Double Time

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Edward's cell phone suddenly rang "Were your ears burning? Yes, I'll ask her." He turned to me with a suspicious smile on his face. "Alice wants us to come over to the house right now. Are you up for it? She claims she needs to tell you something important." He rolled his eyes at me and smiled.

My foot froze and I simply nodded my head. Hopefully it would be over soon. A new dress, a skimpy swimsuit for the honeymoon, a new hairdo, waxing my mind started running through the horrors that awaited me in Alice's plan.

Edward hung up the phone and a slight look of worry clouded his otherwise perfect face. He put his hands tightly around my waist and pulled me close. "Don't panic, but I think this is going to be worse than you thought Bella. I think Rosalie is in on her plan too."

"Why do you say that? What did she say? Did you see something?" My brain want haywire. I thought back over the last few days. Alice and Rosalie both had been hunting more than usual this week and I had only seen them a few minutes at a time and then they had to go do something come to think of it. Were they both trying to keep Edward out of their minds with odd thoughts and distance? I knew his gift was limited by distance.....was that why they were gone so much? Had they really been hunting or were they off planning something that would for sure be the end of me? I looked into Edwards' beautiful eyes, my face looking as helpless as I felt.

He smiled and gently kissed my lips. "Don't worry; I'll protect you from my crazy sisters. I can be quite frightening when I want to you know." He flashed me that dazzling smile that made my heart race and then gently kissed my lips.

I kissed him back and laughed "I think I'm more afraid of Alice than the Volturri sometimes. And if Rosalie is in on this....." my face flushed bright red. "Let's get this over with right now before I lose my nerve."

I looked up with a smirk, grabbed Edward's face and pressed my lips to his. As always, his cool lips felt wonderful on mine...too good. His face curled into a smile and I knew that meant I was pushing my luck, but I didn't care. If I was about to be humiliated and the hands of his sisters, I wanted to get something good out of it. We were both smiling as we headed to his car.

"Well?" I asked as we pulled into the Cullen garage. "Anything? What are they thinking?"

Edward just laughed. "Alice is counting by 4's she's up to 21,692....21,696... and Rosalie is picturing herself in every possible outfit she has in her closet, her own personal fashion show. They're good; I have to give it to them." He was laughing now. I could tell he was really concentrating looking for any clue but there was nothing. He shrugged and opened his door.

I climbed out of the Volvo and walked into the house. Alice came bounding down the stairs with such a big smile on her face I thought she would burst. Rosalie was sitting on the couch, reading a magazine but a little smirk danced across her face as we walked into the room.

"Bella you're here!" Alice yelled in her most musical voice. For someone so small she could be so loud. "I have something to tell you and you are going to LOVE it!" She was now jumping up and down at near vampire speed which was making me a bit nauseous.

"Are you finally going to tell me what is going on? We know you are keeping Edward out of your mind so I get the feeling this is going to be a whopper. Of course you should know Edward has promised to protect me from you .....both" I glanced over at Rosalie with raised eyebrows as I said that. She started laughing.

"Relax, Bella. You always get so worked up. Just trust us for once, please. How much trouble could little Alice and I possibly get you into?" Rosalie asked as she innocently batted her eyes are me. I could see why Emmett was putty in her hands.

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