Chapter Thirteen

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Thomas Shelby had no limitations.

That was at least what he had convinced himself to believe. He was dangerous, more importantly feared, and he knew people wanted him dead; however, what Thomas Shelby didn't realise was that Emily was his greatest weakness. You see, it had taken Tommy two weeks to confront the emotion which submerged his thoughts. He had behaved in a manner which would suggest he was deeply conflicted, but at the same time, he conducted himself silently in the shadows and ultimately in his resentment, he had gotten himself into business which the family would have inevitably advised him against.

Thomas Shelby was plotting something beyond his reach.

In his absence from family politics, Tommy had devised a plan to get his way. Like usual, he had put in extensive research towards, communicating with people of all backgrounds, consequently allowing him to create a deceptive plot. However, Tommy's plot meant he had to reluctantly work with Alfie Solomons and he knew better than to trust Alfie's word. But Tommy used this to his advantage. In order for his plan to succeed, he needed Alfie to betray him, and certain information also needed to get around so that his associates were in the right place at the right time. Tommy informed Johnny-Dogs of his plan - he was the only person he trusted to not act irrationally... more importantly, attempt to stop him, and this was the only option he could unfortunately go along with.


Finn ran urgently along the long stretch of Watery Lane and stopped at the door of betting den. He banged violently on the locked doors until Lizzie reluctantly let the poor boy inside. Finn proceeded to brush aside the woman, looking desperately around for anyone he recognised to be kin.

"Finn? Are you okay?" Lizzie softly questioned in a manner of concern. She had followed the boy in and watched his awkward desperation as he searched the den.
"Where's John or Arthur?" He swiftly responded, drastically peering through each office window.
"Arthur is out; he will be back to lock up in a minute" She paused.
Finn nodded and awaited her next comment.
"And John is in the far room. His name is on the door Finn. You can't miss it"

With that said, Finn bolted to the end of the corridor and barged his way into the office. John was sat, both feet crossed and placed firmly up on the desk, a cup of tea in one hand and a newspaper in the other. The sound of Finn's commotion caused him to pull the paper slightly down towards the desk, allowing both his eyes to peer simultaneously over the sheet and spotting his younger brother. John raised his eyebrow and waited for the boy to talk.

"John, it's Tommy! Some men have taken him. They were in suits. I tried to help but there were too many" Finn blurted.

John dropped his paper and sat up immediately, placing the tea cup roughly on the table. The clatter of the cup on the table sent a shocking noise around the den, suggesting to anyone not present in the office that it had been smashed. Just as John got up, Arthur strolled in.

"Who's fucking breaking my new tea cups?" Arthur groaned. "I stole those from Sabini's house as a parting gift. I'll have you know they're fine china!"

"Arthur, Tommy's been taken" Finn blurted once again, interrupting Arthur's content mood.
"What boy?" Arthur sharply responded.
"Finn says Tommy's been taken by some men in suits. Could be Sabini taking revenge. Did Tommy mention any new plans to you?" John said quickly, walking round his desk and loading his revolver.
"No" Arthur groaned again. "Tommy normally tells us things".

With that said, Polly strolled through the door and immediately read the tone in the room. "What's going on?" She cautiously queried, placing her bag on the table harshly.

"Tommy's been taken" Finn announced.
"Taken by who?"
"Thats what we're trying to figure out Pol" John remarked.
"Well what are you all standing around for? Tommy isn't going to un-take himself is he?" She snapped and strolled back out the door. John looked at Arthur who looked at Finn who then looked back at John. The three brothers then all concomitantly put their flat caps on and left the den.

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