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You couldn't recall how many times you drove down the same street. Every journey back home or to L.A was tied to a different memory. You worried about the damage from the storm, your house, your Dad and Addison, and the treehouse that failed to survive. Even the upbeat on songs on the radio couldn't drown out the stressful thoughts about him.

This time, as you went home for your best friends wedding, you felt so much joy. Would it last? Would you feel the same joy when you returned to L.A? You didn't know. But you didn't let it stop you from enjoying the present.

Despite how many times, your Dad, Matt and even Luke warned you about driving alone at night in a car that broke down whenever it felt like it, you didn't listen. Driving had been your guilty pleasure even though you weren't good at it.

But a certain song came on the radio, you thought of Matt. You wondered about what he could be doing now. He might be in bed, or resting after recording, or stressing about your fight before you left L.A. It wasn't anything serious, he just wanted you to wait until the morning to go, and you doing the opposite drove him crazy.

You were reckless, some would say, but you weren't crazy. You made sure to text your Dad before you left L.A and his reaction was the same as Matt's but you ignored it, but you sent him another text when you got to Boston. Your Dad didn't reply to your message, so you assumed he was sleeping. It came as a surprise to you when you saw him waiting for you in the driveway, with your two best friends.

The girls almost knocked you over when they tackled you for a hug. "We've been waiting all night!" Alanna said, grabbing your face and covering it with kisses. But Jess was quick to take her place and squeeze you in a hug.

"Are you guys getting married or am I?" You joked and when your Dad stepped forward, the girls stepped aside.

Almost lifting you off the ground with his grip, he kissed your head a few times and asked if you were tired. You told him you were, and just as expected, he turned it into a life lesson.

Addison was gone to visit a friend this week, so it would just be you and your Dad at home. Your relationship had improved so much since last year, but you weren't comfortable sharing every detail of your life with him.

Your Dad knew about the problem with your car, so while you had breakfast in the kitchen with Alanna and Jess, he went to the garage to fix it. You offered to help, but he insisted on doing it alone. You were glad he was busy, because there was so much you wanted to tell Alanna and Jess, but you didn't want him to know, mainly about Matt.

When it came to this topic, they didn't hold back. The second you sat down, your love life became an exhibition on display. Questions about Matt were fired at you like bullets and even though you braces yourself for this, you were still overwhelmed.

"It's crazy, don't you think?" Alanna trailed off as she set down her cup. "Years ago you stood in front of our class and talked about the boy you'd known for a week like you'd known him your whole life. Now look at you, you're his girlfriend and you're in love! That's insane!"

"I have a good feeling about this" Jess smiled

"Well..." you shrugged and sipped your tea. "I guess going through so much crap the last few years really fucked me over. I don't remember what's it like to be in control of my life or my relationship. It's like I'm always waiting for something bad to happen to us, does that make sense?"

"I guess" Alanna sighed. "You're here for a week, while your boyfriend is in Paris, shooting videos with his ex, who's still in love with him. I would be concerned too"

"Matt's in Paris with his ex?"

You all turned your heads and saw your Dad standing with his arms crossed. You shot Alanna a glare, and she covered her mouth but it was too late. Your Dad was waiting for an answer, so you had to give him one.

Bambi (Matt Sturniolo) Where stories live. Discover now