1. You didnt deserve that

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I'm feeling really overwhelmed and fragile today. When I found out lia cheated on me last night it has made everything worse and dealing with the break up harder. I just feel so stupid. But I have to go to training and see her every day so I better get over it soon but today is just hard.

I walk in to training after sitting in my car for 5 minutes trying not to breakdown because I really don't want to see her today. I walk to my locker and just start changing not looking at anyone or saying hi to anyone which is unusual for me.

When I'm putting my boots on the changing room is nearly empty, it's only me and Katie in here. "Hey are you okay? You're normally not this quiet" she asks from across the room. I look up to her and sigh "yeah I'm fine just tired thanks tho" I say and try and give her a smile but it doesn't reach my eyes. She looks at me like she doesn't believe me but chooses not to say anything.

Training just consisted of me avoid lia and just trying to get through it. It was so long and tiring so when it was over I let out a sigh of relief. In the changing room I looked around and saw lia looking at me. I looked away and went back to changing I could feel another pair of eyes on me and looked up to see Katie looking at me. All of these eyes are starting to annoy me. As I'm changing I hear lias conversation with Leah and she sounds so happy and care free meanwhile she has caused me to be heartbroken after she cheated on me. I just sit there thinking how she can be acting like that right now and my eyes start to sting. I can feel tears forming in my eyes so I stand up quickly and walk out to the bathroom letting a few tears fall. As I'm walking I hear footsteps behind me so I wipe my eyes but it does nothing because the tears are still falling. When the person reaches me I turn and see Katie standing there with a concerned look on her face. "Hey what's wrong?" she says in a soft voice putting her hand on my shoulder. This causes me to cry more and I just cover my face with my hands and cry into them. She pulls me into a hug and rubs my back and I just put my face on her chest. "It's okay I'm here" she says into my hair.

Once I'm calmer I apologize for crying . " hey don't apologize for crying, you're allowed to cry I just want to know what happened so I can help." I pull her into a quieter part of the hallway so I can tell her what's going on.
"So you know me and Lia broke up last month?" I say "yeah" she says with a confused look "I found out last night she cheated on me when we were together because someone took a picture of her kissing a girl outside the club she was at" i say trying not to cry " oh shit I'm so sorry you didn't deserve that. How could she do that to you" she says holding m hand in hers and giving me an apologetic look. " yeah so I'm just having a shit day in general and the fact she's in there laughing with Leah after doing this to me is just making me feel stupid" I say sighing and looking down. "Hey don't say that you're not stupid. What she did wasn't right and you deserve to be upset. Don't feel bad because none of it's your fault. I'm always here to talk okay?" She says again pulling me into another hug. "Thanks Katie" I say into her shoulder.

When we walk back in to the changing room every one has left so we pack our stuff and walk out together. Katie puts her arm around me and give me another hug before I get into my car. She tells me to text her later and we say bye and go home.

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