00 | Prologue

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In the bustling heart of Delhi, where the clamor of city life echoed through the Malhotra mansion, Arjun Malhotra, a 25-year-old medical resident, lived a life cushioned by privilege. With his tailored suits and polished demeanor, he seemed to be cruising through the expected milestones of a high-class existence. However, destiny had a quirky sense of humor that was about to unravel his neatly laid plans.

One day, a peculiar twist of fate whisked Arjun away from the familiar comforts of Delhi to a rural village in Bihar. His mission: a medical camp aimed at bringing healthcare to the underprivileged. Little did he know, this expedition would serve up a concoction of suspense, comedy, and romance that not even his meticulous medical textbooks could prepare him for.

Enter Banishree Singh, a 19-year-old dreamer with stars in her eyes and a pocketful of aspirations. An orphan who had weathered life's storms, Banishree's heart harbored a fervent desire to grace the silver screen. Fate, however, had its own script for her, one that unfolded in the most unexpected of ways.

As Arjun, the Delhi doctor with his head in the clouds of stethoscopes and surgeries, took Banishree's health into his hands, an unforeseen comedy of errors commenced. A harmless medical examination metamorphosed into a melodramatic event when Banishree's overzealous uncle, armed with a misplaced sense of dignity, intervened. What started as a routine check-up culminated in a shotgun wedding under the open skies of Bihar.

Thrown into a union neither of them sought, Arjun and Banishree must now navigate the labyrinth of love, laughter, and societal expectations. The catch? Arjun already has a girlfriend awaiting him back in the polished corridors of Delhi, blissfully unaware of the comedic chaos brewing in Bihar.

In this tale of unforeseen unions, societal clashes, and dreams entangled in the threads of fate, laughter dances hand in hand with suspense, and romance tiptoes on the edge of chaos. Will Arjun untangle himself from this unexpected knot, or will he find that sometimes, the heart's rhythm dances to a tune of its own? Welcome to the delightful symphony of love and laughter, where destiny holds the conductor's baton, and the unexpected notes are the sweetest of all.


Prologue is out!!
Hare Krishna

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