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["That's the price you pay."]

Never thought my life would turn into this twisted maze of lies and backstabbing. Here I am, staring at my bank account doing the disappearing act, thinking about the choices that got me into this mess.

Started with some weird stuff in my money world – sneaky withdrawals, transactions that spoke in riddles. Got me all bothered, like, what's going down behind the scenes of my so-called secure life. Then it hit me – my wife, or her partner in crime I never saw, was pulling off some financial heist.

Didn't realize how far resentment could go until I saw the signs. Late nights on the computer, her face lit up by the screen, her fingers dancing like she's playing a digital piano. I was blind to the storm brewing in our ordinary life.

First got suspicious when the bank called about strange stuff in my accounts. Thought it was a bank goof, but dug into the digital maze, and traced shady transactions back to the puppet master.

Deep down, I knew. Knew it was her, not in person, but through her digital grip on my money life. Should've been angry and betrayed, but oddly, I felt this weird calm. Realized it one sleepless night, watching numbers on the screen do their silent dance.

Couldn't confront her, couldn't shatter the fake normal we had. Sat there in silence as the digits dropped, money turning into a pawn in our falling-apart marriage.

In the virtual world, she was getting back at me, and all I had left was the bitterness of regret. As my wealth vanished, a strange feeling of freedom took over. Materialism, fake security – all laid bare.

The last keyboard taps sounded like the fading heartbeat of a marriage offbeat. Sat there, defeated but oddly free. The money was gone, but in losing it all, I found a kind of humility. Turns out, sometimes you've got to lose everything to really find yourself.

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