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"Don't let a single one get away!" 

NATO pointed his gun at the sky, attempting to aim for the... "Thing" in the sky. Everyone else was standing alongside him. from the youngest countries to the most experienced at fighting, everyone was gathered there to fight the thing, or die trying. The cliffside echoed with the frantic shouts and gunfire of those desperate to defy the imminent threat.

The "Thing" was a massive glowing ball of light, surrounded by colourful wing-shaped objects that appeared to be made out of metal and orbiting its body. The "Thing" hovered menacingly, casting an eerie glow across the gathered assembly. Surrounding it, were what seemed to be many white, gloved hands, slowly approaching the cliff where everyone was gathered. 

As tension thickened, strategies were hastily devised.

"We'll each need to take on about ten."

"Stow your fears, it's now or never!"

"We'll win this, I know we will!"

The gloves around the "hands" starting crumbling away, showing their true nature and revealing blue orbs of light underneath the fabric. All the blue orbs converged and flew back to the center of the "Thing" where a large, yellow orb of light was, forming glowing streaks across the sky as the metal-winged being absorbed all of them. 

As everyone prepared for the "Thing's" next move, the UN suddenly saw envisions of the downfall of all the personifications at the "Thing's" hands, and immediately looked back at everyone in shock and despair, But a glimmer of hope emerged, as he foresaw Phoenix, his adopted semi-angel daughter,  escaping by her using her own Rainbow Star Magic.  

The connection between the "Thing" and the now-absorbed blue light orbs from it's "Hand" army spawned a black hole, which soon collapsed, unleashing an array of beams of intense and blinding light. 

One by one, everyone was absorbed by the light. Regardless of what they did, running away or  fighting back, each personification faced the wrath of the radiant beams, consumed without mercy they were all absorbed by the light. No one escaped.

Except one.

"Oh hurry up you damned thing-" Phoenix was riding away on one of the Rainbow Stars she had conjured using her magic abilities she was born with. At this rate, many beams of light were after her, all attempting to catch her. Phoenix held on to the edges of the star for dear life as she sped away and performed risky manoeuvres in an attempt to escape the "Thing". Her black dress, adorned with the imprints of many small, colourful stars on it and her wings were fluttering behind her as she flew on the star. 

There was only one way to escape this. Flying up into space and praying. 

Phoenix was just able to escape the onslaught in time as the light engulfed the whole world, sterilising all human and animals off it's surface. 

But as fate would have it, some space debris flug her Rainbow Star off course, causing her to hold on even tighter as the star fell through the skies, back to the surface of the Earth. 

Thankfully, the light had faded, revealing the world below to be sterilized and devoid of life. 

 Phoenix fell to Earth, her descent cushioned by her celestial nature. She survived, the lone remnant of a world erased.

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