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I looked on the stage and three girls came out. They never took their eyes off us. Like we were water in the desert. One of them licked her lips at Jasper. He froze in his seat. They came close and closer to our table, spinning and dipping as the approached. What had Emmett put in motion?

Suddenly I heard a thud behind me and I froze too. The blond had just jumped off the stage and was sliding over to Jasper. She reached behind his back and yanked on his chair causing it to fly away from the table. Jasper sat in stunned silence.

My hand flew over my mouth because I realized it was wide open in shock. The I heard Emmett's thoughts 'What the heck are they doing? I told them to give the dance to Edward. Actually, I guess I said the one without the s...' He looked quickly at me and I tapped on the sunglasses that were now on my face instead of Jasper's. Emmett had left the table and never saw I had the glasses until it was too late.

Now the other two girls came off the stage and over to Jasper. They began running their fingers through his hair, and every time one of them tried to grab his hand he wrestled it out of their grasp. He was trying so hard to stay composed, but in his head he was screaming like a little girl. I figured he had about thirty more seconds until Alice's prediction came true right here in the middle of the floor.

I tried to look away but it was like a car wreck, I just couldn't look away. It was surreal, the whole thing. Suddenly, he red head, Gemini, I believe, whipped her leg over his lap and sat down. I could see him visibly was like the smaller earthquakes warning of things to come.

There was a scream, and then shouting on the other side of the bar. One of the servers had dumped a drink on the guy in the green shirt's head and accused him of slapping he rear. Punches were flying and the girls that were groping Jasper, suddenly stopped. They must have known the guy in green and ran to his defense. The entire room cleared except for the three of us. I turned back to the table to see Emmett lying on the floor laughing so hard. I didn't know if it was the lap dance or the fight that set him off, but I couldn't worry about that right now. Jasper was gone. This was bad.

"Emmett, Emmett you big, dim, gorilla where is Jasper? Emmett, where did he go?" I had to find him, I promised Alice. Emmett pointed toward the back rooms or the club...ugh. I got up and started walking down the hallway. I knocked on the first door, hoping there would be no answer. Luckily, there was silence, I peeked in and it was empty. I turned back toward Emmett to see he had regained his ability to speak. "He went all the way to the back Edward."

I turned back to the long hallway and headed to the last door. When I opened it, Jasper was in there sitting on the floor rocking back and forth. He just kept thinking of Alice in his head. I sat on the bench next to him. "Jasper are you OK? Emmett is an idiot. He told the girls to give the lap dance to 'the guy without the glasses', but he didn't know I borrowed them until it was too late. He feels really bad." Jasper gave me a dirty look. "Well, underneath all the laughter and hysteria, I'm sure he feels rotten." Jasper gave me a weak smile. "Listen I'm ready to go, how about you? Let's go tell him. He's sitting there alone. The rest of the bar, including the biker girls headed out to the parking lot from the fight that broke out."

I offered him a hand and helped him up. He hugged me. "I love you Edward. Thanks for finding me. I hope you and Bella are as happy as Alice and I are. I think Bella is just the girl for you. She fits in this family more that you know." He was smiling now. The tragedy was over, no major harm or injury to his emotional well being. Phew, I could face Alice again.

I led him out of the back of the club, back to the table where Emmett was waiting for us. "You OK Jasper? I'm sorry man, I wanted them to get Edward, but then you switched glasses..." Jasper held up his hand, "Don't worry about it Emmett. I'm fine, actually I'm better than fine I'm great. There's nothing for me to forgive, it was a mistake. All is forgiven, if you give me the sunglasses back immediately." I was relieved to see Jasper was feeling better. He was actually exuding happiness for the first time all weekend. At least we wouldn't bring him home to Alice as a basket case.

"Come on guys, let's get out of here. I think we can say our guys weekend was a success and is now officially, over." I stood up to leave. The announcer came back over the PA to say the last dancers of the evening were taking the stage. Bambi walked over to settle our tab " Guys, you aren't leaving are you? You're the only ones left. Could you just stay for the last act? She's new and it might hurt her feelings if the room was empty. It's not her fault that guy started a fight..." She put her lip out in a little pout.

"Come on Edward we lasted this long, let's hang in there for one more." I looked to Jasper "What do you think?"

"I'll stay!" He said with a laugh. Emmett patted him on the back for his bravery.

I sat back down at the table. I turned my chair so my back was to the stage. I had really seen enough scantily clad women to last me a life time, and in my case that was quite a long time. I looked at the lights on the bar and wondered to myself what Bella was doing right now? Was she enduring yet another round of Bella Makeover at the hands of Rosalie and Alice? Did she miss me as much as I missed her?

The music started, quietly and slowly. It was a very different song that the others had been. This girl must be new, perhaps artsy even. I knew it was a matter of seconds before I knew what she was wearing without even looking. Emmett had continued his 'Rosalie as a stripper' fashion show in his head even though I had asked him to stop. I saw her as the police officer, the cow girl, the nurse, the teacher, the biker girl, and a belly dancer. I was waiting for the next installment to materialize in his head when I heard it. Emmett gasped... and so did I when suddenly the picture that danced in his head wasn't his wife, it was my Bella and she was wearing the outfit in Alice's vision.

I hissed to him "Emmett you are a toe sucking pervert! If you want to have unclean thoughts about your own wife that is fine but you will not put those clothes on my Bella do you understand? I can read your thoughts. I have been reading them for the last 75 years. What makes you think I wouldn't see this one. So, do you want to tell Rose about this or should I?" Quickly the image changed. Now Bella was holding her finger to her lips telling him to hush."Emmett Cullen are you listening to me? Stop fantasizing about Bella right now!"

I heard a sigh behind me, very close behind me and smelled some of the worst perfume ever. This girl must have swam in it before taking the stage! I stopped breathing to protect my sense of smell from complete devastation and turned around...

That's it for now! More later:)

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