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"Would you please calm the fuck down?" I whispered harshly, pulling Harry away from where we stood in the middle of the studio. His outburst caused more than a few looks to be cast our way, the chatter around us dying down noticeably in surprise and curiosity.

Dragging him towards a small alcove, out of the way of prying eyes and eager ears, I hid us from view before rounding on him.

"What is your problem?"

Harry's eyes widened, a look of honest surprise on his face. "Are you serious?" he blurted. "You tell me you are considering going to Somalia, one of the most dangerous countries in the world right now, and you're asking me what my problem is?"

"Yes!" I shouted, throwing my arms out in frustration. "Harry this is an incredible opportunity. This is once in a lifetime, even for people who have been doing this for years. To even be considered, to even have someone mention it to me, is a massive deal. I will never get another chance like this again."

"That's not true," he interrupted quickly. "You may get another chance in the future, but for somewhere not so dangerous."

I shook my head at him, my brow furrowing. "Why are you not happy for me?"

"I am happy for you, Lane," he amended, although his current stiff, angry stance was a contradiction to his words. "You've made connections with a lot of great possible employers tonight, just like you wanted. You did amazing on your project, just like you wanted. I am happy for you, because I know how much this means to you. But I'm sorry if I cant get excited at the idea of you running off to a war torn country for God knows how long. There are so many other opportunities you can consider right here in New York."

"Why?" I asked, my hands on my hips. "Why do I have to stay in New York, Harry? You're not."

The moment the words passed my lips, his mouth snapped shut.

"You're planning on leaving for Seattle. That has been your plan all along, and I've supported you. My plan all along was to try and get the best possible job I could out of school, and build a career. There is literally no better job than what was just mentioned."

"I don't even know if I'm going to get the job in Seattle or not, Lane," he countered, his voice lower than before. "And it's not the same thing."

"Its exactly the same thing, Harry. You had a goal, and you're going for it. If you get the job, you're going to Seattle. Why is it okay for you to go, but not for me?"

"Because I'm going to Seattle, Lane, not fucking Somalia!"

I groaned loudly, covering my face with my hands. He was so fucking infuriating. Yes, I understood that it wasn't the safest place in the world to go, especially as a rookie. But they wouldn't send me unguarded. This was what they did. They worked with organizations and people whose job it was to keep others safe. And honestly, before Harrys little freak out, it hadn't even crossed my mind of the dangers I would be facing.

I took a moment to consider his side. Yes, he was right, and it was not going to be an easy job. I had no doubt I would encounter, see, and be involved in things that I would never want. I had seen images from similar excursions, and they were horrifying. But at the same time, they were enlightening, and eye opening, and captivating. They brought a piece of that life to those who would otherwise know nothing of the horrors faced by those people every single day. It was raising awareness in the most direct form of media...imagery. Nothing spoke to you as clearly and directly as a photograph. Nothing could move people, or provoke action, quite like seeing first hand the impacts of world issues.

I had an opportunity to be a part of that. The chance to not only have an incredible job, a once in a lifetime prospect for someone just out of school, but to actually make a difference.

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