Chapter Seventeen

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The fire crackled and spat softly in the warmth of Tommy's Small Heath bedroom. The comforting smoke wandered aimlessly around the air creating a hazy dream which covered Emily as she slept peacefully in his bed.

Aberama had given the young heiress a potion which had sent her into a deep, soothing, sleep following the trauma which unfolded before. Tommy sat beside her side; his eyes lingered on her whilst hours had passed, protecting her vulnerable body effortlessly.

A small knock came from the door, followed by the emergence of Polly who waited patiently for Tommy to look at her.
"Yep?" He responded, not making any effort to turn and look at his aunt.
"How is she doing?" Polly asked in a concerning manner.
"Quiet" Tommy bluntly responded.
Polly sighed at his lack of conversation. She could see he was still deeply worried about Emily's condition, and she knew he wouldn't take his eyes off her until she was awake and well - or extremely reassured that she was going to be okay.

Polly stood beside him and placed her hand on his shoulder.
"You should come downstairs. Have a break. Maybe have a cup of tea?" She advised.
"I'm okay thanks Pol" He grunted.
"I can send John or Arthur up to watch her?"
Tommy turned and stood up; pain engulfed his expression as he faced her. She was worried for her nephew - he never really expressed emotion to anyone, and always kept a level head, but it was evident that he was in a state of vulnerability and confusion.

Tommy cleared his throat and then rubbed his face; he did this frequently when he was stressed.
"Tommy, after all these years of knowing you, I would have hoped that by now you would talk to me about how you're feeling... you've not been the same lad since you came back from the war" Polly sighed.
Tommy frowned whilst maintaining occasional watches over Emily.
"Do you think the baby is okay?" Tommy asked quietly.
Polly pulled him in and hugged him in response to his question. He couldn't figure out whether the hug was a sign of good health or bad, so instead he just allowed her to hold him.
He reminisced for a moment; she hugged him the same way his mother once did, softly and quietly without fuss giving no indication of future consequences to the conversation which happened before.

"Pol?" Tommy delicately sobbed as he pulled away from the hug, wiping the tears to hide his fear.
Polly took her nephews hands and looked him in the eyes.
"The baby is fine Tommy. He is strong"
Tommy's face lit up with relief as he looked over at Emily.
"And so will Emily. She is strong and so is your little baby boy"
"Baby boy?" Tommy gasped, rubbing his head with relief as he paced around the room. He smiled at the thought of a future family, of being a father - a better one than his father was to him - but it also terrified him knowing the danger his work would always put them in.
Was he ready for such a responsibility?
Putting himself at risk was one thing, but putting his love and children at risk was another - blind innocence to be drawn to the flames like moths just because they shared the same name?

"But Tom-" Polly interrupted his thought. "You must not let your emotions get in the way of your business. That is when you put everyone in danger, and that is exactly what led to todays events".
Tommy nodded carefully.

Polly was right: She was always right.

"Now go on, go have a drink with your brothers, I'll watch her for a while. No harm will come" Polly smiled reassuringly.
Tommy sighed with relief and obeyed her command. He left the room just after checking on Emily once again, kissing her forehead as she slept soundly.


Tommy emerged into the kitchen where his brothers and sister resided alongside the various guests they had stumbled upon in their commotion. He immediately moved towards the cabinet where the whisky was kept and poured himself a large glass before swallowing it in one go.

"Tommy?" Ada said precariously.
He turned to look at his sister and raised his eyebrow.
"Emily okay?" She inquired.
He nodded blankly, like he always did, not engaging in direct emotion despite his previous conversation with Polly.
"Eh Tommy?" John butted in. "This big fella here wants to have a chat". John slapped James on the back as he perked up conversation.
"Right" Tommy groaned and nodded. "All of you get out then".
"What? Why do we have to leave?" Ada snapped angrily.
Tommy reached into his pocket and tossed her a few coins. "Go on Ada, go by yourself a new dress. That a girl".
John and Arthur chuckled.
"What? Bloody hell Thomas! For fucks sake! I'm not so easily bought-" Ada retorted.
"Alright Ada, get up now. Up you get" Arthur said, helping her up out of her chair.
"Fucks sake Tommy" Ada called as she was being escorted out the room.

Silence resumed as soon as the door slammed.

Tommy struck a match and lit a cigarette as he gestured James to sit down at the table. The two men sat cautiously of one another. James could not judge what type of mood Tommy was currently inhabiting and that terrified him.

"So what now?" Tommy said, exhaling smoke and tapping the ash from his cigarette into a small ashtray.
"Look, firstly I want to say how sorry I am about what happened" James quickly blurted.
Tommy shook his head and continued to smoke.
"I didn't know of any plots against myself, so I'm assuming it was your fault, however, I'm sorry for what happened to Emily".
Tommy clicked his tongue. "You're not doing anything to impress me Mr Mathews".
"Is that what I'm here for Thomas?" James responded curiously.
Tommy shrugged coldly. "You tell me"
"Look, I know things are messy, but I'm still going to take you up on your proposal. In return, I will give you what you want. But know that once I give you what you want, you will forever be in debt to me".

"Well then Mr Mathews" he paused. "I don't want it" Tommy put out his cigarette and stood up politely.
"Oh but you do. I've seen enough to gage your weaknesses Mr Shelby. You have a lot of enemies. Whether you like it or not, you need me as much as I need you" James smiled.
"Is that meant to be some sort of threat?" Tommy remarked.
"It is only a threat when you perceive it as one" James said, also standing up.
"Now if you will excuse me, I have your business to attend to. Let me know when Emily recovers" he mentioned, tapping Tommy on the shoulder as he passed through the doorway and out onto the street.

Tommy stood momentarily in the quiet kitchen, both hands in each pocket as the fire cackled peacefully in the background. He then thought to himself.

Business must resume as usual...

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