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["There is no time to die."]

I opened my eyes to a sterile white room, the harsh light stabbing at my consciousness. Needles pricked my arms, tethering me to the hospital bed like a reluctant puppet. The acrid scent of disinfectant hung in the air, a stark reminder of my disoriented state.

Time became a blur of fragmented memories, while machines beeped rhythmically in the background. I tried to move but felt heavy and unresponsive.

A distant door creaked open, and a cadre of white-coated figures entered, their expressions veiled behind professional stoicism. Their hushed conversations created an undercurrent of tension as they reviewed charts and exchanged terse glances.

One of them, a figure obscured by the weight of responsibility, approached my bedside. "Good, you are awake. We can discuss your condition." The man flips paper over his cracked writing board and without looking at me, he starts talking.

"I see you've had quite an accident if you can call it that. But don't worry, everything is in the best order and I'm sure the culprit has been taken care of in the best way possible. Now. The bullet that passed through your body didn't damage your ribs or the good heart artery. The only problem we've had is the constant bleeding, but that's taken care of, and right now you just need rest."

The room became a battleground of conflicting emotions — fear, confusion, and a glimmer of hope. The doctor spoke of recovery, of resilience, but each syllable felt like a delicate thread holding me at the precipice of an unknown abyss.

I have so many inexplicable questions, but I know I won't get half as much as I want, so I keep my mouth shut and listen to all the possible solutions the doctor lists.

"The operation was routine so after a week of exercise with the physio you will be free to go home." The Doctor pushed the charms up his nose, tucking his board away beside him. The next time he looked at me I saw that he was struggling with words. "Your employees." He clears his throat. "They are outside your room and they refuse to leave without you. This is not a hotel, Mr. Stoia, so I will ask you to talk and tell them to leave."

I swallowed feeling a sharp and strong pain in my chest. I refuse to look in the direction of my wound and see what that bitch of a woman has done to me. I can feel the scar from my neck to my stomach pulsing.

"Of course, I will talk to them, but I can't promise anything." Even with a wound, I manage to utter a calm and authoritative voice.

The doctor pursed his lips, knowing it was wisest not to say anything more.  Before he left he turned to me. "One more thing sir. She is here."

"Who?" Calia. If that's the case, I'm not going to waste time but pin her on all these needles that are right inside me. I will feel amazing after seeing her bleed out and slowly die in front of me and people whose job it is to save lives.

But the man said something completely different. "Your wife, sir. She is here outside your room."

Like hit by the thunderstruck and unable to move as I stared at the doctor. "My wife?" My head fell on a soft pillow.

"Yes. She's been waiting almost as long as you've been here. Should I bring her in–"

"Yes." I'm desperate. I'm so desperate for her. She doesn't have to say anything. She can look at me with anger and hatred and feel the same about me. But I need her. I need her to just stand in front of me so I can absorb everything she allows me to.

I need her.

I need her so much that I don't even care if she's here to finish killing me.

The door closed behind the doctor just to only a moment later opened again and reveal, my wife.

My wife.

The high black boots she wears make a sound as she walks to the center of the room. Her hair is in the perfect place the whole time, giving me the best view of her face, and I remember so many things making my heart shiver and dance at the same time.

Maria stopped in the center of the room and without turning around spoke in a voice that heals the blood in the veins.  But it wasn't meant for me. "Excuse us."

The two men around her without a second thought headed out of the room and suddenly, the silence was too loud.

I can hear my heart beating in this cramped space and I bet that she can hear it too.

"I hope you are well now." Her voice surprised me even if her face did not change in the slightest and kept the same stable and dictatorial expression.  "I see the doctors took good care of you. Can't say it was because of me, I just sat in front and waited for them to finish."

"You were here the whole time?"

Maria looked away, only responding with them and nothing else.

Why are you here? The part of me wanted to ask and my whole being longed for her and her voice. But even without her talking and with only a weave of her side profile is enough to tell me that she is not here to harm me.  She won't kill me.

"Maria." At the mention of her name, her head snapped at me. The dark expression is gone like it was never there and was replaced with her old and so recognizable one. "Come closer."

She obeys and stands beside my bed so that I don't even have to stretch out my hand as I touch her. She already took my hand holding it with both of hers.

I can't lift my head and I almost drifted into sleep when her fingers gently moved my hand next to me.

"You are too tired to talk right now,"  Maria said gently, quietly, her voice feeling like a melody in my ears. "You should sleep–"

"Stay." I stopped her, letting my hand unsteadily fall on top of hers. "Please stay, love. Please." I moan, my eyes closing at every word that leaves my mouth. "You took so many things from me. My son, my future, yourself. I waited for the day I died just so I could see you again. But now when I finally see you... I think I can't ever let you go. Not ever."

"Aaron." She begs and I smile hearing her name coming from her lips. "I don't love you anymore." She slips her hand away from me and I already miss her warmth.

I hum to myself, battling with my brain to let me stay. "Pretend for me, love. Just at this moment, pretend that we are both happy again."

I heard hard breath as he left and before I knew it, she was already at the end of the room ready to leave.

"If you need me, you know where to find me." The door closed but I still felt her presence.

And I know one thing.

She knows the truth.

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