Chapter Fourteen

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Later that evening, James had taken Tommy back to his stately home on the outskirts of Birmingham; it was one of many homes James owned around the country - being a Lord and undercover gang leader certainly bought him the best of opportunities. He had allowed Tommy to borrow one of his suits and offered supplies to help clear his wounds.

"So what now?" Tommy asked.
"Well my friend, we drink to whatever the fuck just happened" James grinned whilst picking up a bottle of rum.
"Do you have any gin?" Tommy asked again
James turned slowly around and shot Tommy a disgusted look. "What are you? Fucking depressed? Come on Thomas, live a little!"
Tommy sighed deeply in frustration. "I'll have a whisky"
James rolled his eyes and poured two drinks, handing one of the glasses to Tommy.

"How did you know where I was?" Tommy said whilst in the middle of sipping his drink.
James sat down in the chair across the table from Tommy. "I know things" he responds.
"He knows things" Tommy scoffed sarcastically to himself.
James glared.

"No. You're in trouble and you needed my help, saw the opportunity and took it. I know you've been following me".
James frowned.
"You need me to help you. You want men, maybe even policemen... to man your army. You want to be like Sabini... he uses policemen and that's why he's winning the war in London" Tommy remarked.
"What's that now?" James snapped.
"Well, if you weren't loosing the war then you wouldn't have been there at the right time"
"What's that now?" James repeated, this time his tone a little angrier.
"You need to be more realistic" Tommy said in a smug tone.
"You're starting to get on my fucking tits" James retorted angrily, clearly frustrated with the amount of knowledge Tommy had acquired.
"I know what I'm saying makes you angry, but I'm offering you a solution" Tommy said as he watched James' ears prick up to the word solution.
"As far as Shelby Company Limited goes, I have no need for business partners at current. However, I have bigger issues at stake" Tommy paused, "we join forces" he finished.
"I supposed that gets you out of the trouble you've got yourself in to" James smiled and waved his arm at Tommy, his thick cockney accent trailing through every line he spoke.
"I can offer you 100 good men, all with weapons, and a new relationship with the police" Tommy negotiated.
"Hold your horses Tommy. You've already sussed that I needed your help and now you're turning the tables" James acknowledged. "What is important is the 17 dead bodies we just left at that warehouse that kidnapped you with the intent of killing you or Emily on behalf of Sabini to settle some business that took place in the past..."

A brief silence looked over the conversation.

"How do you know about Emily?" Tommy questioned with no added context.
"That's not important." James shot back.
Tommy stared quietly, analysing every comment, tone and change in behaviour.
"Besides, I would have thought you would have done your research about me Tommy... even if we haven't met before" James responded calmly.

There was a loud knock from the door. Both men turned to look where the sound emerged from before James responded. Within a moment, Emily had run in with Finn following closely behind.
"Oh my god! Tommy!" She said.

He stood up immediately as she reached him. To her, his expression changed from serious to soft, and yet, to everyone else, he appeared to remain visibly neutral; Emily was the only one to ever truly understand Tommy's expressions when they were evidently blind to everyone else.

She reached up and placed the palm of her hand on his cheek.
"Oh god Tommy you're hurt" She sighed.

It was undeniable Tommy was still upset with her, however, he couldn't help but react to her attempts to comfort him. He took her hand from his cheek and held it in his, feigning a small smile in the process. He chose not to comment on anything.

"Alright you two, enough of that" James chucked.
"How did you find me?" Tommy inquired.
"Emily and I struck a deal..." James smirked.
Tommy raised his eyebrow.

"I'll explain later" Emily reassured to Tommy.

"Tommy, there's a car outside waiting to take you, Emily and your brother home. I'd love to have you all stay but quite frankly I've had enough of business for one day. I'll be in contact with you very soon" James commented...

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