Final Author's Note

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Thank you to all that read "The Lonely King."

You have read this book in its entirety and I have completed my first ever novel. So thank you for being a part of my dream. It's always been a passion of mine to write, and I'm so glad to be able to say that I have finished this novel. It's been a lot of work, a lot of fun and I'm excited to see where my ideas take me.

As you might have guessed from the last chapter, there's more to the story, as there always is. (;

Unfortunately this is where I have to leave things for now. If you're interested in a sequel, let me know in the comments. In fact, let me know what you wanna read next!

I have a lot of "construction" going on in my brain right now, as there has been for a while now. I'd love to continue with this book and add on to it. I also want to venture out into the fantasy genre some more. So I only ask you be patient with me as I explore myself as a writer and with this book itself.

Anyway, I just wanted again to say thank you to everyone who read, commented and voted. It truly means the world to me. I know I say that a lot, but it really does mean so much to me. So thank you.

I hope you enjoyed this novel, and be ready for more in the future!


The Lonely King (Book 1 of the Shadows, Roses and Ice Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now