knew he would be the one to find her, and she wasn't sure if she could be that convincing. Kadir had always made the butterflies explode inside her. She couldn't help that feeling whenever he was around. He was certainly a Divit man, and one that got his charisma from his father.

      " Oh no Paola, I don't know if I can lie to Kadir. You know how I feel about him. I get all tongue tied and feverish when he's around." She stammered, already feeling the effects. 

      Gabriela had made a fool of herself more than once when it came to Kadir. He may have been Efe's little brother, but he was just as handsome and charismatic as his older brother. But Kadir didn't command attention when he entered a room like Efe did. He had always been a little shy and quiet, but that never stopped the girls from noticing him.

      " Gabby,...are you listening to me. This is very important. You have to make sure that Kadir thinks I was mortified and near death when Efe dumped me." She expressed vividly. " If you're my friend, you will do just as I say,.... So are you?" Paola asked.

      Gabriela hesitated for a second before answering, which angered Paola, " Gabby....So are you?" She yelled into the phone again. " Yes Paola, I am your friend...and I will do what you tell me to do. But I don't think it's right." She added quickly before hanging up...

      Paola stared at her phone, completely in awe of the fact that her best friend had hung up on her. " Well I didn't ask you if you thought it was right......I just want you to do it." She screamed at the silenced phone.

      She took a deep breath and stretched out her body in the chair, " I think I need a long warm bubble bath. This has definitely been a stressful day." She spoke out loud.

      The events of the day played through her mind making her smile. She wasn't sure if she was more amused with Efe, Carolina or Mr. and Mrs. Divit. They all had that look of shock on their face when she made her big announcement. 

      She crossed her arms and closed her eyes, " Yes Efe Divit. Your perfect little red haired American didn't last long here. She ran back to daddy like a little girl"...She snickered, wondering how the magnificent Efe must be feeling right now..

      She headed to the bathroom to prepare for her bubble bath. " Tomorrow will be a big day will need lots of rest before you make the next visit to Divit Estates. I'm sure they want to hear all about the newest addition to their perfect little family."  She told herself, as she slide her long, slender body down into the sea of bubbles....

The Divit Brothers...Love Makes Everything RightOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant