"Come in, I guess."

Atsushi left right after he arrived to go procure Kyoka. By the time he returned, all the other guests had gotten there and stood, lining the hallway. As Atsushi opened the unlocked door, they set off the party poppers they all had in their hands.

Kyoka stepped forward hesitantly, her cheeks flushed pink.

"Ready?" Y/n called, "One, Two..."

"Congratulations on joining the Agency, Kyoka!" the yelled as one.

Tears pooled in the girl's eyes and she looked over her shoulder to Atsushi who was smiling brightly.

It was a fun afternoon of festivities. Even with Y/n, Akutagawa, and Chuuya being from the Mafia, everyone seemed to slip into an easy mood. The one time a fight had broken out, between Akutagawa and Atsushi naturally, Y/n had ushered her husband to go fix it.

"Your mom says if you two blow up the house, she's putting you back up for adoption." Dazai had hummed, causing both boy's cheeks to flush pink with embarrassment.

"Hey!" Y/n exclaimed, joining her husband and wrapping an arm around his waist, "I would never do such a thing, don't lie to them. That's mean."

"So you admit you're their mom?" Dazai asked cheekily, smiling down at her.

Y/n scoffed, letting go of her husband as she went t rejoin Yosano and Chuuya, the three of whom had been sharing a drink.

"You're the one who asked how we ended up with three kids earlier."

By the time the sun had set, the food was demolished and the house was a mess. One of the ex members of The Guild had even shown up, at Rampo's invitation apparently. Y/n had scolded him for inviting a guest to her house without permission but, it had been a kind reprimand.

"Bye!" Y/n waved through the door to Kyoka and Atsuhsi as they headed out, the last two to leave, "Get home safe!"

Dazai shut the door with a sigh, turning to her.

"Looks like everything ended up okay." Y/n hummed happily, "I'm so proud of them."

"I've been thinking."

"About what, Darling? What is going on in that wonderful mind of yours?" 

His hands found her waist, her own meeting his on it as she smiled brightly up at him.

"This okay?" he asked and she nodded.

"More than okay. What have you been thinking, 'Samu?"

"What... if we got married?" he asked, leaning his head down closer to hers.

Y/n laughed.

"What is up with you the past few days?"

"I mean it, Y/n."

"Dazai, our five year anniversary is next week."

"Yeah but like," he looked away, his cheeks flushed slightly pink, "I don't know. Don't you kind of want a real wedding?"

"I liked our wedding."

"Maybe you should just let me see you wearing a white dress for once." he grumbled and Y/n laughed again.

"We can talk about it, okay?" she assented, Dazai perking up as she took his hands from her waist, holding them in her own, "For right now, we have to get this food cleaned up. We have a meeting to get to, remember?"

"Can't it wait?"

"You're the one who set it up."

"I know, I just..."


He looked back at her, his eyes full of care. She let go of one of his hands, bringing her now freed appendage to his cheek.

"We have all the time in the world. The city is safe."

"No, it's not." he sighed, "I don't know what he's planning, but Fyodor is definitely up to something."

"And we will figure it out. Together."

"You sure you wont join the Agency?"

Y/n let go of him, turning to head back to the living room with the intent of cleaning it up a bit before they had to leave.

"I'm starting to come around to the idea." she admitted, "Like I said, I just have some lose ends to tie up before I can."


"He has potential, Osamu. I believe in him." she turned to face him, leaning on the doorway into the living room.

"You sure your unfinished business isn't going to end with you as the Port Mafia's boss?"

She smiled a wicked grin of sharp teeth and rusty nails at the implication.

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see."

Y/n ducked into the living room and Dazai sighed, entering the kitchen and starting on the dishes piled in the sink.

"I don't like that idea! Vengeance doesn't suit you." he yelled across the apartment to her.

"Shut up." she yelled back, "I know you think I'm hot when I'm mad."

He couldn't help himself, Dazai laughed. Y/n stepped into the kitchen, setting a number of dirty glasses on the counter beside him. 

"I just don't like the idea of you getting stuck there."

"I'm crafty. Besides, theres no guarantee. I don't want to run the Mafia."

"You don't want to leave it either."

"I can't let him do what he did to me. Not to anyone."

"I know. I ju-"

"Osamu, I am not going to become the head of the Port Mafia."

He looked down at her, the water running over his hands as he balanced them on the sink's edge.

"You'd be good at it." he admitted after a moment.

"What I want is a life with you." Y/n stood on her tip toes, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, "A quiet one. One where neither of us get into any trouble."

Y/n turned, heading back to the living room.

"So I guess you better start planning that wedding, if you want it so badly." she called over her shoulder.

Dazai smiled.

Shark (Dazai X reader)Where stories live. Discover now