Bright Lights

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I don't know what time started waking up, but it was still dark outside and Alice was screeching into her phone at Jasper threatening him with no physical contact for an eternity. She and Rosalie were talking quickly to one another so I had a hard time keeping up. "can you slow down for the human? What just happened? Why is Jasper cut off if he doesn't stop Emmett? Are they following us?" I quickly glanced over my shoulder expecting to see the Volvo tailing us at high speeds.

"It's nothing Bella, stupid Emmett and his stupid ideas. Honestly Rose, I don;t know what you see in him sometimes. I would strangle him in his sleep - if he ever slept- but you know what I mean!" Alice was mad and Rosalie was hot under the collar too.

"What are they doing back home?" I dared to ask. It didn't sound like they were in danger from anyone other than Alice and Rosalie so it couldn't be that bad.

"They want to take Edward out for their own 'boys weekend' all because they are mad we left them alone. They are being such babies." Alice huffed and crossed her arms.

"Well, I think they should have some fun too. What's the big deal?" I mean if I was off with my sisters for this fun weekend why couldn't Edward have fun with his brothers, right?

"Bella, you didn't see where Emmett was going to take them! Alice did Emmett change his mind?" Rosalie demanded. "Nope"Alice snapped.

"Give me the phone! I will KILL him." Alice just smiled a sweet smile and passed the phone to Rosalie. I covered my eyes because I could tell from the tone in her voice Emmett was in big trouble and she was ready to let him have it. What could possibly so bad. I never got the chance to ask because Rosalie screamed "Emmett Cullen. Are you and idiot? Do you have a death wish? If you go through with this you will never touch my body again. Not only that, I will take your Jeep apart so completely that it will fit into a cardboard box and you can spend the next century trying to put it back together! Am I making myself clear?" And she hung the phone up without another word. A huge smile came across her face. "Well..." she said knowingly to Alice.

"Mission accomplished, I think. If Edward does what I think he may, we'll sick Bella on him. But for now we're good. Ooohh look at all the lights!" Off in the distance, there is was. Las Vegas in all it's glory.

Vegas was more amazing that I had imagined as we cruised the strip I took in all the sights and colors. People were everywhere even though it was well into the night. That's probably why Alice chose Vegas...all the night life. I was grinning from ear to ear when we sped up to a beautiful hotel. We arrived under the canopy of the valet and a bell man dressed to the nines quickly opened our doors for us. "Ladies welcome to the Bellagio. We have been waiting for you to arrive." He offered me his hand to help me out from the backseat of the car. "how many men should I call to carry the luggage this time Alice? Will eight be enough?"

"We traveled very light this time Sal!" Alice gave him a wink and turned to me "Bella, this is Sal, Sal this is our almost sister-in-law Bella." Sal bowed his head and gently kissed my hand.

"Very nice to finally meet you Miss Bella. I hope you have enjoy your weekend to the fullest" A big smile crossed his handsome face. I felt Alice grab my arm and pull me into the lobby.

Rosalie gave a wave to the desk and was greeted with "Hello Miss Rosalie" "Good to see you Alice" "Welcome Bella" from all the staff at the desk. To my surprise we didn't even stop at the desk, "Your usual room is ready." Sal said with a wave of his arm pointing us to the elevators. "Enjoy your stay."

"Let's go see our room!" And before the words had come out of my mouth, Alice and Rosalie had my hands in theirs and we were running to the elevators. "Thanks Sal! Oh, and send them up in 15 minutes OK?" Sal waved his hand and gave Alice a big thumbs up as we jumped into the elevator.

I couldn't believe it, I was actually feeling excited.. "What floor are we on Rosalie?" I asked ready to push the button. She just looked and smiled. I knew the answer, the top floor. The place where only the most expensive, luxurious rooms were located. My face got red, "You guys shouldn't be spending so much money..." my voice trailed off as I looked at the floor of the elevator.

"Bella, take a deep breath and relax. I am only going to say this once." Alice leaned over to me, and looked me dead in the face. "We will be spending money on you this weekend. Lots and lots of money. We are also going to have fun, be silly and dress in some fabulous clothes which you will hate but I promise they will make you look drop dead gorgeous. Deal with it." Then she started smiling "And, if you are good, I'll tell you what outfit I gave Edward a sneak peek of before we left so you can wear it for him sometime and watch his eyes roll out of his head again!" She and Rosalie started laughing at the memory of Edward's mouth wide open.

We found our room if you could call it that, it was more of a luxury ranch home 20 stories above the Vegas strip. There was marble on every surface of the room. Gold leaf on every piece of trim. The bathroom was it's own spa with a full length mirror, tub/jacuzzi, shower, steam room, and vanity. There were three of the fluffiest robes I ever felt hanging on the wall and slippers. I walked through the suite with my mouth open trying not to even guess how much it cost.

Before I knew it there was a knock at the door. "Come in." Rosalie's musical voice carried through the room.

Three people walked into the room. The first was a tall man with blond hair who I guessed by his clothes was the chef. The second was a shorter woman with long curly brown hair. She had a huge rack of clothing behind her with shoes, bags and every accessory one could imagine. I thought Alice was going to feint. The third was a very well dressed gentleman who introduced himself to us. "Ladies my name is Anthony and I am here to help make your stay with us something to remember. Your wish is my command."

"Ladies, my name is Giuseppe and I am your personal chef for your stay. Miss Bella I was told you were famished so I wanted to see what I could make for you?" His accent was very thick and he waited for my response.

"Oh I don't know. It's pretty late isn't it?" I was taken completely off guard but his question. "What do you have at this hour?" I was too shocked to answer coherently. "Do you have a menu?"

"No, there is no menu for you Miss Bella." He looked slightly insulted "You ask for it and I will make it. What are you in the mood for, breakfast, lunch, dinner... or dessert? You name it and my chefs will get it up here immediately." Alice and Rosalie snickered.

"Surprise me." Those were the only words that came out of my mouth but it apparently made Giuseppe happy. He bowed to me, turned on his heel and walked out the door. I can't even imagine the kind of spread that was heading our way shortly. I may have to force feed some of it to Rosalie and Alice for putting me through this!

Alice walked over to Anthony and whispered something in his ear for a few moments. She was definitely using all her vampire charms on him and it seemed to be working. He kept nodding his head yes. Then he too left the room, obviously on a mission from Alice.

Alice and Rosalie looked like they would burst as they squealed "Hello Francesca! OOOOHHH what have you brought us to try on!" They ran at the rack of clothes full force and were holding things up and jumping up and down. I tried to sneak out of the room while they were distracted to avoid any attempts of 'dress up' that may sneak into their brains. Alice of course saw my plan and screamed "Freeze right there Bella Swan almost Cullen. Francesca, grab her and let's get started we have a big day ahead of us. Bella, unless you want me to let Rosalie pick all you clothes by herself you better get you butt over here and join in the fun."

Knowing I was beat, I smiled at Francesca and went to face my fears. The clothes were gorgeous. There was a whole section of blue that I instinctively knew was just for me. Alice and Rosalie looked like two kids in a candy store as they tried on different items, each more fabulous than the next. "Now I know why you two left so calmly without packing! You will have a whole new wardrobe after this weekend." A big smile crept across my face. As long as I didn't look at the price tags, I was actually having fun. Fun with Alice and Rosalie, my sisters, my family.

"Rosalie!" Alice screamed. "I am going to kill your husband soon..."

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