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Emmett and I were crammed into the back seat of the taxi like sardines. We could have walked, at human speed, faster than this guy was driving. In the front seat, Jasper was rambling on and on about football players to the driver. He was completely panicked he was going to blow our whole secret mission to Alice and live celibate for all eternity. His diarrhea of the mouth was getting old, but not as old as the completely constipated look on Emmett's face. He was trying to keep Alice on her toes by changing his mind every few minutes so she couldn't see where we were going. For most people, this wouldn't be difficult. But it was so hard for him that his face was completely scrunched up and he actually began mumbling his thoughts out loud to help make them sink in. "Deep sea fishing, Water aerobics, San Francisco trolley rides....."

I figured we had another hour before one of two things happened. Either, one of them was going to completely snap and have a mental breakdown from all of this OR it would become too much and they would give up and tell Alice everything she needed. Either way, the phone would ring and the fun would end. My bet was easy, Jasper- total mental breakdown -in about 30 minutes.

As we entered Port Angeles, Emmett began waving his hands wildly pointing at an Enterprise Rental Car location. "I think he wants you to pull in there. That or he is trying to fly, I'm not sure." The poor driver thought Emmet was mentally unstable and that Jasper has some sort of panic disorder but he kindly slowed the car and let us out.

I jumped out of the car and grabbed our bags from the trunk. As the taxi pulled away I asked Emmett "Should we rent a car so we can get to wherever we're going before Christmas? Stop rolling your eyes Emmett, all Alice will know is where we are and that we're renting a car. So what?" That seemed to calm him down.

"Yes- Edward, let's -rent -a -car and -go -for a ride" He sounded like a robot as he thought about each word before it cam out of his mouth and then gave a big wink as he finished, like somehow Alice wouldn't see that.

Ten minutes later I returned to them with a set of keys in my hand. "Note to self - rental places have slim pickings when it comes to our kind of cars Emmett. Lucky for you there was a girl behind the counter I could charm into letting us use this...." I pointed to a beautiful black mustang convertible with tinted windows. Jasper let out a low whistle as Emmett ran to the car.

"Let's go on our joy ride guys. We need to get a move on so we can get there by...." Emmett froze in place and clasped his hand over his mouth and then moved it to his forehead. He started him mumbling again "Let's buy a puppy, water skiing, snow skiing...." He was getting desperate. Jasper now resorted to humming show tunes to keep his mind occupied. Since neither of them was in any condition to drive, I jumped behind the wheel and stepped on the gas. The car was really, really fast. Every so often, Emmet would flap his big hand around indicating I should turn or change lanes. I drove for hours as feelings of paranoia and panic flooded my system thanks to Mr. Moody in the backseat. I was glad the car had the tinted windows. It was getting light out and for now there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

"Emmett, are you having fun yet?" I smirked. He flashed me a thumbs up. "Is your brain going to explode?" He flashed a different finger that time. "Manners Emmett. Isn't this little trip for me? To do something nice for your brother not make rude hand gestures at him. Just remember I could focus on one little thing...."

"Edward you wouldn't! I am doing everything I can to keep from blowing this whole adventure. Poor Jasper is on the verge of a total mental collapse and you are trying to distract me! OOOHHH get off here. NOW" Emmett's face was lit up like a Christmas tree. As he looked out the window, a wave of panic hit. He covered his mouth and then his face. The phone rang and Jasper screamed.

"We're dead. They'll kill us. I'm closing my eyes so I don't know where we are so if the whole thing got blown I didn't do it. You better come up with a good excuse Emmett. You talk to her I can't!" And with that he collapsed onto the floor of the backseat.

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