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["Oh baby why did you run away?"]

"What? Not even a hello for your wife? And they say that romance is dead."  Her eyes flickered with sinister and her voice let out pure venom.

My jaw almost dropped in awe as my mind ran a thousand miles, chasing and collecting thoughts like a piece of a puzzle. Stuck in a daze I let myself lean on the wall, holding myself from losing consciousness.

Maria's voice–my Maria's voice, came out as taunting in pity as she bent a little to look at me. "Oh, my pore thing. And I thought that women drive men crazy is just a myth." She tsked, snapping her finger. "Gendry, bring a chair. I can't let my dear husband stand like this."

The man next to her left the room, returning a few moments later with a three-legged stool. He placed it in front of me before taking me by my shoulder and forcing me to sit on it.

The chair wobbled and I had to regain my balance as I leaned on the back. My eyes never leave her, gaping in wonder and disbelief.

"How are you..." I tried to speak, but the words got stuck in my throat. "How..."

"Am I here? Alive?" Maria asked, her now short hair only covering the top of her neck, but leaving her face open and beautiful. Just as I remember. "I thought you would understand by now, However, I recalled that intelligence doesn't always work in your favor." She stepped forward. One small step that made me lose my mind.

Long, black suit hugged her body perfectly. The golden buttons that stretched from her neck to her knees shone almost as her eyes.

All those memories of the past five years vanished from my mind like they never existed. Like she took a rubberband and erased everything that was there, leaving her, and her only.

"Love." My voice cracked. My legs shook as I stood up, but I managed to stay still as I spoke. "My love, I missed you."

Devilish laughter echoed through the small room, stopping me on my track.

When I looked up, Maria's face was everything but lovely and soft. Her laughter broke through barriers, shattering everything inside me.

Just then I noticed the man in front of me holding a pistol that was pointed at me. They are not from Maria's family, their features are far from Eastern European, let alone Russian. Maria knows the same thing. She knows them and in her view they were hers. The new empire that she conquered.

"Sit down Hunter, you're embarrassing yourself." She bade presumptuously snapping her fingers again, but this time pointing at me.

The man next to her, the calm and tall one, stood next to me in quick motion.  He didn't say a word but just pointed a gun at my head.

"Well now is a good time to talk, isn't it?" No smile played on her face, she was firm and determined like the true leader she once wanted to be. I guess after these many years of hiding, she did become one. The good one.

"Marinka, what is happening?" I asked disorientated, my hands gripping the chair as my nails dug into its wood.  "What is it? Why are all these men here and why are they aiming at me?"

I catch a glance at Maria rolling her eyes. Her arms crossed over her chest gave the impression of authority. "You act as if your memory doesn't serve you at all. Like though five years never happened for you or even time before that. Why are you trying to play the victim, now that I have you in hand."  Every word she spoke was harsher than the last.

I shook my head, trying to adjust but was quickly stopped by the gun's barrel against my skull.

Why would she do this? What is she talking about? How is she alive? And why am I the target now?

So many questions were going through my head that I was sure that everyone could hear them.

"I don't understand, love. Is this a joke?" I'm desperate now, so close to falling on my knees and begging her for an explanation. "Please, what—"

"You tried to kill me five years ago!"  Her violent voice cut me off. "You stabbed me, with my knife and then left me to bleed in that empty hole like I'm just a fucking peace of garbage!" Rage went through her body, forcing her cheeks to turn red. "You betrayed me as if everything that was between us didn't even exist!"

The man around us didn't even blink, just staring at one target. Me.

I shook my head again, not believing a word that left her lips. "No." I breathed in revulsion and disbelief. "No, you all get wrong. It wasn't me! I tried to save you! I tried to take you to a safe place, you have to believe me!"

Maria cracked a grin in amusement.  "You were always a very good liar. Very good with your words, but now.." She shook her head down. "The time was not good for you."

My eyes are gaping like witnessing the impossible. "It was the truth! I'm telling you the truth!" Even I know how pathetic I look now. Like a cornered mouse, jumping into the place looking for help – looking for a way out from the cats. "I love you." I can feel my eyes burning. My voice is weak trying to pure everything I want to say. But no matter what I say, she will think it's a lie.

I wouldn't believe myself either.

"I would die for you," I whispered, my head lowered, too scared to meet her eyes again. I don't know what they would do to me this time.

"Then why didn't you." It wasn't a question.

Temptation won me over and I looked up only to be greeted with her malevolent glare.

Silence prevailed and I felt like it had been forever since she spoke. I still have so many questions I need answers to, but I know that she is too stubborn to reveal anything more than I already know.

When she spoke the next time, I could hear the pain in her voice she tried to hide. But I know her too well that I would miss something like that.

"Your glory days are over, Hunter." The mention of my last name is painful, especially when it leaves her mouth. She knows it's hurting me, and she likes it. "You won't–"

"NYPD, drop all of your weapons!" The house trembled once more. This time, the rhythmic thud of boots hitting the floor signaled the arrival of the police. A commanding voice echoed through the room, eliciting both panicked and irate expressions from my wife and the men surrounding us.

"You fucking called cops!" Maria yelled.  "You fucking coward–"

"Get down on the ground and don't move!" The policeman yelled back.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." Maria cursed under her breath. "Let's go boys, our time here is finished."

I turned my head, catching a glimpse of Maria and her companion hastily leaping out of the window. They dashed towards the nearest car, speeding away as the policeman shouted after them.

They are gone, and I'm once more a dead man.

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