Chapter 30

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Tyro's POV

Sitting at the table together.

Eating meals together.

Laughing together.

We were almost a perfect family. But hey don't look behind the curtain, there is an assassin, mad scientist, pyromaniac, liar, thief and lab rat.

Last night King and I shared an intimate moment, and it has plagued my mind ever since. I feel suffocated by the amount of uncertainty that has taken over my thoughts.

I knocked on Amo's door before opening it haphazardly.

It's like I was subconsciously waiting for King's witty, usual remark but when it never came, I snapped out of my thoughts and walked towards his bed.

"How can I help you today?" He asked as he sat on his desk making something out of metal. Looked like an arrow, but also a little different.

"Last night King and I... did something" I started. He immediately dropped the weird object and turned to me.

"What did you do?"

"Something... intimate, that I have never done before".

"OMG my brother finally had sex! I thought you would die a virgin" he exclaimed, smiling like a fool and jumping to his feet dancing around.

His happy dance, as he calls it.

Has he gone insane? You would think so with the weird way he is contorting his body and humming a strange tune. I watched him intently with a scowl on my face as he loudly expressed his 'happy'.

"What?! No, you idiot, why would I have sex with King?" I interrupted his happy dance and joyful humming. It felt like something shattered, and it was probably the mood.

"Wait, so what did you do?" he asked, finally sitting back down after embarrassing himself shamelessly. "We... hugged" I replied.

Saying it brought back the memories of it, the same ones that have plagued me ever since it happened.

"What's the big deal?" He questioned, looking disappointed at my answer.

I had never hugged anyone in my life, probably, and he is asking me what the big deal is?

I scoffed and stood up from my seat, craving the beautiful green licks of fire that my favourite lighter produces.

"Ok, ok I'm sorry it's a big deal. I'm glad you hugged someone and I'm even happier that it was King, don't you feel better?" Amo voiced, rushing to his door – blocking my exit sand preventing me from leaving.

None of my problems were solved, yet for some strange reason I did feel better.

I heard a loud beep coming from my room, so I unceremoniously shoved Amo out the way and left. I saw King approaching my room as well, probably following the sound that was coming form it. "Is that an alarm or something?" She asked, rubbing her eyes like she had just been sleeping. "It's the alarm for when the tracker has been clicked. So, either Dax ate something really hard, or they are in danger" I replied, whipping my door open and rushing to my laptop.

Amo and Domo were soon in my room too, looking around the crazy space.

Whenever anyone comes into my room, I feel like they have stepped into my brain, and I feel invaded. I want them to get out.

Though the same can't be said about King.

I grabbed my laptop and rushed downstairs with them all on my tail.

"This is where the tracker is" I said, pointing to a spot on the map with a flashing red light.

"That is the middle of the ocean" Domo pointed out the obvious. "Are you sure there isn't some mistake?" she continued still looking at the map that displayed the flashing red light and the steady green light beside it. Eustace hadn't activated the homing signal; I wonder why Dax did.

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