Chapter Nine

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3 months later...

Ada sat on the chair beside the fireplace in Emily's bedroom. In one hand she held a small cup of tea which she sipped at gracefully whilst holding the latest political pamphlet in the other hand, scanning the document as though it was speaking momentous words to her.

Emily often invited Ada to attend social events with her. This was primarily because Emily could heavily rely on the council Ada offered, particularly when it came to social politics. Ada was the only member of the Shelby family who disassociated herself from the gang. Unlike the rest of the Shelby family, Ada hated the name. She tried every obscure and precarious move to convince people she was entirely different from what the family was renowned for - and she was highly successful doing so. She was incredibly smart; she understood the levels that higher society worked upon. That wasn't to say Tommy wasn't smart, however, Emily knew that taking Tommy to an event such as this would cause an uproar amongst the aristocrats.
Ada was always excited to attend such events - this was primarily because it gave her ample opportunity to spend time with her closest female friend, but also allowed her to mingle with people who shared like minded opinions on certain matters, without the fear of the Shelby name following her every move.

Emily was stood by the bed. She was being attended by Mary who was struggling to do up the back of her dress.
"God Mary are you going to pull that any tighter?" Emily remarked as she held her breath in hopes the dress would fasten quicker.
"Sorry Emily, I am trying not to pull! The dress won't do up" Mary replied despairingly.
Emily closed her eyes and shook her head in response to the pain it was causing.
"I'm not sure how this is possible? I had this dress made for this event just a few weeks ago".
Ada looked up from her pamphlet. "Want me to help?"
Emily nodded. Ada quickly placed the pamphlet and tea on the table and made her way over to the back of Emily. Mary moved slightly to the left to allow Ada to have a go. After a few attempts, Ada was also unsuccessful.
"Sorry Em. Looks like you may have to wear something different..." Ada frowned.
"How about this one?" Mary said, pulling out another dress from the wardrobe.
Emily shook her head and placed her hand on her forehead. "This is unbelievable! I can't have gone up a dress side in less than a month. My diet hasn't even changed to make this possible" Emily groaned in frustration.
Ada took a step back and gasped quietly.
Mary walked over, holding the dress up to Emily and waiting for her to take it. Emily took the dress reluctantly as Mary turned away in Ada's direction.
"You alright Ada? You look like you've seen a ghost" Mary chuckled.
"Emily, this may sound like a personal question but when was the last time you bled?" Ada responded, not acknowledging Mary's comment. Mary turned and looked blankly at Emily.
Emily tilted her head "I don't know? Maybe a month or two ago. I can't remember. Why?". It was evident Emily was unaware of what Ada was implying. Mary placed her hand over her mouth as Ada looked at her to say something. Emily moved around the corner to get changed into the dress, still not worrying about Ada's comment.
"Emily...?" Mary gulped.
"Ugh what!" Emily snapped, struggling to put her dress on by herself.
"Emily is there a chance you could be pregnant?" Ada softly spoke.

Silence filled the room until Emily emerged from round the corner again. Her dress was on but loosely tightened at the back as though it was waiting for someone to do it up for her. She was completely pale in the face - she stood in front of the ladies and swallowed her breath in a sudden panic. Mary immediately went over and tied the dress up. Ada and Emily locked eyes.
"It's Tommy's baby isn't it?" Ada said, posing a small faint smile as she tried to judge the situation.
Emily nodded complacently, attempting to take in the whole situation. Mary hugged Emily from behind in response.
"Did you know before I mentioned the possibility?" Ada clicked her tongue.
"I had thought about it... but I didn't think it to be possible. That's why I continued the way I have".
"Oh Em" Ada leaned in, joining Mary in the hug. The three stood in each others arms for a brief moment before Emily gently shook them off.
"We must go or we will be late for this event" she feigned a smile, perfectly hiding her fear behind it.
"But Emily-" Mary spoke before being interrupted.
"No. I must go. I will have to sort this out later. If I don't go my Mother and Father will suspect somethings up. Are you ready Ada?!"
Ada shook her head involuntarily as she watched Emily gracefully walk out the room as though nothing had changed.

Later on, Ada and Emily stood with a glass of champagne by the fire. Emily pretended to sip the liquid to not raise any suspicion and then quickly swapped glasses with Ada.
"Are you going to tell Tommy?" Ada whispered.
"I will someday" Emily replied without making eye contact. Instead, Emily had already spotted Lord White walking in their direction and had smiled softly at him as he got closer.
"What do you mean someday?-"
"Ah Lord White! How good to see you again" Emily interrupted.
"My dear Emily, how are you on this fine evening? I must say you look ravishing as always" he smiled, taking her hand and kissing it gently.
Ada pretended to go along with the situation but it was evident to Emily that she was concerned for her.
"Henry, this is Ada Thorne, formerly Shelby. She is my guest tonight. Ada this is Lord Henry White" Emily said, introducing the two to one another in gracious formality.
"What a pleasure it is to make your acquaintance Mrs Thorne" Henry smiled.
"Oh, it is Ms Thorne now. Unfortunately my husband passed a few months back. But I'm pleased to make your acquaintance too, Lord White" Ada replied cautiously.

This was the first time Ada had met Lord White. He was everything and nothing of what m Tommy had described him as. Ada wasn't entirely offended by his appearance - she assumed from Tommy's detailed description that the man was not fortunate in the looks department, however, Ada was pleasantly surprised. In fact, now that she was thinking about Tommy's description, Henry White had conjured up quite the opposite of what she imagined. He was young and gracious - not much older than 25. He knew he was overly fortunate in his looks and he made sure to use that to his advantage. He was immeasurably wealthy - she could see the attraction. However, he wasn't Thomas Shelby, and that was exactly what Emily was looking for.

"Will you excuse Miss Roberts and I, Ms Thorne? I must talk to her on urgent matters" Lord White asked. Ada stood blankly for a moment before feigning another smile.
"Of course" she nodded as she watched the two leave the room. Ada saw this as an opportunity to seek out like minded political thinkers amongst the aristocrats before Emily returned.


A brief 30 minutes had passed before the grand doors swung open. Everyone in the room, including Ada, stopped their conversations and turned to the noise of the doors emerging open. In strolled Emily and Henry, hand in hand and they smiled affectionately with one another. Emily's Mother and Father also appeared from behind and stood to the side posing a blatant feeling of joy.
"I would like to make a formal announcement" Henry cried out to the room happily.
"I am delighted to announce that Miss Roberts is to be my wife! We are engaged!" Henry smiled.

The room roared with cheering and clapping for the seemingly happy couple. Ada stood entirely in shock of what was just said, staring directly at Emily.
Emily looked around at the room, spotting Ada near the back of the crowd. She too stared at her - but Ada knew from the look in her eyes Emily's happiness was nothing but a facade to cover up the utter misery she felt towards her current situation...

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