anger issues pt 2

Start from the beginning

"So, you're really gonna quit drinking?"
"Maybe.. I don't really know
yet, but I'll try and cut back."
"Good. Oh by the way, thought you'd like to know I sleep naked most days."
"Henry, I swear to the Holy Lords above-"
"I'm just messing with you, relax."
"Better be." She said, getting into bed.
"You sleep in socks?" He questioned.
"You dont?"
"No!? That's so weird!" He exclaimed.
"That's disgusting. Get away."
"No, it's my bed."

He chuckled softly, pulling off his shirt and climbing into bed. He found himself unable to resist teasing her about the socks, hoping it would lighten the mood a bit more.
"Henry, I'm serious. Put some
socks on or get away. It makes
me feel ill."
"Okay, okay, he said with a
laugh, reaching over to grab a
pair of socks from his drawer.
"Thank you."

Henry slid into bed, pulling the covers over them both. He slipped on the socks and laid down beside her, his hand finding its way to her side. He
wondered if maybe she'd be more comfortable with him closer to her tonight.

"It's freezing.." She shuddered.
Henry cuddled closer to her and put his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. She intertwined their legs, cuddling up as close as physically possible. Henry smiled, feeling her body warm up against his. He slid his hand up her side, gently tracing patterns on her skin.

"Stop, that tickles." She giggled, moving away from his hand.
"Sorry." He grinned, reaching for her hand. "I couldn't help myself." She rolled her eyes, cuddling up to him again.

Henry couldn't help but chuckle at her reactions. It felt good to be this close to her, their bodies touching in ways that they hadn't before. He found himself growing more comfortable with the situation as they continued to cuddle.

The next morning.

"Morning.." Henry mumbled, his eyes still half closed. He hadn't meant to fall asleep so quickly last night, but the cuddling and warmth had been too much for him to resist.
"Are we still going to that bar tonight?" She asked, showing where her mind was at. He rolled over, sitting up and rubbing his eye. "Oh yeah, bar tonight." He said with a yawn.

"Can I have one shot? Just one."
"As long as it's one and only one." He smiled at her.
"It's so cold in here.."
"I'Il get Ray to turn the heat up a bit." Henry closed his eyes again, trying to warm up in the cold air.

As the morning went on, Henry could feel the cold slowly seeping back into his body. He was grateful for the warm cuddles they shared last night, but he couldn't help but shiver a little now. He went to get up out of bed. She grabbed his wrist, pulling him back down.

"Stay a bit longer?"
"Alright, just a bit." He snuggled back into her warmth, his body seeking the heat she seemed to possess so effortlessly. She cuddled up to him, his chest pressed against her back. He sat there, watching her taking in her soft curves.

"Lily," he said softly, "I don't know what's going on with us, but I want it to keep happening.
"Are you talking about what I
think you are..?"
"I am, and I don't care if it's too soon or whatever, I just-"

She kissed him, swiftly moving to straddle him as her lips craved more.

"Lily.." He gasped, letting his eyes flutter shut as he pulled her closer. She pulled back, staring into his eyes.
"I- I don't know what's happening, but I don't want it to stop. Whatever this is, I
want it too." He murmured.
"I need it." She whispered.
He pulled her back into his embrace, their hearts beating in unison.
"Kiss me."
"I'll never get enough of you." Henry said, leaning in and capturing her lips once more.

They decided to get up and make breakfast, pancakes. They went downstairs and got the ingredients, trying to follow the recipe at first but soon giving up.
He wiped some flour on her nose, laughing hysterically.

"You think you're funny?" She asked.
"Yes. Hilarious." He laughed.
She wiped flour down his chest, giggling.
"Right, that was too far." He said, crossing his arms extravagantly.
"What you gonna do about it?"
He rubbed the flour between his hands, wiping it on her hair.
"Oh my God! Henry you idiot!"
She yelled.
"Sorry, sorry." He laughed, clutching his stomach.

"That is not funny." She said.
"Yes, yes it really is." He laughed.
"Oh piss off, will you?"
"Sorry, seriously." He smiled, kissing her cheek.

They finished making pancakes, joking and messing about the whole time before sitting down together to eat them.

"These are disgusting." She said, pushing her plate away.
"Yeah, we should have followed the recipe." He agreed, pushing his away as well.


1434 words, I drifted so far from the original storyline but I was desperate to release another chapter so ykk

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