Chapter Two

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The next morning, Emily sat alone wrapped in a blanket by the fire. She cupped a mug of tea and stared blankly into the blazing light. Images of the events that took place the night before continued to flicker between the flames, each flash growing more prominent as she sipped her drink.
Tommy, John, Arthur and Finn had left for the Garrison.

Ada and Polly slowly approached Emily and sat on the seats beside her.
"You okay darling? How you feeling?" Polly said softly.
Emily nodded slowly, not breaking eye contact with the orange blaze; her eyes began to well with water, disorientating the picture further.
"Emily?" Ada spoke.
Emily eventually turned and looked at the two women, revealing her tear soaked eyes.
"Oh darling" Polly said, running over and giving her a hug, "Everything's gonna be alright. Tommy will sort this"
"Will you tell us what happened last night Em?" Ada calmly suggested.
Pulling away from Polly slowly, Emily nodded and dried her eyes. She knew that the women were there to comfort her but she also knew Tommy desired to know, and consequently, he had sent them to inquire.

"I was walking home after visiting a friend when three men approached me. They knew my name. They knew where I'd come from. They knew I was linked to you all... especially Tommy" she paused getting emotional again.
Ada placed her hands on Emily's as a sign of support.
"I tried to fight them off, but I couldn't. Too many of them at once" she choked, "The more I refused to tell, the harsher they became... they wouldn't get off me, so I took my hair pin and stabbed one of them. That's when I ran. They followed... I'm not sure how I managed to get away" Emily sighed quietly.
"I'm so sorry Em" Ada frowned tearing up.
"Tommy will solve this" Polly added, "It will never happen again".
"He can't!" Emily interjected, "He'll get himself killed"
Polly shook her head, "You know we can't stop him once he's got a plan in mind".
Emily abruptly jumped out her chair and began putting her coat on; it was still stained with blood from the night before.
"Where the bloody hell are you going?" Polly questioned.
"I must go stop Tommy" Emily responded hastily. It was evident she was in another spin of panic, eager to get her way.
"Emily come sit back down. It's okay you don't need to do anything" Ada insisted.
"It's okay Ada, I'm okay. Thank you" Emily said as she rushed out the front door and ran towards the Garrison. Ada and Polly quickly made haste after her.

Emily burst through the doors of the Garrison, spotting Tommy and the other lads by the bar. Ears pricking at the door opening, they all turned to see the commotion. Tommy dropped his cigarette and ran to her, stopping her in her tracks.
"Tommy you can't mess with Sabini" Emily panicked.
"Alright lads get out!" Arthur shouted to the Peaky boys, "I said get out!".
They all left in a hurry, following orders with no question, like the soldiers they were.
"Please Tommy" Emily said, shaking Tommy in attempts to get his attention.
He momentarily allowed her to shake him, not sharing much emotion with the now empty pub until he realised she was in a state of panic once more which would be unresolved without his action. Tommy reached out and grabbed her arms and gently wrestled her. "Calm down. It's alright, eh!Calm down!" He hushed until she stopped fighting him.
John and Arthur stood patiently behind the bar, waiting for the commotion to cease. Tommy pulled Emily in close to his chest, his arm wrapped around her body and hand placed soft, but firmly on her head.
"Don't get yourself killed Tommy" she muffled.
"I won't" he reassured, "I won't".

Later that afternoon, Emily sat comfortably on the window ledge in her childhood home. The cold mist lingered across the garden in which Emily watched aimlessly over. Every breath taken was followed by a thick cloud of condensation, partially covering her view.

"Emily where have you been all night? I've been worried sick" Mother said, waltzing into the room.
"I was here" Emily lied.
"Don't lie to me Emily, I know you weren't here. I came to see you last night and your Mary said she hadn't seen you since at least 3pm yesterday afternoon"
"Curious..." Emily sighed, wiping the condensation from the window and between her finger tips.
"I know you went to Small Heath. Don't think I was born yesterday because I wasn't" Mother snapped.
Emily turned and looked harshly at her Mother.
"Fine. I was in Small Heath last night. But why does that matter? You know who I'm with and it hasn't been an issue before, so why is it now? I'm a woman, I can make my own choices"
Mother shook her head whilst she poured two cups of tea. She handed on to Emily and then sat herself by the fire.
"Where did those cuts come from?" She said, changing the subject.
"Oh. I fell." Emily lied again.
"Emily" Mother sighed deeply. "One day, I won't be able to cover for you anymore. Especially if you choose to lie to me. You were very lucky last night I didn't tell your Father where you were and who you spend your time with. So please, do me a favour and refrain from your own stupidity"
Emily sipped her tea, acknowledging her Mother's remarks.

Just as the china cup tapped delicately against the saucer, Emily's father came strolling in with a large grin across his face. The two women immediately looked up to the commotion of the door bashing open and awaited his commentary.
"Good news my dear" He said, looking directly at Emily, "Lord White has requested you visit for tea on Friday... I think he may have an important question to ask you dear".
Emily stared, eyes wide, as she held back the shock of his words.
"Oh my darling! Isn't that wonderful! He wants to marry you!" Mother exclaimed.
Emily feigned a smile, holding her breath in despair at the moment.

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