Chapter Twenty Six

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      Early the next morning as Carolina woke she realized that this the last day that she would carry the name of Carolina Munro. She would be Mrs. Carolina Divit.....And she loved the sound of that. 

      That call to her father to let him know she was getting married was suddenly foremost in her mind. She wasn't sure why she had put off calling her dad to inform him of her plans, other than subconsciously waiting until it was too late for him to travel back to Malaga for the ceremony. Whatever it was, she knew she had to call now, or there was no way he would ever forgive her and Efe..

      She rang his number, letting it ring until it went to voicemail. She hated to leave a message about something as important as this, but maybe that would be better. 

      " Dad, I'm sorry I missed you, but I have something very important to tell you. Efe and I are getting married,....tomorrow...on the beach in front of the  Divit's home. I knew you wouldn't come, so that's why I didn't call you before.. I'm sorry for all of this, but I have to go with my heart....and my heart loves Efe.. I hope one day you will understand that.. Please call me when you get this message."  She spoke, her voice heavy with sadness..

      Adam had intentionally not answered her phone call, letting it go to voicemail. The thought of hearing her voice and not being able to get her to listen to him about her mistakes was more than he could stand. 

      He waited a few minutes before he finally listened to her message. He listened in disbelief as his little girl explained what was going on. He was numb and exhausted from all the long hours of investigating that he had been doing on the Divit family, and now she was telling him it was all for nothing,......his Carolina was marrying Efe tomorrow ...

      Friday had consisted of making all their plans come to life. Can and Sanem were busy transforming their beautiful courtyard in a fantasy land, drenched in lights and flowers. 

      They moved their huge dining table outside and decorated it with a lace tablecloth and flower arrangements of white daisy flower that adorned the whole table.  A multitude of lights were strung above and around the perimeter of the courtyard, making everything glisten like the stars..

      One trip into town to pickup Carolina's dress and the white linen trousers for Efe to wear for the ceremony was the last thing in the list of things to do. Sanem was busy constructing the crown of white daisies for Carolina to wear, and Can was busy in the kitchen preparing the dishes that could be made ahead of time.

      Kadir took a minute to phone Gabby, " Hi, how are you. I just wanted to let you know what time I will pick you up tomorrow, and I won't be on my bike." He joked. " I'll be there before 6:00. The ceremony is at 7:30, just as the sun is setting. And my dad is fixing dinner for everyone afterwards in the courtyard." He explained. 

      " Ok Kadir, I will be ready. And you are sure that Efe doesn't have a problem with me being there?" She asked, beginning to have reservations. 

      Kadir was quick to respond, " No, he doesn't. So don't worry, the wedding will be wonderful and nothing will go wrong." He assured her. He couldn't help but feel a little bit ashamed of how this all started. But now, using Gabby to get to Paola wasn't even a thought in his mind.

      The morning seemed to be dragging on as Paola tried to busy herself with the shipment of new merchandise. But the fact that Gabby had totally ignored all of her phone calls and her messages was beginning to really upset her. 

      She picked up her phone to check, hoping that she had missed a text or phone call, but the screen was blank. By lunch time she was ready to escape the small store and get some fresh air. " A salad and fruit today."  She thought, " She hadn't had much of an appetite and the strange weak feeling had passed through her body a few times."

      The park in the town square was the place she liked to go for lunch sometimes. It was always shaded and full of activity and tourist. With her salad and drink in hand, she found a perfect bench and got settled. 

      But the busyness of the center didn't make her feel better, so she headed back to the shop. As she stopped at the corner before crossing the street, that's when she saw them. Efe and Carolina leaving the dress shop on the next corner over. She was carrying a long garment bag, and Efe opened the car door for her, but not before stopping her and giving her a long, very intimate kiss.

      She wanted to look away but her eyes just wouldn't, she couldn't even blink. A stab of jealousy sank into her heart, as she wondered what was in the garment bag. She watched as Carolina placed the bag in the car and got in the front seat. It all played out as if it was in slow motion...

      The car drove off down the street, but she still stood there in a bewildered state. "What was that?... Why did I have to see that. Why did he not feel that way about me."  Her mind flooded with so many thoughts that she could barely move. 

      The rest of the day was torture. The business the slow, so no one would notice if she closed up a little early she thought, turning the sign around and flipping off the lights. Her car took its familiar route to her friends house, hoping that Gabby was ready to apologize, and give her a shoulder to cry on.

      Gabby was frantic, rummaging through her closet for the perfect dress to wear. She had plenty of dresses to choose from, but for the first official date with Kadir Divit, and the wedding of his brother, it would require the best and most stylish outfit she had. 

      She had taken them all and place them on her sofa so she could inspect them. She knew she would need something light and airy, maybe even floral. First she held up her light blue maxi dress. It was form fitting, a draped neckline with thin straps, but maybe it was too formal, she thought, tossing it to the side.

      After a few minutes, she had narrowed it down between the short pale yellow dress with the full shirt and lace overlay on the bodice,...and the lavender mid length dress, made of a soft silky material. It was an off the shoulder style that came with a wide belt to accentuate her tiny waistline..

      She was completely engrossed in making her decision when someone banged loudly on her door. Before she had a chance to turn around, they banged again, even more demandingly on her door. " Ok, ok, I'm coming." She yelled, reaching for the door and swinging it open..

      Paola stood there fuming, " Gabby, why have you not returned my calls?" She shouted. "I needed you and you weren't there. Now you have some explaining to do." She said, stomping past Gabby in the doorway and into the living room. 

      Gabby stood there in shock, " Paola, what, why are you here." She asked. Paola looked around, " What's all this Gabriela. Why are you going through your best dresses." She asked, turning slowly to glare at her.

      Gabby stood tall and looked her in the face, " Let's get something straight Paola,...I have nothing to explain. And I have nothing to hide." She spoke defiantly.  

      " Then what are you doing with all your dresses out here?" She said, picking one of the dresses up and tossing it on the floor...

      She feel the heat rise up to her face, " Well, if you must know I'm going out with Kadir." She answered. Paola smirked, " Kadir?...On a date? And where is he taking you,... She blurted out...

      " He is taking me to Efe and Carolina's wedding,'s tomorrow evening. Now,...are you satisfied?" She snapped back, her eyes flaming....

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