Vegas baby

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We were flying down the road with Rosalie behind the wheel. If I thought Edward's driving was scary before, I would never complain again. I stopped looking when the speedometer hit 145mph. Alice and Rosalie were still giggling at our rapid exit from the Cullen house. I kept looking in the mirrors for Edward to come flying up behind us in the Volvo and drag us home. Alice noticed and just laughed "Bella, Edward isn't going to save you now and we have no intention of bringing you back until we have had our fun."

"How can you be so sure they aren't going to follow us? There are 4 cars sitting in the garage and even if they don't know where we're going I'm pretty sure they can 'hunt us down' if they want to." I assumed that was part of the reason Rosalie was driving so fast, to put as much distance between us and the boys as possible. But what would stop them from hopping in the cars...

Rosalie rolled her eyes at me "Bella, look down by your feet." On the floor was a small box. In it were a bunch of wires and pieces of plastic and metal.

"What are these?" I asked, but a smile crept across my face.

"Just a few parts from each of the cars at the house. No one knows cars like I do. I was very creative about what parts I took so the cars will start, but not move one inch out of that garage!" She burst into hysterical laughter with Alice. I began laughing too, because I could just imagine Edward, Jasper and Emmett throwing the keys in the cars, starting them and then cursing loudly when they wouldn't leave the garage. They must be so angry. I couldn't help but laugh.

"So now that our escape is complete, can you tell me where we are going? Will I be blindfolded and led through the forest to an unknown location or what?" I was starting to get into our little adventure now.

Rosalie looked to see how many miles away were were before answering. I'm sure she wanted to make sure were were out of Edwards 'range' before she spoke the words. "We're going to Vegas Bella! Alice and I decided a bachelorette party was just the kind of fun you needed to have before you married Edward. Who knows, you might learn something useful this weekend!" She turned and gave me a wink.

My face was an unbelievable shade of bright pink. I began fanning myself from the heat radiating off my face. "A bachelorette party in Vegas? Are you kidding me? I think I feel sick." I slumped down in the backseat gasping for air.

"Oh Bella, relax. Everything will be fine. I told Edward no danger was in store. I promise we will return you in perfect condition to him. And hopefully you will have stopped blushing by the time we get back." Alice laughed in her sweetest of voices.

I couldn't believe it. I was in a car, going 145 miles and hour, with my two vampire sisters-in-law to be to Las Vegas for a bachelorette party. This was far worse than Bella Makeovers, shopping and skimpy bikinis all put together. Then I remembered something and sat up straight. "Alice, right before we left, you showed Edward something. Something about me, and what you had planned. He looked at me like a turkey at Thanksgiving. What was that all about?"

With the straightest of faces she said "I simply thought of you in one of the outfits we picked out for you to wear tomorrow night. It's really cute, and sexy, and short and blue because you know how Edward loves you in blue." Immediately an image flew into my mind of me in some bizarre blue tube top, four inch heels and miniskirt. Alice was right, I may not stop blushing in time for the wedding!

All I could think is "Edward is going to flip out" over and over in my head. I laid my head down on the cool leather of the backseat.

"We'll wake you when we get close Bella. Take a nap now, you'll need you energy. We have a really full weekend planned for you!" Rosalie beamed. The last thing I heard was her step on the gas.

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