Let the games begin

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I was feeling quite proud of myself for tricking Edward and getting information for Alice and Rosalie. They were staring to rub off on me, and in what I considered, a good way. If I was going to be immortal and live with the Cullens for all eternity I really needed to hone my skills of deception and these two women were the masters. They could teach me so many things...

Alice and Rosalie had their heads together talking at vampire speed for a few minutes and then Alice turned to me with a smile. "Let's go up to the room Bella. We have had a slight change in plans and we need to work out the details." Before I knew it she grabbed my arm and we headed for the elevator.

When we got up to the room, there was a light snack for me and a huge pitcher of Coke. Alice poured me a big glass and told me to drink it. "We don't want the Vodka to make you sleepy, so we are going to pump you full of sugar and caffeine. That should perk you up nicely."

"Alice, what is going on with the boys? What did you see? They are coming to Vegas aren't they. Does Edward know where we are? What are we going to do?" Alice smiled at the suspicious tone in my voice. I could suddenly feel a game of cat and mouse between us and the boys was about to begin.

I think Alice was trying to see if I was up for the challenge. "One minute Bella, I need to make an important call." Then she grabbed her phone "Anthony, it's Alice. I need your help with something. We have had a change in plans and I need some help. We need to go to the earlier show. Can you make all the arrangements. I want everything the same, just at the earlier show OK? Yes, I think we are going to drop in on a few friends later who have arrived in town unexpectedly. Yes, send the boxes up at once that would be perfect. Ciao Anthony!" And she clicked the phone shut and turned to me.

"Bella, they boys are coming to Vegas. Rosalie and I aren't trying to keep secrets, we just want you to enjoy the rest of our weekend and I don't want you stressing about our dim-witted spouses or fiancées in your case. I promise I will not let the boys ruin our fun. But for now, we will fill you in on a need to know basis if that is OK. We will always be one step ahead of them, which you think they would have figured out by now after how many years, but they are boys after all and I'm sorry but they are so dense. They also have a lot of testosterone flowing in that mustang right now and they actually think they are going to pull something over on us. They need to learn a lesson. All you need to know now is you did a great job with Edward. They are headed to Vegas and Emmett is picking the hotel so of course we know where they will be staying..." She rolled her eyes at Rosalie "Treasure Island" they said in unison.

"That boys and that damn pirate fetish he has...something is not right with him." Rosalie muttered under her breath.

"Anyway, Operation Ball Crusher begins... now" She calmly reached for her phone and dialed. She put it on speaker phone so I could hear, but put her finger to her lips for us to remain quiet. I knew this was going to be good. Just like chess matches in the Cullen house, this would be an epic battle. There would be moves and counter moves to make any field general proud and I was thrilled to be a part of it. And, having been around the Cullens enough, I knew I was on the winning side when it can to brainpower. I sat quietly and listened.

"Hello Alice." "Hello... Eddie" Alice emphasized the Eddie in her sickly sweetest voice. "Very funny. Having fun corrupting my fiancée?" "You know she is perfectly fine Edward. Who knew just a few Vodka and Cranberries and she'd do anything I asked. If anything, you should be thanking me for this bit of information about her weaknesses. Consider it an early wedding present from us." She threw me a wink. "I take it you know the plan?" "Yes, I've seen it, but have you seen EVERYTHING he is thinking?" "Yes, I have seen everything Emmett has planned in his head." "You've seen his grand finale, right? Are you sure you want to go through with it? It's could get quite uncomfortable." "Alice we are grown men, I think we can handle it." "Fine, but just a warning, when you hear the song 'Girls, Girls, Girls' playing, Jasper is going to be curled up into the fetal position and you had better find him and take care of him or I will kill you and Emmett got it?" Alice wasn't angry, but if I were Edward I would be keeping a close eye on Jasper. "I'll be sure to watch out for that, thanks for the warning." "He's very sweet Edward. Too sweet to be hanging out with you two maniacs!" "Tell Bella I love her and keep her away from the Vodka please." Then Alice hung up. She had kept her cool and seemed quite pleased with how the call went.

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