Chapter Twenty Five

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      Efe gazed out at the water. The moon dancing and bouncing like a symphony on the waves. Sleep didn't seem to be in the cards for him tonight. He had tried, after saying goodnight to Carolina in the other room, but he just couldn't turn his mind off. 

      The thought of Paola and a baby, and how Carrie was going to handle it all, he just couldn't close his eyes. So he came to the place that always cleared his head. 

      He heard Kadir's motorcycle turn in the long driveway. Another late night for his little brother, and it brought a smile to his face. He was seeing a whole new side to Kadir. He was not the same serious and life organized person he had been before.

      " Hey, come join me brother." Efe called out to Kadir as he neared the house. Kadir waved, "Sure, how about I bring us a beer?" He answered back. Efe signaled his approval...

       Kadir plopped down next to his brother and shoved a bottle of San Miguel his way, " Here you go. What's up with you, are you getting cold feet." He laughed, then taking a big drink from the bottle.

      The answer didn't come quickly from his brother, making him look at him, " Hey,'re not getting cold feet are you...really. I was just joking, but I can see there is something wrong." He said, moving around in front of Efe.

      Efe shook his head, " No, I don't have cold feet... but I do have doubts about Paola and the baby.... What if Carolina can't handle it after all. What if  she leaves me...Kadir, I wouldn't be able to stand it if she left me." He muttered, sounding lost and vulnerable.

      Kadir draped his arm around his brother, " Efe Divit,... what has gotten into you. Carolina is not going to leave you. That I am sure of. So what's really wrong? He asked,  to sure he wanted to know the answer.

     Efe dropped his head, " I don't want this baby to be mine Kadir. I don't want to have a baby with Paola. I just  want Carolina to be the mother of my babies.... Is that terrible?" He asked, turning to look at his brother, as the tears filled his eyes.

      " No, I don't thinks that's terrible. I think you're scared." He said, eyeing his brother. " This whole thing took you by surprise. You're not the same person you were when you were with Paola. Now you know what, and who, you want. And besides nothing is for sure yet." Kadir raised his bottle of beer in the air. " Here is too the truth." He stated, with a smile.

      Efe clinked his bottle against Kadir's. " Yes, the truth, did you charm anything out of Gabby tonight?" He asked with a bit of humor. 

      " Hey, you know, I really like her. She is pretty, and strong willed, but she doesn't seem to have the same vindictive tendencies as Paola has. She is coming with me to the wedding, and she even said she was glad that you and Carolina were getting married." He remarked, then finishing off the last of his beer.

      Efe was surprised, " Really, she said that,...that she was glad we were getting married. Hmm, they must be in a fight." He muttered. " They used to get into fights all the time. Paola would get mad at her for not acting like she was the only person that mattered, and Gabby would be scared that Paola would never talk to her again. But then Paola would demand that Gabby apologize to her,...even when it wasn't her fault." He smirked, as the memories of that time with Paola made him feel worse.

      Kadir knew that Paola and Gabby were having a disagreement, and he was pretty sure he knew what it was about, but he wasn't ready to talk about it with his brother.  The fact that Paola had been waiting for Gabby at her apartment the night before, and the fact that Gabby had all but physically thrown her out the door of her apartment,... he knew that Gabby wasn't at all happy with Paola.. 

      He had asked the taxi driver to stop a comfortable distance away from her apartment that night.  He waited there for a bit, watching as Gabby and Paola had their confrontation in the doorway, and Gabby practically threw her out the door and slammed it in her face.

      "Yes, he knew Gabby and Paola were not on the best of terms,..and he told himself this was the best time to get close to her...... but in his heart he knew,...That wasn't the reason he wanted to get close to her.".....

      Paola was sitting in the middle of her bed, wrapped up in a blanket, feeling as if her world was falling apart. Gabby hadn't called her, or texted her. She had gone out with someone else, without even a word to her. This was not at all like Gabby, and she didn't like it one bit.

      She looked at the clock, seeing it strike 1:00am. She covered her face with both hands, " Why doesn't she call me. She knows that I'm pregnant, and she knows what I  going through." She thought, willing the phone to ring...

      She had already called her twice without an answer, so she wasn't going to lower herself to call again,...." That would for sure make her look desperate."   She slid down in the bed and curled up in fetal position.  " She thought she would never be alone,...yet her she was....alone. How was she going to pull off this charade without Gabby's help"  She wondered as she drifted off to sleep.

      Gabriela dressed for bed, still full of giddiness from her date with Kadir. Had she dreamt this all, had she misunderstood the way that Kadir had acted,... had her imagination gone wild in her head.....No!...she didn't think so. 

      Kadir Divit was interested in her!.... He asked her to accompany him to his brothers wedding as " his date."  He took her to his special place, he held her hand... Yes, she wasn't dreaming, it was happening.

       She settled herself down in bed, wanting to hold on to every moment of the evening in her head. She had declined two calls from Paola earlier, and she saw that there were two messages from her as well. 

      Gabby opened the messages to read them, but she knew all too well what she would read. "Gabby I went to your place this evening and you weren't there. You haven't answered my calls all day or my texts. You are being childish and it's going to stop. Call me now and I won't be upset with you anymore."  

      Gabby smirked, " Is that right Paola, won't be upset with me anymore."  She swiped through the message, deleting it. Then she opened the next message, it had been sent just an hour before.... " Gabby, you must call me back. You know that I can't do this alone, and this was your idea too... You can even text me that you're sorry and I won't ever mention the hurtful things you said to me again." 

       Gabby tossed the phone halfway across the bed and let out a muffled scream, "  She is unbelievable.... She still thinks I'm the one that said hurtful things.... Well that will never happen..I'm not begging for her forgiveness, not this time..

      If felt good for her to be free of Paola. None of this had been her idea, so she wasn't sure where she got that. If anything, she tried to talk her out of trapping Efe into a marriage. 

      She switched off the lamp beside her bed and sank down in between the covers. A smile crept  across her face.... " She will go crazy when she finds out I'm going to Efe and Carolina's wedding as Kadir's date"

      " Sometimes karma is a bitch Paola.." ...She thought, as she drifted off to sleep with only Kadir on her mind......


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