Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The smell of burning toast lingered through the hallways of the house, reaching the prick of Emily's nose as she opened her eyes gently and smiled. Tommy's arm was wrapped around her, cradling her body against his for warmth. The smell was not alarming to Emily. In fact, it brought her much comfort as it reminded her of the early mornings in her family home; the smell only added a sense of relief that peace emerged after a series of chaotic nights in Small Heath.

Emily analysed Thomas' peaceful slumber. She sparsely got to see the man rest. He was always busy doing business somewhere in Birmingham at any hour he could spare. She also knew it was rare he made it through the night without waking in a terror. Thomas frequently dreamed of the horrors he experienced during the war, so much so, he would wake in a terrible sweat, screaming the names of his fallen comrades as he desperately tried to escape the state he found himself in. By this point, Emily expected the disruption to sleep and found it impossible to comprehend what it was like to live in Tommy's head after such an experience, however, she tried her best to understand and comfort him wherever she could offer it. When he did awake, and she was present, he would take a moment before letting her hold him. But eventually, he found comfort in her arms - which is something he could never have with anyone else.

Emily felt a tiny sensation of pressure in the centre of her stomach. It wasn't a painful feeling; but it was something she hadn't experience before. Her hand glided across her belly as she examined the notion. It wasn't long before she felt it again - a small, yet powerful tap again the wall of her skin. She looked down, pulling up her gown to expose her bare belly. She noticed little bumps appearing as she felt each tap, moving her hand back and forth over them.

Her little boy was kicking.
She smiled generously as she began to whisper "hello little one" with every kick.

Tommy kissed the side of her head. He had quietly woken to the sound of her voice and noticed the interaction between her and the baby. Emily tilted her head and gazed into Tommy's eyes.

"Isn't it beautiful?" She cried, her eyes welling up with joy.
Tommy smiled and then nodded tenderly. He admired her beauty with every detail.
"Do you want to feel him?" She asked.
Tommy continued to watch her momentarily before nodding. Emily re adjusted her position to make it easier for Tommy to place his hand against her skin. She was mindful of his injury still, as well as making sure she didn't disrupt her baby's playfulness.

She guided Tommy's hand over to the spot and held it there as the baby kicked spontaneously. He chuckled at each tap before saying anything.
"He's strong. Just like Polly said" Tommy noted.
"If he's anything like you or I Tom, he's going to be a fighter" Emily giggled.
"He's a Shelby, it's in his gypsy blood" he added.
"Have you thought about a name yet? I've thought of a few, but I wondered if you had anything in mind?" Emily said intuitively.

Tommy paused for a while before he responded.
"Do you remember, just before the war, you and I stole a boat from Charlie's yard and sailed to the outskirts of Birmingham? We spent hours exploring the country before eventually lying on the grass verges and staring at the stars as our breaths turned cold".
"Of course I remember" Emily reminisced.
"Well, I remember asking you that same night, whether you wanted to start a family one day, and you responded with a firm yes before explaining the names of each and every child you wished to have."
He paused to take a breath before continuing.
"I never wanted to have children before that. But it was you who changed my mind in that moment. It was you that made me understand what it was to love someone, and how that love can be passed on. The first name you said was Charles, and then the second, Ruby. I remember it all. I've kept that vision in my head since the day you mentioned it, hoping I was the lucky man to be able to start a family with you. So, with that said, I think we should honour your wishes."

The baby kicked just as Tommy finished his sentence.
"I think baby Charlie agrees" Emily smiled. "I also find it beautiful that the day you reconsidered the possibility of a family is the same day we stole a boat from your Uncle Charlie. If that isn't a fateful coincidence, I don't know what is".

The two laughed together.

"I just remember the look on his face when we returned" Tommy grinned. "He still hasn't forgiven me".
"At least he never told Aunt Pol" Emily remarked. "She would have scolded the both of us" he added.
"Let's make sure we keep this between us still then!"

The smell of burning toast grew more prominent as every second passed. Thomas turned his nose up before turning to look at the door.
"I'm sure Ada wants to set this house of fire with the amount of bread she burns in the morning." He groaned...

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