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You loved the view from your treehouse. When you were up there, you felt like you were on top of the world. You remember thinking, someday you would build your own house in a tree where you and Matt could live with your little family.

But growing up, you realised not everything was possible like in a child's mind. People didn't live in trees, that it wasn't always good to be alone all the time, and boys you thought were the love or your life- couldn't be the love of your life forever.

As the party went on, you decided to escape on the treehouse. It was the first time you'd been up there since your Mom's funeral. You sat on the edge, watching the children chase each other. After everything that happened, you falling out with Matt, you finding out the truth about your Mom, you realised life was too short to hold on to grief.


Luke's voice pulled your attention away from your thoughts. You looked down by the fence, where he stood with a smile on his face.

"What are you doing in your neighbour's treehouse?"

"This is my treehouse"

The way you said that made him laugh. Though Luke was confused by your answer, he shrugged it off. "Can I join you up there?"

"Sure. The ladder is over there"

You temporarily forgot about the promise you made Matt when you were fifteen. As soon as you remembered, Luke was already on his way up. You never let anyone else in the treehouse, not even Dan because you took the promise so seriously, thinking the place meant so much to Matt.

"Be careful!"

"Don't doubt-shit!"

Luke nearly missed the last step on the ladder and he had the biggest look of relief when you grabbed his hand.

Once again, you had someone else by your side as you sat on the edge of the treehouse. You felt Luke's eyes on you as you watched your Dad and Addison laughing with guests.

"Bored with the party?" He asked, trying to win back your attention.

"Not a family party kinda girl, you know?" Your fake country accent made Luke laugh and roll his eyes. There was so many questions he wanted to ask, starting with why you told him this place belonged to you. But he didn't need to anymore when he saw 'Y/N ❤️ Matt' carved on the floor.

"So...this is Matt's..."

"He let me have this place when he left, so it's mine now" you laughed, but Luke knew you didn't find it funny. You took a deep breath and added; "in the language of angsty teens, this is where I came to cry"

Your joke made them both laugh.

"This used to be my favourite place in the world" you whispered when the laughter had died down. "Matt...he used to be my favourite person in the world"

That was the first time you ever admitted your feelings for Matt to Luke. The last time you spoke about Matt to him was on your first unofficial date. But you felt like he deserved to know more.

"Two of my hardest goodbyes happened here" you continued, lowering your voice. "The first was Matt, the second was my first boyfriend, Dan. They both left me to follow their dreams, but at one time, they were everything I ever wanted"

You paused for a long time, but Luke didn't say anything. So you continued.

"I wanted to be someone's first choice that bad, I forgot to make myself my first choice. Now I know that everyone is allowed to leave, and I can only control myself"

Bambi (Matt Sturniolo) Where stories live. Discover now