Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Hello Everyone!

I am so sorry it has taken me this long to update the story. If I am completely honest, I have had a very large period of writers block which eventually led me not to publish anything at all - I didn't want to publish anything that was half hearted or something that lacked worthy conviction of this storyline.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the chapter and I hope to be uploading more content (hopefully much more frequently than previously), however, do expect a possible delay as I am currently studying in my final year of University, therefore, it may take me longer to write.

I am more active on TikTok so make sure to follow me on that - I pretty much check the account every day. Leave a comment on there if you would like to make a suggestion or just share the love!

TikTok - bleakmidwinter.wp


James gripped Emily's palm as he hauled her under his protection, running down the smoke filled corridor which spat the ricocheting bullets from each wall, left to right. Within moments, they fell under the jurisdiction of Peaky territory, escaping the grip of Sabini's men. All Emily heard within the gaps of ringing and temperament, was the echoes of John's voice, rushing over to check she and the baby were okay, followed by the ignition and roar of a cars engine as they hurriedly made their escape.

"Drop me off at the nearest gin distillery" Alfie announce to the driver.

Arthur turned at the notion of Alfie's remarks and shot a look of confusion at the man.

"Why would we do that Alfie?" Arthur questioned.

"I am feeling rather melancholic"

"Aren't we all?" Michael said, rolling his eyes in frustration at Alfie's vagueness.

"There is nothing more melancholic than drinking gin in a situation like this. I have had a spout of inspiration by Mrs Shelby over here" Alfie continued, looking over at Emily.

Emily looked up, preventing John from tending to the gash across her forehead. "What are you implying Alfie?"

Alfie chuckled momentarily and then cleared his throat."I am suggesting that your life will be nothing more than a tragic tale of melancholy if you chose to marry Thomas Shelby. If there is one thing you should learn from this situation, is that he will bring nothing but danger to you and your children, no matter how much protection you feel you have around you...I would hate to read about your death in the newspaper Emily. A pretty flower such as yourself should not be wilting in soil it was meant to bloom in"

Arthur slapped the drivers shoulder to stop the car. "Enough of your poetry Mr Solomons, our part of the deal has been upheld. You can get out here" he snapped. "Our brother can protect her just fine, just like he protects us".

Emily frowned as Alfie nodded to Arthurs commands. James gave a sultry look of agreement as he watched Emily's frown manifest across her forlorn face.

"Give Tommy my best then Arthur" Alfie added as he opened the door, disappearing into the darkness.


Later that evening...

Emily waited patiently for Polly to let her enter the room in which Tommy lay restlessly in. She picked anxiously at the dead skin which gathered around the beds of her nails, staring hopelessly at the war portraits of the Shelby brothers that stood prominently on the fireplace hearth. With the attempts to ignore the vigorous pulses of pain which abruptly came from the wound across her forehead, she listened to every whisper that came from Tommy's room, hoping it was Polly agreeing to a visitor. In any other circumstance, Emily would have dismissed the authority of Polly when it came to matters with Tommy, however, the girl lacked the significant abundance of strength and wit to take on the Gypsy queen.

The sound of clockwork drove her to near insanity. She couldn't take the apprehension any longer; each second that passed only encouraged the chaos of despair within her. Eventually, Emily took to her feet and approached Tommy's door, her arm elevated to knock just as the board of wood revealed the room in front of her. Polly stood unsurprised to see the girl about to break open the metaphorical barrier.

"I was assume that was just an example of your impeccable instinct... being able to conclude when the appropriate time was to disturb Tommy, rather than irrational senslessness..." Polly grinned wittingly.

Emily smiled. "Can I see him?"

Polly nodded, stepped aside and then shut the door carefully behind her.

Emily cautiously approached Tommy's bedside; she immediately noticed large, bloodstained bowl of bandages that had assembled on the floor. He himself had one large bandage wrapped across his chest, exposing his pale and somewhat freckled torso that lay peacefully amongst the warmth of blankets and heat from the fireplace. Emily sat gently on the chair which Polly played nurse in, reaching her hand out and placing her palm across his cheek. Tommy's eyes slowly opened as the glimmer in his eyes and smile took precedence in his complexion.

"My love" she whispered.

Tommy winced quietly as he took her hand as she moved it from his cheek and gripped it tight. "You are safe. Is the baby okay? Your head Emily!" He muttered.

Emily smiled and nodded in response.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you" He said, clearing his throat and gazing into her eyes.

In that moment, Emily thought back to the words of Alfie Solomons which echoed in her head as he eyes welled up with tears;

"he will bring nothing but danger to you and your children, no matter how much protection you feel you have around you."

She shook the thoughts out of her head, disguising her feelings to the injured man that lay before her; he would not recognised the grief and despair that evolved behind her beautiful eyes in that moment. It was there that Emily knew, she had to chose between life and death - there was certainty in both, and Alfie was right, but what she did not know was how long death was going to wait around the corner for her.

"I'm just glad you're okay" She whispered, leaning over to kiss his forehead.

"You shot Kimber" Tommy announced, his voice shifting in tone.

Emily swallowed her breath. "He shot you. I couldn't stand there and watch you die... I don't know what came over me... I'm sorry Tom, I shouldn't have reacted-"

"It's okay Em" Tommy interrupted. "I am proud of you. I didn't know you had it in you" he grinned.

Emily chuckled and looked down as she shook her head again. She heard Alfie's voice again;

"A pretty flower such as yourself should not be wilting in soil it was meant to bloom in."

Tommy noticed the abrupt change in emotion. "Something wrong?"

Emily looked up at him again and brushed his attempts of consoling away. "I didn't know I had it in me either to be honest... wait... will I go to jail for this?!"

Tommy laughed before coughing in pain. Noticing the pain, she quickly took the glass of water from the cabinet and helped him sip it, easing his discomfort away. As she put the glass back down, she combed her hand through his dark brown hair, moving her hand down the side of his face and cupping his cheek again.

"You should get some rest" Emily said, standing up and preparing to leave. Tommy squeezed her hand to keep her by his side.

"Lie with me. I want you in my arms" he begged softly...

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