Chapter 27

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Tyro's POV

I don't have best friends. I have Amo but I see him more as family because we went through a lot together.

Other than him, I trust no one.

Until King came.

"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same" King has said that to me before. More than once. And I agree.

I trust King. I'm unsure why and I would never tell her that I do. But I have a sick feeling that she already knows.

It was the day of the final test. I was in the first ring against Domonic. Poor girl. I signalled to King, that it would take me less than 1 minute to push her out of the ring and she nodded, agreeing with me. Domonic wasn't a worthy opponent for me and it was cruel that we were matched up. But then again, we have all been training so it only makes sense they want to test how her new and improved skills fare up against me.

Not well, obviously.

I took 30 seconds to push her out. She didn't even have time to defend herself, or attack.

I pity her, but that's life. My other opponents were also unworthy of facing off with me. Amo almost managed to push me out, but in the end, he ended up on the floor like the rest of them. Eustace was very hard to catch, but as soon as I did, it was over for her quickly.

Then King. Amo once said we should get together because no one else would date our 'scary asses' but I think he forgot to consider that we wouldn't either. It was funny to me, but in hindsight – I can see what he sees. King's special in a way I cannot explain yet.

When it was King and I's turn to face off, we entered the ring and looked at each other in the eye. We have spent 2 weeks hurting each other and fighting, for it to lead to more hurting and more fighting. I know we both have an appetite for violence but eventually, they expect us to get full, right?

We continued looking each other in the eye and made a silent agreement. We shook hands and then the countdown started. "3...2..." the voice bellowed. The tension in the stadium was palpable and I could feel the stares of a million eyes on my back. They are all watching us. They don't care about the other matches. They just want to know who the best is, me or King.

I have also wondered that sometimes, but King and I both know that if we were enemies, we would be equally matched and have a very difficult time against each other. We have different skill sets but are very good at what we do – hard to beat.

"1...commence!" The announcer finally announced after what felt like days of waiting. [A/N: lol sorry guys]

King and I looked into each other's eyes before sitting down on the floor of the ring. The loud gasps made everyone look our way, even the people in the other rings. They questioned us through their gaze, what are you doing? Their faces ask. But we don't respond. We look at each other and King smiles at me.


It's so strong yet fragile. It can be so easily broken yet can hold up a mountain. A loud thundering of footsteps headed towards us. "You have to fight or else you are both disqualified" Blake bellowed. What a sadist.

"If we are disqualified does that mean we can go back to the house and sleep?" King asked hopefully, Blake stuttered as he realised that getting disqualified was more of a reward than a punishment. "Fight or you will have 1 more week of intense training" he threatened. I shrugged and got more comfortable whilst King laughed, "Oh no, not more training" she voiced, sarcastically and then stood up from her spot. She walked towards me and offered a hand to help me stand.

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