Ch.9: Getting Some Answers

Start from the beginning

Jason: (He's certainly in no mood to see, much less talk to, me right now.)

???: I'll bring him to you, once he's recovered. I can persuade him. I am his little sister after all.

Jason: (She's his sister?!) Why should we trust you to bring him to us?

???: The zombies are a message from Carlito. He wanted people to know.

Frank thought about it for a moment, then came to a decision.

Frank: Fine. Go. When will you be back?

???: Tonight at midnight. Wait for us in the store next to the camera shop in the North Plaza.

The woman then gets up, and begins to walk away. But, before she does, she turns back to Jason and Frank.

Isabella: I'm Isabella, by the way. And I promise, I'll be back.

With that, she walked away. Leaving Jason and Frank to themselves.

Jason: That went better than expected.

Frank: No kiddin'. She said midnight, right?

Jason: Yep.

Frank then checked his watch.

Frank: Well, we've got about 10 hours to wait. I don't know about you, but I'm gonna head back to the security room.

Jason: I'll look around for some more supplies.

Frank: Alright, good luck.

Jason: You too.

With that, the two separated. Soon after leaving Frank, Jason gets a call in the transceiver.

Otis: Jason? You there?

Jason: I'm here, Otis. What's up?

Otis: I just saw some big lady cop drag a couple of girls into a women's clothing store in the Wonderland Plaza. Think you can check it out? See if they need help?

Jason: Sure thing. Gotta pass the time anyway. I'll check it out, Otis. Over and out.

After ending the call with Otis, Jason made his way to the Wonderland Plaza.

Side Mission: Jason The Pimp.

Upon entering the Wonderland Plaza, he saw that there were some zombies on the first floor, but none on the second. He went upstairs, and eventually found the clothing store. There, he found four women, all tied up. Three of them were tied to clothing racks, while the fourth one was in the center of the store tied to a chair. Standing next to her, was a tall ,obese, woman dressed as a police officer. With her badge having her name on it.

Jo: What have we here? Looks like you lured a man in here, you little whore.

???: No!... I didn't...I... *looks at Jason* Please, help me!

Jo: Let's see just how shameless you are, you dirty little skank... Say hello to my little friend.

Jo then pulls out a nightstick, and starts to rub it along the woman in a very uncomfortable way.

???: No! Not again! Help me!

Jason: Uhh, officer?

Jo ignored Jason and continued to rub the nightstick on the woman.

Jason: Officer? Can I talk to you for a minute? I mean... Look, what did that woman even do? This seems a little extreme-

Jo: Shut your pie hole!

Jo then points her nightstick at Jason.

Jo: If you try and interfere with official police business, I'll start with you before I get to her!

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