Chapter 6

153 6 10

King's POV

"Lune Von"

What is that? Who is that? It sounded like a name but I'm unsure whose. "Don't ever say that name again" Tyro threatened, his already dark eyes becoming even darker. His posture changed, from looking like the victim it changed to the aggressor. From prey he had turned into a predator. All with one name. Who was it that could invoke such a change.

The guards surrounding him took a step back, the waves of Tyro's fury almost scalding their very hands. I glanced at Bes and surprisingly his face showed a faint shadow of familiarity. Anger hid behind Bes' blank eyes but I could see it — no, i could feel it.

"We don't have time for this! I just want to get this all over with!" I bellowed, interrupting the suffocating layer of tension forming. "Ah! Of course. Follow me" said the pudgy man with a thick french accent and swivelled around to walk into the shadows that seemed to stretch for miles. I rolled my eyes at the weird act but nonetheless followed with Tyro trailing me and the guards and Bes watching us go with sickly smirks littering their faces.

I was used to darkness, i lived in it. Lights were a luxury in the institute for us children. We would get sunlight when we went on missions or at meal times with the candles. I learnt how to navigate through it. Heightened senses, it sounds like a super power but it's not really. I think of it more like someone chopped off my arm and replaced it with a metal one, sure, a metal arm is cool but it's not worth the agony and perils that come before it. Tyro gripped my wrist tightly and shuffled behind me. He wasn't used to it, i sometimes forget that other people didn't grow up like me. Lucky them.

We trudged through the winding darkness until we reached a mahogany door. Following the pudgy man through it, we arrived at what seemed like an empty room. The aura of the room alone and the side eye Tyro and I gave to each other signalled it was time for us to run. Before we could even make one step towards liberty, a perpetual amount of people covered in black grabbed onto us. They came down from the ceilings, out the floor, through hidden doors, all around us. Within moment we were trapped down to the chairs, immobilised completely. "Well, you both have too much raw skill for us to just dispose of" the chief said with a thick accent. "So instead we have decided to make you ours" he continued whilst slapping an eerie looking machine. "Let the brain manipulation be-", he was interrupted by an incessant buzzing in his pocket. "Wait! Its the owner. Everyone stop!" He bellowed and left the room.

"What are they going to do to us?" Tyro harshly whispered. "I wish I knew. But it cant be good, we have to get out of here" i mumbled in reply. "I already know that you idiot" he voiced, i could hear the eye roll in his sentence.
"Any ideas?"
"nope, you?"
"Nada" (nothing)
"Mismo" (same)
"Well since we are goners i just want to say it was nice being your friend, Tyro" I said in resignation. "Yeah, you too".
"It's a shame I never got to live properly, i was always hoping one day we could just do normal stuff and act like kids for once" I proclaimed, mostly to myself.

I was sick of running. Sick of trying to get my well earned freedom. There's too many things in my way, too many people trying to stop me from ever living normally. Even if I make it out of this, what's next? Running, more and more running. From enemies, from the government, from myself. So much running and my legs are tired.

When I was in the institute i made a poem. At first it was like a song, i would sing myself to sleep with it. It lulled me. I don't know why but it seemed to have an hypnotic effect of dragging me into sleep. Even on the most chaotic of nights, where the sound of screaming kept me awake and the haunting memories of my victims banged around like angry animals in a cage perpetually in my head. It would lull me.

It would free me from reality. It would make me feel like i was in a dark room all alone hugging my knees and rocking myself to sleep. And that was the only sort of peace I would ever get.

I run
But my legs are tired
I hide
for how long is this required?
I just want to be free
I don't want to be scared of my mind
Of me
I run but my legs are tired
I hide
for how long is this required?
A saviour, please anyone
Set me free
Im sick of being scared of them
And of me.


If any of you have read any of my other works you would know that this poem is actually one I made years ago (though i did edit it a bit for this book) and its in another book called poems filled with original poems i made all the way from when i was like 11 till now. So yes its a very big book filled with some sad, some cringey and some depressing poems. Though not all of them are bad.  My updating skills for this book is horrible but it will get better eventually. Maybe. I don't know. There isn't a huge word count on this book because i didnt want to give away the future events (hint hint) but yeah..... i love ending on a cliff hanger. This book will be longer than the last book, because it's about 40 chapters long ( maybe more than that though) simply because this is the penultimate book so you already know a bunch of stuff is about to go down😈.

I will try and post up to 20 chapters before this year is over but that might not happen unfortunately but we shall see.
Anyway hope you have a lovely day🤍🤍🤍🤍

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