Chapter Three

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A week had passed since Emily had last seen Tommy.

Her week had consisted of two things; feigning love and feigning happiness. The truth is, Emily was miserable in the life she had been given. This was ironic considering she had been given the best outcome of life circumstances; she would never have to work, never have to worry about money and never have to worry about whether she would be able to eat that day. She was unbelievably fortunate for what she had but that fortune meant she had to conform to higher society, and that was the bane of her existence. The thought of being forced to marry a man who didn't love her just to please society disgusted her. She knew deep down what she really desired...

Emily's Mother and Father had left to go to London for the week. This meant Emily was head of the Manor House until they returned. But ultimately this meant she could get away with much more then she normally would. Emily's governess Mary, was her closest confidant, and the only person, aside from her Mother, she could trust in the house. Mary was abundantly aware of Emily's dealings with certain Birmingham gangsters, and knew all the details of her sneaking in an out at all hours of the day. Mary was the same age as Emily, meaning the two got on more like sisters than what society would paint them to be.

"Your Father has left me clear instructions to watch over you and make sure you're keeping up with public appearances within society Emily" Mary said, lighting the fire. Emily rolled her eyes at the thought.
"But I imagine you won't do either of those things" Mary smirked.
"You know me too well" Emily responded, turning the page of her book.
"Well, aside from the various tea appointments your Mother has made on your behalf, it seems like your week is fairly unfulfilled" Mary said, sitting beside her.
Emily turned to look at Mary, waiting for her to continue.
"Sooooo..." Mary probed.
"Soooo?" Emily responded as she widened her eyes and shook her head in a confused manner at Mary.
"I know it's highly inappropriate for me to be saying this Em, and I could lose my job, but, please take me to the Garrison one evening with you?" Mary begged.
Emily chuckled at the thought.
"Is that a good laugh or a bad laugh?" Mary questioned.
Emily continued to chuckle, "Oh Mary, of course, as long as you don't tell my Father..."
"As long as you don't tell your Father too!" Mary sighed with relief.
"You just want to see John again don't you?" Emily teased.
Mary fell back into the chair, hands covering her blushing cheeks, embarrassed at the truth behind Emily's statement.
"It's okay" Emily shrugged, "I don't blame you".
Mary sat up abruptly, "How's things between you and Thomas?"
Emily sighed, turning the conversation sour. "Good" she paused, "but I'm worried he's getting into more trouble he can handle".
"What trouble?" Mary probed.
"More than you and I can comprehend" Emily swerved the question, not wanting to discuss the other night, "but also, I'm worried about what my Father has planned in terms of my marriage".
"He's been planning that since the day you were born Emily" Mary said, taking Emily's hands and holding them into her own. "I know you love Thomas, but there will come a day where you won't be able to escape the inevitable".
Emily let go of Mary's hands in a mix of shock and frustration at her comment.
"Good god, you sound like my Mother"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that" Mary frowned.

There was an awkward silence that loomed over the two ladies. Mary stood up and began making tea to clear the silence.
"Have you ever thought about just marrying him without your Fathers permission?" Mary suddenly blurted out, stirring the tea and then gently tapping the china cup with her spoon.
Emily looked blankly up at Mary from behind her book. "I worry about you sometimes Mary..."


Later that Thursday evening, Emily and Mary were sat at a small table in the corner of the Garrison. The pub roared with all walks of life, all socialising after a busy days work - it was the only pub that allowed women to drink unaccompanied. Everyone in the Garrison knew Emily and she had just about memorised the locals names, frequently nodding and smiling at them as they looked across at her.

That was until an unfamiliar group of men approached the table, evidently looking for trouble.
"What are two beautiful ladies doing all my themselves on this fine evening?" The tallest man said, pulling up a chair as 3 others followed his moves.
"Having a drink-" Mary began to talk. Emily quickly kicked her under the table. She knew from the moment they approached the table that they were out for trouble; they evidently weren't local which also meant they may be seeking damaging information about the Shelby's.
"I'm sorry, we're not looking for company tonight" Emily said confidently.
"Ohhhh so the pretty one talks" He said as the other men all cohesively chuckled.
Emily rolled her eyes as she poured the rest of her whiskey down her throat. As she placed the glass back onto the table, the man reached out to touch her face.
"Some peculiar cuts you have pretty girl" he said.
Emily flinched to avoid him. "Please don't touch me".
"We should go?" Mary nudged revealing her panic.
"Off so soon?" One of the other men said, staring at Mary.
"I said, we weren't looking for company. So please, take yourself else where and leave us alone" Emily snapped.
"Sabini wants to talk to you Miss Roberts" he responded.
Emily's heart sank. Though she was in a familiar place, her safety and comfort felt violated. She didn't know how to act or respond; she felt like calling for help, but she feared the men were carrying weapons. So, she took a leaf out of Tommy's book - whether this was a sensible idea, she didn't know, but she had no other choice.
She took a deep breath to relax herself. "What would Sabini want with a woman like me?" She said calmly.
"Emily this isn't a good idea-" Mary tried to interrupt. Emily kicked her again under the table.
The man smiled. "I think you know exactly what he would want".

There was brief pause in conversation.
"Where?" Emily probed.
"Tomorrow night, a car will pick you up from outside this pub. Get in alone and don't tell anyone else of your movements" the man said sternly, "and if we find out anyone else knows, you and everyone you love, including the beautiful lady sat beside you, will find themselves in the morgue before they can scream for help".
Emily nodded, acknowledging the open threat.

The doors of the Garrison swung open and the pub fell silent; The Peaky Blinders had arrived. Both Emily and Mary let out a sigh of relief. Tommy immediately shot a look at Emily and hastily made his way over to the table. He loomed over the men sat opposite the two women.
"Apologies Mr Shelby, we were just keeping these ladies company" The main man said, quickly loosing his stern manner as he got himself up.
Tommy nodded and sat down, John, Arthur and Finn either side, as Sabini's men moved and left the Garrison. It was evident Tommy hadn't suspected anything suspicious about the group.

"Alright ladies?!" John grinned.
Arthur waved his hand at the barman to bring over a bottle of whiskey.
"I am so glad you've arrived" Emily smiled, hiding the fact she was utterly terrified of the events prior.
Tommy caressed a cigarette across his lips and then lit it as it stuck perfectly upon him. He took one big toke and flicked the ash onto the table.
"Are you well? You haven't had any trouble this week have you?" He questioned as if he knew something was up.
"I'm fine thank you. Mary and I thought we'd visit as my Mother and Father are away... no one to control me" Emily responded lightly.
"You're looking ravishing tonight" John said to Mary.
"Calm down John boy" Arthur teased, "we've only just got here".
Tommy gazed seductively at Emily. She caught his gaze whilst sipping her whiskey, slowly letting out a small smirk, complimented by her blushing cheeks.
"So, what's the plan tonight then ladies?" Arthur grinned.
"I say we go out and have a little fun. It's not like we get the opportunity much anymore" Emily mentioned.
"Great idea" John said, quickly getting out of his seat and reaching out for Mary's hand.
"How bout that then Tommy" Arthur nudged, "A sweet old bit of fun... like the old days".
Tommy continued to admire Emily, barely responding to any notion that occurred. Arthur leaned over and whispered into his ear and Tommy let out a small smile.
"Oh bloody hell... did I just see Thomas Shelby smile?" John laughed.
"You bloody did John boy" Arthur responded.
"What did he say?" Mary questioned innocently.
Just as Mary was about to get a response, Tommy stood up and reached for Emily's hand.
"Shall we?" Tommy asked softly.

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