Chapter Twenty-Three

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Emily returned home late that evening and rushed upstairs to find Mary: she was positively overwhelmed with excitement as she leaped up each step, making sure she contained herself momentarily before she reached her room.

As she burst through the door, her face dropped as soon as she noticed her mother and father sat on the stall waiting for her to arrive. Mary was stood in the corner; she mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' as soon as she had made eye contact and quickly turned to Emily's parents.

"Emily. I think you should sit down" Marie sighed at the sight of her daughter.
"Is everything okay?" Emily cautiously approached her parents and sat down in front of them.
"Your mother and I have decided to move away from Birmingham and go to London" James announced.
Emily nodded slowly, not thinking much into the details of what such a movement would entail.
"This will mean you will come with us. I have been notified of potential marriage suitors for you" James finished.
"What?! No. I cannot come with you! My life is here. Let me stay here father?!" Emily burst.
"Absolutely not. I will not have you running around without a husband here. As soon as you marry, you may come back and live in this house if that is what your husband desires" James added.
"No...No!" Emily shook her head. "I'm not going. I cannot". She could see her fathers face grow angrier the more she opposed.
"Emily, darling, you must not object" Marie softly proclaimed.

Emily stood up abruptly and went to leave the room before quickly being pulled back by her fathers grasp.

"You will abide by my authority Emily!" He shouted. "I have had enough of you running around with this city's scum. Did you really think I did not know of your relations with the criminal Thomas Shelby?"

Emily turned back angrily and glared at her father.

"I will not have you speak about Thomas in such a way!" Emily cried. "He is a good man, with outstanding ambition to make the world a better place... he is not scum!"
James rolled his eyes and scoffed in anger. "You will come to London with us and forget about Thomas Shelby".
"No father. I won't" Emily said as she shook her head again.
"Emily, please. Don't make this difficult" Marie begged.
"No, Mother, you don't understand" Emily snapped.
"What is there not to understand darling?" She responded.
Emily placed her hand stressfully upon her forehead and paced back and forth.
"Emily. Speak to us. What has happened? Has he hurt you?" James' tone turned slightly more sympathetic.
"Thomas has proposed to me and I have agreed to marry him"
"What!?" James howled.
Emily showed her hand; there gleamed the most perfect silver ring which sat carefully round her finger.
"No" James shook his angrily as he stormed over to her. "Take it off. You're not going to marry him. Don't be ridiculous".

Emily pulled away from him and ran out the door and down the stairs. James was following closely behind; she could hear her mother and Mary cry for him not to stop following her.
Emily had always grown up being fearful of her father. He was extremely unpredictable and controlling of her - this forced her fight or flight motion as soon as she noticed him storm over to her.

"Stop running away from me!" James shouted aggressively.
Emily began to run down the stairs, however, she was overly cautious of the baby, slowing her down each and every step. Eventually she had reached the bottom. As she turned to check her fathers position, he grabbed her wrist and attempted to reach for her ring finger. She pulled her hand in resistance, sparking his anger even further as he swung and struck her cheek. In the complete shock, Emily fell to the ground in a quick whimper.

A colossal gasp game from the top of the stairs from Marie and Mary as they watched the violence occur. Mary immediately stumbled down the stairs, screaming for Emily and then at James.
"You monster!" Mary cried. "She's pregnant you fool!"

James stood back and assessed the situation: he looked over his daughter, horrified at his actions.
Marie instantly burst into tears and ran down to also check on her daughter. James immediately tried to resolve the situation by going over to which he was viciously spat at by Marie.

Mary helped Emily to her feet and encouraged her to leave the room... but Emily had other ideas. She wiped the blood from her now split eyebrow and marched over to her father; her face was ridden with resent - and James could see it.
He momentarily stepped back in fear of her reaction.
"You are a coward to hit a woman...especially your own kin" Emily spat. "If you weren't my father, I would have done so many things in response to this... mark my words" she continued, gritting her teeth and moving her head more intimidatingly intron of her fathers.
"Emily, my dear, I'm so sorry!" James begged for her forgiveness.
Emily shook her head. "I am packing a bag and leaving this house. I am not coming to London, and most importantly, you will never get the chance to control me again".

With that said, Emily marched upstairs and packed all her necessary belongings into a trunk. Mary aided her friend in her endeavour, all whilst packing herself a bag.

The door creaked open revealing Marie; her face was brightly puffed up from crying. The moment Emily saw her face, she immediately ran over and hugged her mother tightly.

"I'm so sorry my darling" Marie sobbed. "Have you anywhere to go?"
Emily pulled away and wiped her mothers tears.
"Don't you worry about me...I will stay in a hotel for how ever long is necessary. But ultimately you know where to find me, should you wish to visit me mother... I love you" she said, feigning a small smile.
"I love you too" Marie cried as she handed Emily a purse. "Take this. It is my wedding gift...incase I don't get to see you".
"Oh mother" Emily frowned. "I will write to you! You will come to the wedding!"
Marie turned to Mary and took her hands. "Look after her... and yourself my dear...."

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