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You still couldn't believe this was real. It seemed like yesterday you and Alanna dreamed of growing up, now here you are, at Alanna's wedding.

The wedding was being held at a lake behind your high school. The last time you were here was with Matt on your first date, so now you were trying not to think about those events while you were surrounded by Alanna and Jess' family.

Alanna insisted you and her get ready together. You did each others makeup, put flowers in each others hair. You cried a lot despite promising yourself you wouldn't cry until after they said 'I do'

Nine year old Alanna wanted to become an influencer and you wanted to marry the guy next door. Even though Alanna's dream didn't come true, she found a new dream in Jess. You hoped you were different, you couldn't imagine standing at the altar with anyone besides Matt.

You scanned the room of people in their dresses and suits. If Matt was here, he'd be looking at you instead of the bride, and you wouldn't signalled for him to stop staring, knowing that he wouldn't.

But Matt wasn't here, but another familiar face was. Luke smiled and waved at you, and you did the same.

It was hard to tell if he was watching you the whole time, or if you made eye contact by accident. You didn't let yourself overthink, you were just glad he came.

"With the joining of hands and giving and receiving of rings, I now pronounce you partners for life"

Everyone stood up to clap and flower petals were tossed as everyone cheered for them. Breaking the kiss, Alanna got all the bridesmaids to line up. This was your least favourite part of a wedding. Although you weren't going to take part, you wanted to watch the single girls fight for their chance.

On the count of three, the flowers were thrown and all the bridesmaids except for you, rushed forward to grab it. Your reflexes kicked in and you caught it. "Y/N is next!" One of the girls cheered and everyone clapped for you.

Holding the flowers and smiling, you turned around and again, made eye contact with Luke. Both of you shared an awkward smile before looking away, and didn't speak until the wedding reception.

The night was falling, but no one lost their energy. The room buzzed with talk from adults and kids running around. You were one of the few that stayed seated, you didn't need to dance to have fun. You were okay, with a drink in your hand, watching the others.

"Hey" The voice grabbed your attention. You looked up, blinking fast at Luke stood over you, holding out his hand. "Dance with me?"

"Only if you don't mind me stepping on your toes"

Luke shook his head and laughed. "Let's step on each others feet then"

The last time you slow danced together was at your Dad's wedding. Neither of you were good, but you'd gotten better since. You swayed lightly, and at least you both knew what you were doing. Your hands were on his shoulders and his hands were on your waist.

"I love this song" he said, breaking the silence.

"You know this song?"

"Of course"

Luke then started singing along with the wedding singer. It was strange how you never heard him sing before.

"I love Maroon 5" he confessed with a smile. You should've known that, but sadly, you didn't. He never mentioned it until tonight.

"You've gotten good, Smiley"

You laughed. "At dancing?" You gasped. "God no! I think you've gotten better. I'm not even comfortable in these shoes"

Bambi (Matt Sturniolo) Where stories live. Discover now