Chapter Nineteen

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The next morning, Emily crossed the border into Small Heath and marched her way over to the den at Watery Lane.

As she made her way through the den, looking for Tommy in every nook and cranny of the building, she was precariously watched by every man who found themselves within the walls of the room, their eyes trailing with every step she made.
John emerged from his office. He watched momentarily before interrupting her search.

"I assume you're looking for Tommy?" He said, taking the small wooden toothpick from his mouth.
"You guessed correctly" Emily rolled her eyes, clearly stating she was not in a mood to talk. She began to search around again.
"Are you okay Em? How's the wound?" John inquired, trying to make conversation.
"John, just tell me where Tommy is?" She snapped.
"He's upstairs... I think. Why? What's wrong?" John responded.
Emily shot a deceivingly angry glare. She gazed thoroughly, trying to decide whether he knew the information she set out to receive. John scrunched up his face in an awkward frown and then raised his eyebrow.
"Why are you staring like that? It's like you're staring into my soul" He questioned innocently.

Emily concluded her stare and turned away without answering, leaving John completely baffled. He didn't bother following her; he knew too well she wasn't in a mood to be debated with, so he eventually turned away and went back to work.

Emily hastily made her way upstairs and lingered outside Tommy's door. Before she decided to knock, she thought of how she would go about starting the conversation she so desperately desired: she was here to ask him whether he was responsible for the death of Lord White.

When her father announced his death last night and stated it was due to an accident, Emily knew immediately this was no coincidence. Tommy hated the man, and she knew he would find a way to make things work in his favour. But what Emily didn't realise was that Tommy was capable of killing an innocent man for his own emotional gain.

What Emily also knew is that Tommy would attempt to cover this up - even if he had to cover it up from his own family. Although, the Shelby's stuck together, the killing of an innocent person for personal gain was not a Shelby policy, and those rules applied to everyone, including Thomas.

Tommy was an intelligent man who had no limits. He would see right through her if she asked too many questions - this was stressful thinking for Emily.

The death of Lord White was a blessing and a curse for her, and she needed the truth. Emily had wanted to be with Tommy for as long as she could remember, however, if he had killed Lord White, she wouldn't be able to forgive him. If he was capable of doing it once, he would do it again. What if these capabilities were to reap havoc on those she held closely? These thoughts continued to trouble her.

She loved him....

She raised her hand an knocked.
Tommy opened the door.

"Emily? Come in, are you okay? Are you feeling better?" He said, seemingly surprised to see her. They hugged as she passed through the doorway and into his room. She sat on his bed and feigned a smile; it was obvious she was disturbed by something.
"My horse won the races today Em, we are having a celebration at the Garrison tonight if you want to join?" He smiled, adding a log to the fire and smiling at her.

Emily was trying to pluck up the courage to say what she came to say. All she could think about was her fathers words when he announced Lord White's death.

"John's been adding up the winnings downstairs and I suspect Arthur is already drunk" Tommy continued. She looked back at him and then away again.
"Are you okay Em? You seem lost?"
"It's nothing. I'm just tired" Emily finally responded. She couldn't bring herself to ask. It was starting to panic her: she remained composed.
"I can tell it's more than that" Tommy said, raising his eyebrow and sighing.

She analysed him; he was so blatantly happy with himself. How could he be so happy after murdering an innocent man? A man who only wanted to look after her and make he feel safe? A man that had consequently lost his life just because of the association?
She resented herself for thinking this way, quickly changing her thought dynamic - why did she care so much? Lord White's death should have been a happy moment. She was now free again. She stood a chance of being able to marry Tommy - he would be able to raise his baby!
Her thoughts snapped back again; her baby would never be truly safe.
These thoughts overwhelmed her until she began getting emotional. Why was this so hard?

She looked away as she gritted her teeth: it helped her remain composed.
"No... I'm just tired Tommy"

There was a brief silence. Even Tommy couldn't understand why she had traveled all this way to tell him she was tired.

He shook his head and sighed before pulling a small smile.
"Look, I'm sorry to hear about Lord White" he announced.

Emily immediately turned and looked him angrily - she hadn't mentioned anything about Lord White. Tommy was a smart man, but he was no mind reader. How did he know about Lord White?
Only a small number of people would know this early... it could only be one thing.

"Emily?" Tommy asked carefully.
Emily closed her eyes before taking in a deep sigh in an act of preparation....

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