[65] Shadow of the Deep Sea

Start from the beginning

She looked fine otherwise. She agreed not to be my official girlfriend herself, so she didn't feel much – or show much reaction – hearing I'll get a girlfriend for myself.

"He better," Ai said in a warning tone, as if she'd eat me alive if I didn't return with a girl.

"Um, good luck with getting yourself a girlfriend. I'll pray for you." Asia said as she clasped her hands and my family burst out laughing. She's cute.

"Mhm," only Ruby stayed silent, her head lowered as she ate in silence. Now, what's up with that little girl?

Soon, we finished eating. Uncle gave me some advice, and even Miyako talked to me after a long time. After I saved Tsubasa that night by her stepmother's request, she stopped avoiding me as much as before.

I returned to my room to change while the family chattered amongst themselves. I just put on my pants when a knock fell on the door.

"Aqua, it's me..." it was Tsubasa.

I opened the door and yanked her inside.

* * *

Tsubasa left the room a few minutes later after having a blood feast. It had been a while since she last drank my blood, so she needed that.

I closed the door to finally put a shirt on. Just when I did so, yet to close the buttons, the door knocked once again.

I opened the door, "What is this Tsubasa, back again for another roun- ah."

It wasn't Tsubasa I stared into the eyes of.

Red eyes of my twin sister stared back at me, lowering a little to observe the lipstick marks all over my chest.



Silence stretched before Ruby gave me a disgusted look.

"Ew. I can't believe how you manage this." She probably recalled the time she saw me kiss Tsubasa and then Mem-Cho right after. "Anyways, come out already or you'll miss your flight." She said and turned around.

I felt she had something else she wanted to say. She had been acting weird since the morning, but it didn't seem like she wanted to talk now. Then after I return, I guess.


My family dropped me at the airport, and I was taken inside by a filming crew member. I put my luggage away and was led to the plane. It was a private plane, to my surprise. How did they afford a private plane? Damn.

Gazes fell upon me when I walked in. My [Jade Perception] told me there were two compartments, one for the filming crew and another for the acting crew. I was currently on the second, as the kids' gazes fell upon me.

"Hey, A-kun!" Mem waved with a cheerful smile.

From beside her, Mai also waved, though she didn't say anything. The boys high fived me as I walked by the seats to look for mine and found an empty beside Akane.

"Mind if I-?" I nudged my chin at her as she smiled softly and nodded.

"Good morning," she said as she moved to the side to let me sit.

After exchanging greetings, I began to chat with her. The plane took off soon.

* * *

It took a bit more than eight hours to reach Hawaii. The insane travel time would have bored me to death if not for the kids. They could be fun for when it counts.

Finally, we dropped in on Oahu. We left the airport and headed to our resort. It was in the Waimanalo Beach of Oahu.

"Nice place," Memmy said as I sat beside her on a jeep, our eyes looking around. "It's so beautiful..."

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