Chapter 26

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King's POV

The night they returned from the 'murder island'

We were all back at the house. The checkpoint.

Though there was some lingering tension due to the bomb Blake dropped, everyone's ability to completely disregard reality astounded me as always. We were at the dining table, and they all chatted idly whilst I quietly ate my food, listening to their conversation.

Then Tyro whispered beside me. I swear, why does he always feel the need to sit next to me wherever we go, he needs to make more friends – Amo not included. "Wanna double team the simulation room again", I swear if my self-control was any worse, I would hit him upside the head. "You idiot, for someone who claims to be a genius you act like you have never heard of circadian rhythm, unlike 'you I value mine" was my rebuttal, he rolled his eyes like a bratty child before putting down his utensil and turning towards me.

"Oh boohoo you liar, you stay up till like 2 a.m. because you 'value the peace' and then wake up at 5. You value your circadian rhythm as much as you value your life" he spat back.

That was low. Below the belt. Unnecessary.

My stare turned hard, and my glare chopped through him. How dare he? After everything he knows about me, which granted isn't that much but enough to know not to say something like that.

"If you are looking for an apology then you better look elsewhere, just woman up and do the simulation with me" he voiced lowly, though we had been whispering the whole time. "Just do it yourself. " I coldly responded, already fed up with his attitude. "I train enough on my own, our teamwork needs to get better considering our 'jobs'. I thought you were smart enough to know the meaning of 'team' " he wittingly retorted.

He makes me sick sometimes, but I somewhat agree. Due to our compatibility and the fact we are more often than not roped into working together, it only makes sense we train more together seeing as we haven't for a while and our appalling, non-existent fight against Perfide in France was enough of a wakeup call that our combined strength was weaker than it should be.

"No, we can't do that, we have to go to bed" I stated finally, I raised an eyebrow at Tyro, and he knew that I had acknowledged and accepted his point, but we had to rest up for tomorrow. He scoffed, "Come on, don't be a baby, we did it before and it was fun" he paused and smirked, and I remembered the adrenaline and how exhilarating it was to fight beside him.

He was convincing me slowly, and he knew that.

"Come on, we will be quick, we haven't done it in ages" he continued. Damn. I'm convinced, we cleared the hardest level in like 5 minutes before. However, I heard Blake updated it when he heard about our fantastic feat. We would clear the level and then go straight to bed.


This is the last time I ever trusted Tyro. Late last night, he knocked on my door, I had already changed into my workout gear but I still had to get some weapons, so I opened my door and told him to come in while I got my throwing knife from where I had stashed them and also tied my hair back.

He sat on my bed in his workout gear, which consisted of a black vest and black shorts. We left the room shortly after and went down to the training room. We entered the simulation area and put it on the hardest level.

Something had felt different. Before, the reason that the hardest level was so hard was because it focused a lot on speed. You had to get them before they got you. But this time, the holograph didn't pop up as soon as I clicked start. Just a holographic bullet was shot. We had dodged out of the way but couldn't see where it was coming from. The other was shot and I managed to throw my knife before the holographic ran away.

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