Chapter 11

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Amo's POV (Before the plane crash)

Tyro was the only family I had for the longest time. My own family didn't want me and the family I had now tolerated me because I was his only family to. I never had much of a choice in this turbulent sea we call 'life'. I was always pushed and pulled by it's current and I simply went along with it because I always had the mantra that 'everything happened for a reason', a reason that would benefit us in the future.

But being with Domo has made me selfish. It has made me want to go against the current, it made me want to do things for my own reasons. I was never really religious or had any beliefs but if there is a God, I pray whole heartedly that no matter what happens in life, no matter what my ultimate purpose is, that Domo stays by my side always. People wouldn't understand what it's like to need someone, to yearn for someone and to hurt for someone. To cry for them, to smile for them, to breathe for them. To want to live for them and to be ready to die for them.

Domonic and I have always shared a special connection, I'm a scientist but when it comes to Domo I have to believe in soulmates. There is no other valid explanation.

But she doesn't want me. That's the fact of life. I can tell, I see it in her eyes. She doesn't talk to me; she doesn't look at me. I feel like I'm 1 million miles away from her when she is sitting right next to me. We walk onto the plane and Blake leaves after our loving banter. I called Domo to the back of the plane, hoping to finally alleviate the tension and pain in my chest. "Domo, please! Please forgive me for everything I did, I can't go on like this – you are acting like I'm dirt under your shoe whilst I keep chasing you, trying to earn back your affection! Please Domo!" I cry out to her, my eyes start stinging as I slightly look down at her, hoping some sort of emotion crosses her face so I know where I stand.

She stared at me blankly, processing what I had said, I assume. "Why is it my fault?" she cried silently. She looked up at me with glassy eyes, "I know what I did but why is it my fault for caring too much, why am I being treated like a villain, LIKE A DEMON, for caring about you too much?! I'm sorry I blamed King but why did you shout at me for caring about you?! You say you chase my affection, but you took that shit, my affection, in your hand and threw it on the ground, then spat on it! You didn't 'lose' my affection, you threw it away" She screamed at me. I was gobsmacked, she was right. In my head I acted like it was her that was distancing herself from me, but I was the one who alienated her affection, though they were misguided, and treated her feelings badly. "I'm so sorry Domonic, I'm so sorry" I sincerely apologised whilst holding her close to my chest.

I know how she felt. Demonised, alienated, hated for something that was well-meant yet misguided. "I am so sorry" I said once again. She nodded her head slowly and the weight that had been crushing me slowly lifted. Finally. I felt like I breathe easier, walk easier, smile easier. I felt calm once again. Breathe in... and out... and in– a ear splitting sound followed by a rock of the aircraft made me tense up again. What now?! I only just calmed down again. The cold air flooded the plane rapidly, followed by an irritatingly loud whistle. I held Domo firmly, like hell I'm losing her again!

Blake came sprinting to the back of the plane followed by Eustace and Dax, and... wait where are– damn! Can't I finish one thought before something happens! King screeches as her and Tyro are sucked out of the plane mercilessly, their heads knocking on the hard metal body of the plane whilst Tyro's body gets scratched up savagely by the metal debris colonising their exit whilst he tries to protect King from it, who is already barely conscious.

Domo attempts to dive towards them, to catch King's arm, but I hold her back. She cries furiously in my chest, banging and screaming "why didn't you let me save her!". I stayed silent, knowing that she would come to that conclusion on her own.

We don't need more people to die today.

If she had tried to save them, we would've lost her too. The pilot did various evasive manoeuvres to evade the attackers.

The atmosphere was despondent. Eustace wailing perpetually, Domo choking on her own sadness, Blake contacting multiple people yet getting through to no one, Dax throwing up a vile substance that smelt like a failed experiment, fitting, and I, blinking slowly. The world seemed to be on mute. The silence of it mocking me constantly, letting the weight of the events that had just happened hit me like a truck: In mere seconds, I lost my whole family.

A/N: Omg, can people please comment when I make spelling errors or a sentence doesn't make sense because im reading my book and I can't lie, it's looking illiterate💀💀. I need to edit it and stuff so can you lot help me out by pointing out mistakes😭🙏🏾.

Syndicate of tribulationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora